Topic: Willpower Doesnt Work | |
Its an interesting book, mostly about addiction, by Ben Hardy. The quote I find to be an interesting nuanced take on the concept of 'free will' in terms of equality, is this one:
"We live in a physical world with physical bodies, and in homes with particular parents in particular cultures and geographic locations and temporal eras. We are not independent of these things, nor do they cause us to act. But they do constrain our choices. No two people have the same free will because no two people have the exact same content." our different collection of experience, makes us all uniquely different in terms of where 'free will' and choice will be defined for us. Very interesting book. good read for those interested in the psychology of choice (or addictive personality). |
I always felt this comes down to one character. It's a mindset type situation to the point where you need to retrain your brain and it all has to come from within to in order to achieve a success result. At least that's my experience.
all this really bores the hell out of me .... i am here for dating the girl of my dreams , all else is a distraction ....!!!!!
"We live in a physical world with physical bodies, and in homes with particular parents in particular cultures and geographic locations and temporal eras. We are not independent of these things, nor do they cause us to act. But they do constrain our choices. No two people have the same free will because no two people have the exact same content."
There's some truth in this. Thing is, we are constantly changing. Environmental and stimulus restricted behavior is normal until we evolve. We break our set boundaries and become something new, something different as we age. We become 'more' than we were yesterday. We can even exceed the limits we set for ourselves. The truth of this statement pertains to as we are when we are young and locked into behaviors related to the conditions others set for us. Teenagers, young adults and spouses who exist in a world chosen by someone else. People who try to exist under the influence of others. Personal independence allows us to break the chains of conditioning to allow us the freedom to choose our own path. Our choices are influenced by the power we give the criteria others have shown us. We choose to keep some ideals but create our own as well. Its a mix which we blend into who we are now and who we will be tomorrow. We use all our experiences to become who we are. We use wisdom to make the choices we make no matter the environmental restrictions other set upon us. Sometimes the conditions are easy to overcome, sometimes they are difficult but we know when they are not right for us. We sense something is not right. We face choices in life. Sometimes the effort to make the change is more than we are willing to give, sometimes we give more than we think we can. Sometimes the effort is easy to give and we make the change with little or no deliberation. Its a flux of behaviors and choices. Addiction is a form of compulsive behavior which is bad for you. The term 'hitting bottom' refers to the idea an addict will not change that behavior until they realize it is wrong for them. Its when the effort to change becomes more important than the addition they realize they must change. A choice. Sadly, some people are not able to use wisdom and knowledge to set their own destiny. They need someone else to tell them what they should think or do. Their ability to manage their own lives never developed because they never needed to develop it. Someone else has always made their decisions for them, directed their path, convinced them of their version of right and wrong. To these people, personal independence is a scary idea. They choose not to allow themselves to be in such a situation so they surround themselves with others who are willing to guide them thru life. They exist in a world of other's making. They experience emotional draining because their decision to follow sometimes conflicts with their personal desire. They are usually stressed or sad. Living an existence which makes them unhappy. Over time, the more they realize they can't have the life they desire, the more unhappy they become. Some, turn to drugs or other addictions to give them the feelings they long for. Others rebel thru anger or violence. Ultimately, given enough time, they run away. Some will find their own independence and others will substitute one ruler for another. It can be a viscous circle of repetitive behavior because wisdom is not gained. There's a flip-side to this as well. You have the person who needs to be the controller. They seek out people who need to be controlled, dictated to and ruled. These people are fixated on the control a parent has over their children's lives. They assert their dominance into relationships to try to control others. When they find someone who is personally independent, their control is threatened and the two have issues which can result in addition or violence. Some people thrive. Sometimes the right combination proves to be fulfilling. It all depends on understanding the nature of the people involved. Making the right choices and choosing the right path. |