Topic: would you...?
munch151's photo
Sat 12/08/07 07:14 PM

munch151: oh my god! noway such a player!! grumble

What? No, not at all. I'm not hiding anything at all and I'm not a player. I'm just in the middle of a divorce and making friends. Actually all 3 of them are separated and seeing other people as well so it's all good.

no photo
Sat 12/08/07 07:16 PM
hi! hey u doing .it,s kosta i am looking for gorl frends.i am hundsome and athletic body i have.if u want to frend call me my phone is 0431 179 400 thks bye

theels08's photo
Sat 12/08/07 07:17 PM
i would meet someone from jsh if they live in north carolina

wmyers4u's photo
Sat 12/08/07 07:17 PM

hi! hey u doing .it,s kosta i am looking for gorl frends.i am hundsome and athletic body i have.if u want to frend call me my phone is 0431 179 400 thks bye

beccakatisonly1's photo
Sat 12/08/07 07:17 PM

munch151: oh my god! noway such a player!! grumble

What? No, not at all. I'm not hiding anything at all and I'm not a player. I'm just in the middle of a divorce and making friends. Actually all 3 of them are separated and seeing other people as well so it's all good.

if your in the middle of a divorce (ie NOT divorced yet) you shouldn't be dating at all...your still married until the divorce is final. grumble

angelsrevenge83's photo
Sat 12/08/07 07:19 PM

hi! hey u doing .it,s kosta i am looking for gorl frends.i am hundsome and athletic body i have.if u want to frend call me my phone is 0431 179 400 thks bye
noway noway noway noway OMG is he like forreal? lmao hes just puttin it out there for everyone to see huh lol

munch151's photo
Sat 12/08/07 07:19 PM
Edited by munch151 on Sat 12/08/07 07:21 PM
Um, my wife has a boyfriend that comes over all the time. It's no big deal. You ever heard of separation? It happens all the time. And I guess while you were in the middle of your divorce you didn't make any friends?

beccakatisonly1's photo
Sat 12/08/07 07:21 PM

hi! hey u doing .it,s kosta i am looking for gorl frends.i am hundsome and athletic body i have.if u want to frend call me my phone is 0431 179 400 thks bye
noway noway noway noway OMG is he like forreal? lmao hes just puttin it out there for everyone to see huh lol

by the # looks to be Eastern Europe

beccakatisonly1's photo
Sat 12/08/07 07:22 PM

Um, my wife has a boyfriend that comes over all the time. It's no big deal. You ever heard of separation? It happens all the time.

yeah I'm divorced so YEAH I've heard of seperation. But what the two of you are doing is cheating on each other, period. But then again most consider me a bit old fashioned for this day and age...apparently most people haven't heard of MORALS anymore...
noway grumble

nuenjins's photo
Sat 12/08/07 07:24 PM
Met her here and marrying herbigsmile :heart:

Nobody steps back anymore to assess their part in a divorce, people just seem to run along to the next mistake with the same baggage all over again.frown

munch151's photo
Sat 12/08/07 07:24 PM

Um, my wife has a boyfriend that comes over all the time. It's no big deal. You ever heard of separation? It happens all the time.

yeah I'm divorced so YEAH I've heard of seperation. But what the two of you are doing is cheating on each other, period. But then again most consider me a bit old fashioned for this day and age...apparently most people haven't heard of MORALS anymore...
noway grumble

We're not cheating lol. We're just in limbo until the divorce is final so we're moving on with our lives. Why the hell should I put everything on hold for a woman that I have no more ties to?

beccakatisonly1's photo
Sat 12/08/07 07:25 PM

Met her here and marrying herbigsmile :heart:

Nobody steps back anymore to assess their part in a divorce, people just seem to run along to the next mistake with the same baggage all over again.frown

I agree. When your geting divorced you are suppose to be healing, not 'shoveing it under the mattress' so to speak

nuenjins's photo
Sat 12/08/07 07:25 PM

Um, my wife has a boyfriend that comes over all the time. It's no big deal. You ever heard of separation? It happens all the time.

