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Topic: where is everyone?
Morena350's photo
Thu 11/16/06 06:18 PM
where did everybody go?

Ontario's photo
Thu 11/16/06 06:20 PM
Its late there...probably to bed...!

Chuckee's photo
Thu 11/16/06 06:21 PM
Hey guys, don't forget lil ol me.

no photo
Thu 11/16/06 06:21 PM
too many hotheads for me tonite, im foldin.

Morena350's photo
Thu 11/16/06 06:22 PM
Oh chukee,,
you do know what you missed?

Chuckee's photo
Thu 11/16/06 06:23 PM
nope, fill me in, i hate surfing thru and having to read all of em, so I
just miss out.

DaBadGuy4U's photo
Thu 11/16/06 06:24 PM
Hi chuckee how are you lol

Chuckee's photo
Thu 11/16/06 06:25 PM
I'm great, lovn your new look, OH MAMA!!! lol

DaBadGuy4U's photo
Thu 11/16/06 06:27 PM

lionsbrew's photo
Thu 11/16/06 06:28 PM
im still hangin too just chillin listening to music

Morena350's photo
Thu 11/16/06 06:53 PM
just read Hello by devin, that was crazy girl.

ShagnaC's photo
Thu 11/16/06 07:21 PM
HELLO!!!!!!!! It has been a week of hell over here lol My renters just
moved out so I had to get the house ready to show again, I have been non
stop~ Today there was a riot at work with one of the girls units and it
was a bloddy mess, actualy bloddy lol. So I am pooped but I keep
trucking on~ I hope all is well.

Nervesgone's photo
Thu 11/16/06 07:22 PM
Thank god tomorrow is friday!!

snacky's photo
Thu 11/16/06 07:24 PM
I'm back!!! Who missed me? lol don't answer that

no photo
Thu 11/16/06 07:27 PM
i missed ya snack.

Nervesgone's photo
Thu 11/16/06 07:32 PM
Hi snacky, wanna stir up some trouble??

Morena350's photo
Thu 11/16/06 07:33 PM
hey Im still here

DaBadGuy4U's photo
Thu 11/16/06 07:33 PM
Im about ready to stir up the worst trouble I have ever stirred up and
Im almost positive it will be the greatest amount of trouble to date on
this site.

DaBadGuy4U's photo
Thu 11/16/06 07:34 PM
dare me?

Nervesgone's photo
Thu 11/16/06 07:34 PM
What, where, who, .........................

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