Topic: Cute 55+ feels ignored by men. What's a girl gotta do to fin
gregory's photo
Mon 11/12/18 08:36 AM
hit me up if you are looking for something real and genuine!

dac3131's photo
Thu 11/15/18 01:32 AM
Lololol,,,funny az

Areyoumine's photo
Tue 12/11/18 09:51 AM
If you were in my area I would be more than happy to go out with you, I have the same problem here, not really sure why I can’t meet a nice lady that is honest and is looking for a real relationship. Good luck :kissing_heart:

Mike6615's photo
Tue 12/11/18 10:26 AM
Edited by Mike6615 on Tue 12/11/18 10:29 AM

try the frozen foods aisle at the market. hit him over the head with a frozen lasagna and put him in your cartbigsmile

The checkout clerk, noticing him in the cart: "Hey Doris, can't find the scan lines; what's the value of men here? Priceless? Oh, not worth anything?--okay, miss, no charge for him!"

no photo
Tue 12/11/18 11:16 AM
While I have had good luck in the "online" area. I have had a lot of BS with it. I have found that looking at the within the 50 mile radius is best.
( Lets you check their back ground easier. ) Church outings, town arts crafts in the park outings. 4th of July gatherings. Stuff like that, have been a best meet & greet thingy for me. You will find some men are intimidated by your looks & confidence. And you are a very lovely woman so, intimidate them
ha ha ha ha !!! Good Luck wishing you the best.

Wed 12/26/18 10:32 AM
hi,,,i will not ignore you,lets do your style and flair.....hugs....t

FeelYoung's photo
Thu 12/27/18 12:50 PM
Hey guys, this gal is NOT a senior citizen...unless she's looking for a guy in his 70's stay away from senior centers. I'm a lot older than her and won't be caught dead OR alive in a senior center. I enjoy talking to people at any venue, concerts or grocery stores. You'd be surprised what life stories you can get at the dog food aisle...until the wife appears ! Seriously, start a conversation with anyone and everyone. Just don't write your phone number on a gum wrapper.

FeelYoung's photo
Thu 12/27/18 12:53 PM
I've met men on HERE I'd enjoy spending time with but DISTANCE gets in the way. so look around... you said you work in the medical field. That means most of the men you meet are sick ( I DID NOT SAY SICKKOS) i said health problems. so try going to a bowling alley and watching or local basketball games, Hang out in the hardware store, ASK A MAN to check the air pressure in your tires (be sure you have the gauge with you) there's all kinds of ways to get acquainted.

no photo
Thu 12/27/18 05:31 PM
I agree with Animal lover, don't go to a senior center unless maybe you're over 70. In your everyday life, you meet people, like at the grocery store or book store.

no photo
Thu 12/27/18 05:45 PM
I don't agree with meeting someone in a bowling alley, unless maybe in the afternoon. A bowling alley at night is very noisy.

oldkid46's photo
Thu 12/27/18 06:40 PM

I like all of the ideas given. I do go to hardware stores and auto parts stores. I agree that this site is not the place to look for a relationship. I do hold my head high and walk with confidence. This seems to scare off most guys. I haven't been to the library or museum lately and will try those places too. I will have to look up any senior activities in my area and give that a try. smile2 Thanks for your suggestions and God bless!
A strong, confident woman who has her life in control will scare off many of the losers although some of those really desperate will try and catch on so you can look after them. There are some men out there that would love to find a woman who can be their equal partner and will appreciate her finer qualities, those are the few you want to find!!

no photo
Fri 12/28/18 06:49 AM
I think that these days, insisting on a partner who is a Christian could be limiting the number of people who might be interested in you. Also stating that you're looking for marriage could also limit the responses. After all, you're not going to meet someone for coffee and within half an hour discuss the date of the wedding. In real life, you meet for coffee and a chat, then if you like each other, arrange to meet again. It's that second date which is important as it means you liked each other enough to meet again after the first one. If you meet with someone who is only looking for friendship, you will be disappointed if you mention marriage too soon. Nothing wrong with dating several friends before you even think about one of them just maybe being suitable for marriage.

Just my opinion.

NewToThisIndy's photo
Fri 12/28/18 06:02 PM
Hello from Indianapolis

Rock's photo
Fri 12/28/18 11:22 PM

Hey guys, this gal is NOT a senior citizen...unless she's looking for a guy in his 70's stay away from senior centers. I'm a lot older than her and won't be caught dead OR alive in a senior center. I enjoy talking to people at any venue, concerts or grocery stores. You'd be surprised what life stories you can get at the dog food aisle...until the wife appears ! Seriously, start a conversation with anyone and everyone. Just don't write your phone number on a gum wrapper.

I respectfully disagree.
Senior Centers require a minimum age of 60
for regular membership. But, are otherwise open
to persons of all ages. OP is 55.

Also, OP has been advised, that while she may not
find exactly what she's looking for there.
The seniors will know younger people.

The suggestion wasn't about a hookup.
It's about networking.

OP's posts and profile, suggest she's looking
for a more serene mate.

ramachandiran's photo
Sat 12/29/18 06:37 PM

electricmind's photo
Sun 12/30/18 09:09 AM
Try social table tennis clubs, dancing classes or any social activity which you like which allows other people (potential dates) to see you in context. Not sure about the older social groups. I am a U3A member but only go to a class which is interesting but not for finding a date. Good luck.

FeelYoung's photo
Sun 12/30/18 09:14 AM
The "supply" of men drops drastically at senior centers. My neighbor volunteers at 3 of them in Lincoln. She says about 90% are older women, content with playing Bingo. A few older men in their 80's -- and almost everyone who is their "ride" to the center is their daughter or married son. I stick by my You won't catch me dead OR alive in a senior center. When I'm 88 I am still going to be with a dog and listening to Aerosmith and watching DJango Unchained.

Smartazzjohn's photo
Sun 12/30/18 09:28 AM

The "supply" of men drops drastically at senior centers. My neighbor volunteers at 3 of them in Lincoln. She says about 90% are older women, content with playing Bingo. A few older men in their 80's -- and almost everyone who is their "ride" to the center is their daughter or married son. I stick by my You won't catch me dead OR alive in a senior center. When I'm 88 I am still going to be with a dog and listening to Aerosmith and watching DJango Unchained.

It's impossible to KNOW what you will or will not be doing 13 years from now. All ANYONE can do is thrive to be ABLE to do something that many years down the road.

no photo
Mon 12/31/18 08:06 AM
I find older ladies more calm and relaxed about making friends, so I DO go to those places where older people are found. I'm not yet 70 and have made many friends at dance groups and other places where people in their sixties and seventies gather for social activities. We're all different and what suits some people maybe anathema to others - viva la difference!

no photo
Sat 01/05/19 06:18 AM
Right here babe