yeah I'm divorced so YEAH I've heard of seperation. But what the two of you are doing is cheating on each other, period. But then again most consider me a bit old fashioned for this day and age...apparently most people haven't heard of MORALS anymore...
noway grumble

I agree with you.:wink:

Drivinmenutz's photo
Sat 12/08/07 07:26 PM
Dude how old are you? Look he maybe going through a divorce, but what where in this "rule book" does it say that you can't meet new people if the divorce isn't final yet? I believe he said "friends". You have no room to criticize.

munch151: oh my god! noway such a player!! grumble

What? No, not at all. I'm not hiding anything at all and I'm not a player. I'm just in the middle of a divorce and making friends. Actually all 3 of them are separated and seeing other people as well so it's all good.

if your in the middle of a divorce (ie NOT divorced yet) you shouldn't be dating at all...your still married until the divorce is final. grumble

beccakatisonly1's photo
Sat 12/08/07 07:26 PM

Um, my wife has a boyfriend that comes over all the time. It's no big deal. You ever heard of separation? It happens all the time.

yeah I'm divorced so YEAH I've heard of seperation. But what the two of you are doing is cheating on each other, period. But then again most consider me a bit old fashioned for this day and age...apparently most people haven't heard of MORALS anymore...
noway grumble

We're not cheating lol. We're just in limbo until the divorce is final so we're moving on with our lives. Why the hell should I put everything on hold for a woman that I have no more ties to?

because until it's's cheating..peroid. not to mention the time between seperation and the divorce being final is suppose to be both parties time for healing and geting READY to have another relationship, not jumping into bed with people for 3 different sites!

Nervesgone's photo
Sat 12/08/07 07:26 PM
I have met with a nice woman from here and we are friends. I have met another, from another site and I hope she lost my #!!! LOLlaugh

beccakatisonly1's photo
Sat 12/08/07 07:27 PM

Um, my wife has a boyfriend that comes over all the time. It's no big deal. You ever heard of separation? It happens all the time.

yeah I'm divorced so YEAH I've heard of seperation. But what the two of you are doing is cheating on each other, period. But then again most consider me a bit old fashioned for this day and age...apparently most people haven't heard of MORALS anymore...
noway grumble

I agree with you.:wink:

thank you

munch151's photo
Sat 12/08/07 07:28 PM

Met her here and marrying herbigsmile :heart:

Nobody steps back anymore to assess their part in a divorce, people just seem to run along to the next mistake with the same baggage all over again.frown

I agree. When your geting divorced you are suppose to be healing, not 'shoveing it under the mattress' so to speak

What should be healing exactly? This has been a lengthy process and we're both completely over it. Not everybody has a 'moping period' they have to go through. Some of us live in reality and know that when it's over it's over. On the bright side we're still good friends lol.

beccakatisonly1's photo
Sat 12/08/07 07:28 PM

Dude how old are you? Look he maybe going through a divorce, but what where in this "rule book" does it say that you can't meet new people if the divorce isn't final yet? I believe he said "friends". You have no room to criticize.

munch151: oh my god! noway such a player!! grumble

What? No, not at all. I'm not hiding anything at all and I'm not a player. I'm just in the middle of a divorce and making friends. Actually all 3 of them are separated and seeing other people as well so it's all good.

if your in the middle of a divorce (ie NOT divorced yet) you shouldn't be dating at all...your still married until the divorce is final. grumble

first off I'm not a 'dude' :wink:
second he didn't say 'friends' he said seeing girls from three different sites while still married (i.e. dating)
and anyone who was brought up with any morals knows you don't do what they are doing.

beccakatisonly1's photo
Sat 12/08/07 07:31 PM

I have met with a nice woman from here and we are friends. I have met another, from another site and I hope she lost my #!!! LOLlaugh


have you TOLD HER you don't want to see her again or talk to her again?? that generally helps! though we SEEM to be mind readers on occasion, we find you men a BLACK HOLE OF INFORMATION!! happy laugh