Topic: Asking someone out
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Sun 12/09/07 01:16 AM
Edited by bryguy1972 on Sun 12/09/07 01:19 AM
Take some time to get to know her. See what her interests are, her lifestyle, etc. You may find her physically attractive but you may find something out that truly turns you off saving you the hassle.

No offense to educaked, but his advice is about as good as Dr. Phil's. huh

And contrary to popular belief, you aren't stuck in the friends zone once you get there. Long term relationships are built upon being friends first and leading into lovers. Trust me, sex first and friends later NEVER works.

Of course, it depends on your intentions. If your looking to hit it and forget it that take crib notes from educaked.

no photo
Sun 12/09/07 01:25 AM
Hey now, my **** works.

I'm serious about that too.

You just have to do it right.

but I think this dude knows about what I was trying to say earlier with humor...Humor is Golden.

no photo
Sun 12/09/07 01:27 AM

Take some time to get to know her. See what her interests are, her lifestyle, etc. You may find her physically attractive but you may find something out that truly turns you off saving you the hassle.

No offense to educaked, but his advice is about as good as Dr. Phil's. huh

And contrary to popular belief, you aren't stuck in the friends zone once you get there. Long term relationships are built upon being friends first and leading into lovers. Trust me, sex first and friends later NEVER works.

Of course, it depends on your intentions. If your looking to hit it and forget it that take crib notes from educaked.

That's the problem though, she's really quiet and just goes about her work when she's on the clock. She isn't the type that chit-chats while working, and it's killing me waiting for times when we randomly happen to be on break together or something. I dunno... I mean yeah I should just grow a pair and ask her, but I'm scared of the word no. I'm not worried about the rejection part, just the akwardness that would come from me asking and her saying no.

no photo
Sun 12/09/07 01:33 AM

That's the problem though, she's really quiet and just goes about her work when she's on the clock. She isn't the type that chit-chats while working, and it's killing me waiting for times when we randomly happen to be on break together or something. I dunno... I mean yeah I should just grow a pair and ask her, but I'm scared of the word no. I'm not worried about the rejection part, just the akwardness that would come from me asking and her saying no.

Rejection isn't easy but it is how YOU react to it. If she says "No" then say, "Ok, thank you" and the next day talk to her like you normally would. Acting weird, depressed, ignoring, etc. is going to really make her feel uncomfortable.

I don't know how old you are and I don't know your intentions. Someone here mentioned a group thing. If you have friends that like to go out invite her along. Much less stressful for her and you get time to know each other.

no photo
Sun 12/09/07 01:37 AM
I'll be an aspiring actor I take Rejections daily..

it used to really bother me but in all honesty, it's not that bad. haha. You just have to handle it right.

I dont know how to describe it, but it wont hurt to ask and then at least you both know where eachother stands.

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Sun 12/09/07 01:46 AM
I'm off. Tomorrow's another day, we'll see what happens.

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Sun 12/09/07 01:52 AM
Ok, Illusion of Me, I just took a look at your profile. First, you got your act together. You come across as being intelligent in your profile, you list your passions (very good), you don't smoke, you're not a heavy drinker, etc. You're a decent looking guy and you are tall. There are plenty of women who like tall men.

I don't know your track record but like edukated said, rejection isn't that bad. In fact, your last post, edukated, was really good.

It's just a numbers game. You're going to come across those woman that aren't attracted to you. It's just a given. Believe it or not, not all women find Brad Pitt good looking.

There isn't any reason to rush into it. But I like that person's post about a group activity. Or you could just go for the gold and ask her out. The only problem I see is that you haven't even talked to her that much at all and second she is a co-worker.

no photo
Sun 12/09/07 03:29 AM
"dont dip the pen in the company ink"
There's my little disclaimer that everyone's been onward to what's REALLY on my mind:

haha i actually agree with edukated. He may have not delivered his advice in the most ...enlightened manner, but the concepts behind his technique are congruent with the theories and practices of the pickup artists. As for using cheesy classic pickup lines combined with wit... that's the right idea but that's only ONE specific technique... why not get the MINDSET down and use your OWN techniques that are most congruent to who YOU are?

It's just a numbers game. You're going to come across those woman that aren't attracted to you. It's just a given. Believe it or not, not all women find Brad Pitt good looking.

Yeah, sure, in some ways it's a numbers game because some women are off-limits because they are too young, too old, too pissed off, too married, etc. but the mindset that the above advice is coming from is that attraction is all about the LOOKS you are born with. WRONG. That's only true on the most part when we're talking about male-to-female attraction. When it comes to female-to-male attraction, it's a whole different dynamic, yo. The truth is, you can create surface attraction within almost any woman, EVEN IF YOU ARE A WOMAN...

What's up with the whole "asking her out" business, Illusion_of_me? You're making this a far bigger deal than it has to be. Just casually invite her to coffee one day or something. caaasssuuuualllyyyy...

Oh oh.. just don't have a couple dates and have sex. If you do end up dating her, get to know her!! LOL just because I just was in this boat like less then a week ago. Maybe make it clear you just want to hang out to get to know her and take it from there. It would probably be a smooth move.

Sexual conflict will always exist's great! Life is SO dynamic and interesting because of this. What am I talking about? I'll tell ya:

If you are male, it is in your best interest to have sex with her as soon as possible. When you do have sex with her early on, most likely she will be willing to go in any direction YOU choose to go with her, whether it be just leaving it at sex or developing it into a meaningful relationship. YOU will have the choice, and she will be fine with whatever choice you make, as long as you managed expectations.

