JustBeHonest's photo
Wed 10/16/19 12:01 PM

Most people want the same thing...they want it but can't give it in return.

When you find someone who can, keep them. (In a cage so they can't escape) shades shades

Cutiepieforyou's photo
Wed 10/16/19 12:12 PM
a simple PBJ sammichbigsmile

Mrmxb's photo
Wed 10/16/19 12:53 PM

a simple PBJ sammichbigsmile

It doesn't seem hard you obtain that.


Cutiepieforyou's photo
Wed 10/16/19 01:21 PM

a simple PBJ sammichbigsmile

It doesn't seem hard you obtain that.


Hi, just me being a bit silly!

Mrmxb's photo
Wed 10/16/19 01:43 PM

a simple PBJ sammichbigsmile

It doesn't seem hard you obtain that.


Hi, just me being a bit silly!

Everyone jokes/humor here.happy
I do such, too.smile2
And you did a joke, too.winking

Maybe both women and men want/search humor.:wink:

Tiffany's photo
Wed 10/16/19 02:25 PM

romantic1515's photo
Wed 10/16/19 02:46 PM
Adventure. the attention. change from the routine. butterflies.

Poetrywriter's photo
Wed 10/16/19 07:53 PM

a simple PBJ sammichbigsmile

Here ya are.......

Sir Dino One Love ☝️💚's photo
Wed 10/16/19 11:52 PM
In most cases they want all the blankets and the whole bed.ohwell

no photo
Thu 10/17/19 05:51 AM
Unlimited Halloween supply and blankets we like fluffy blankets

no photo
Thu 10/17/19 06:08 AM

Unlimited Halloween supply and blankets we like fluffy blankets

fluffy blankets... check
holloween supplies... gotta go shopping quick before the red white and green stuff replaces it

kmarm's photo
Thu 10/17/19 06:33 PM
Perhaps to be treated like human beings and not be slotted into some categorical understanding by which, "they" all have some universal appeal for some aspect of sexual or romantic intrigue as expressed in their genderial counterparts.

What do chicks like? Bullet bikes. That's all I've got so far. --A hopeless 28 year old.

Smartazzjohn's photo
Thu 10/17/19 08:40 PM
I always thought that part of the process of getting to know a person, a man or woman, was learning what they wanted as an INDIVIDUAL.

Yeah there are things people generally say they want but even the general things people want such as respect, love etc. take on the individuals interpretations and definitions of those words.

OK now I have headache after that much thing and then writing that crapola. frustrated

no photo
Sat 10/19/19 04:04 AM
Ask them.

If you can relate to the answer you're halfway there.

no photo
Sat 10/19/19 05:02 AM

Nelson's photo
Mon 10/21/19 11:54 PM
Nice one

no photo
Fri 10/25/19 04:00 AM

Cael's photo
Fri 10/25/19 04:48 AM
Girls are strong!!! :grin:

vishu 's photo
Fri 10/25/19 04:51 AM
what happened

no photo
Fri 10/25/19 05:15 AM
Blankets lots and lots of blankets