If you are female, it is in your best interest to have sex with him as late as possible. When you withhold sex from him, you enforce power over him and basically control the situation so that it can most likely turn into a meaningful relationship if you want it to be...or if you just want to use him as your happy boytoy. YOU will have the choice, and he will be fine with whatever choice you make, as long as you haven't totally killed off his ego haha.

An interaction/relationship between a male and a female becomes harmonious and most enjoyable at the intersections where the sexual conflicts meet and produce a melifluous 2-tone chord. Always look for and enjoy these intersections and you will die a happy man.

Also Stay the **** Out of the Friend Zone!

Cuz once you're in that...You aint getting out.

Yeah, stay out of it, man...but if you do happen to fall into those dark catacombs, you CAN get out, but it can be very difficult. Message me if you get into it and I'll guide you through the process on getting out, pickup artist-style. Just stay cool and be detactched from the consequences. When you are with her, just live in the moment and don't worry about what's going to happen next. It will come to you.


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Sun 12/09/07 10:15 AM
I just figured if he was asking for tips on asking her out, if he fell into the friend zone it'd be game over. thats why I said friend zone is a no go.

Also let me state this With Rejection.

If you're at a Bar or Club. The guy who get's rejected the most leaves with the most Numbers. <<< That's a Fact.

If you play percentages you should prevail.

no photo
Sun 12/09/07 06:19 PM

If you're at a Bar or Club. The guy who get's rejected the most leaves with the most Numbers. <<< That's a Fact.

If you play percentages you should prevail.

Niiice.. did you say that or are you quoting somebody?

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Sun 12/09/07 07:14 PM
I believe I was saying that...

But its common knowledge about rejection and success.

no photo
Sun 12/09/07 07:15 PM

I believe I was saying that...

But its common knowledge about rejection and success.

r u a PUA? as in r u involved in "the community" at all?

Lily0923's photo
Sun 12/09/07 07:18 PM

Listen just listen.

I was in this same situation at the beginning of this past summer.

And I Slowly but Surely Reeled her In...

All you have to do is well be yourself, but dont open up to her.

Like if she's talking about herself and asks you a personal question, play dumb or just smile and walk away...They Love That ****! Cuz then they want to try to open you up and thats how you do it man.

But on the real, drop the most lamest pick up lines on her daily but do it with wit. Also when talking to her say her name a few times in the conversation. Trust Me.

If that made any sense, then I hope you got some pointers.

Oh my god don't do this EVER!!!!! A smart girl will send you packing!!!!!

no photo
Sun 12/09/07 07:19 PM

Oh my god don't do this EVER!!!!! A smart girl will send you packing!!!!!

Sure there are many smart girls out their, but their hearts will almost always trump their heads :wink:

Lily0923's photo
Sun 12/09/07 07:32 PM

Oh my god don't do this EVER!!!!! A smart girl will send you packing!!!!!

Sure there are many smart girls out their, but their hearts will almost always trump their heads :wink:

Well that's pretty derogatory.

You want this girl, she is shy here is what you do.

Every time you see her, you smile, don't always talk, after about a week or two, you then always speak, hello, how are you and ease into your hair looks nice today. then you start asking about her...

no photo
Sun 12/09/07 07:44 PM

Well that's pretty derogatory.

I'm actually going to apologize for that. It must have been the most sexist thing I've said here sick

Lily0923's photo
Sun 12/09/07 07:51 PM

Well that's pretty derogatory.

I'm actually going to apologize for that. It must have been the most sexist thing I've said here sick

I mean say what you mean and mean what you say. I was just calling it like I saw it.

no photo
Sun 12/09/07 08:37 PM

Oh my god don't do this EVER!!!!! A smart girl will send you packing!!!!!

Say all you want. But You know and I know that it's True.

You have to be self-confident and have wit/charm. Then you just have to pick your spots. I mean a woman will pretty much guide any conversation with what she opens with. She may say a few different subjects and if you're smart and not oblivious you'll be interested in them.

If that makes any sense. God, this is difficult to explain.

no photo
Sun 12/09/07 08:45 PM

r u a PUA? as in r u involved in "the community" at all?

no I'm not a PUA, tho I may claim to be. haha.

I'm all about giving tips and advice cuz a lot of dudes out there just aren't comfortable in conversation with women.

and also everyone on here, thinks that I'm just giving tips on how to get in her pants, and that is totally not true. I mean that step will come if you play your cards right but thats not the lesson, I'm shooting for.

ya feel me?

no photo
Sun 12/09/07 08:50 PM

r u a PUA? as in r u involved in "the community" at all?

no I'm not a PUA, tho I may claim to be. haha.

I'm all about giving tips and advice cuz a lot of dudes out there just aren't comfortable in conversation with women.

and also everyone on here, thinks that I'm just giving tips on how to get in her pants, and that is totally not true. I mean that step will come if you play your cards right but thats not the lesson, I'm shooting for.

ya feel me?

Same here. The angle I mainly work from is to find out what the person's goal is and to give advice that works toward that goal while expanding their insight of themselves. If the person wants to learn how to talk to women, I'll tell em. If the person wants to get laid, sure, I'll flat out tell them how to do it. If they want a meaningful relationship, I'll tell how to do that. It's all interconnected and the PUA lifestyle has the answers to all that stuff.