Topic: (((( Jenni ))))))
LAMom's photo
Tue 12/04/07 10:25 PM
Daughter. . . You Guide my Heart, Share my Dreams, give me strength, Fill my Soul with Love and Hope,, You my daughter have given me a lifetime of Love, Hope, strength
and your heart and soul so freely,,, My Life has come full circle and with you in my arms Life ohhhhhhhhhhhh how incredible it truely is,,,

I love you so much,, in my arms i hold you in my soul you live for eternity

Love Mom :heart: :heart:

Nice to have you home again,,,

Differentkindofwench's photo
Tue 12/04/07 10:35 PM
Very nicely stated, Mom.

Is she back? Runs around like a puppy, butt wiggle included, ooo, so excited, wooooo-hoooooo. (bathroom has already been covered, I don't wanna be thaaaat much like a 'cited puppy ya know)

LAMom's photo
Tue 12/04/07 10:36 PM
oh she is she is,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, whoaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

flowerforyou :heart: flowerforyou :heart:

no photo
Tue 12/04/07 10:39 PM
I will be very glad to see her back -- I got a very kind note from her, sort of indirectly, earlier today -- JSH is fortunate to have someone of her caliber --



flowerforyou flowerforyou flowerforyou

LAMom's photo
Tue 12/04/07 10:40 PM
(((( Lex )))))

Hello Wow Its been a while since our paths have crossed,, SO nice to see you,,, Hugs to you flowerforyou

arcadefan's photo
Tue 12/04/07 10:42 PM
thx for sharing denise

no photo
Wed 12/05/07 04:43 AM
(((((Mom)))))) I love you and thank you,I always seem to come home:heart: flowerforyou :heart:

((((((Lauri)))))) glad you got the bathroom covered laugh Love you!!:heart: flowerforyou :heart:

((((((Lex))))))) Thank you, we are very fortunate to have someone of your caliber here as well, and your tape dispenser as wellflowerforyou

browneyes_46's photo
Wed 12/05/07 04:45 AM
So glad your back Jennflowerforyou

s1owhand's photo
Wed 12/05/07 05:04 AM
welcome back feelings
to where you
always were and

flowerforyou :heart: flowerforyou :heart: flowerforyou

catchme_ifucan's photo
Wed 12/05/07 05:11 AM
:heart: flowerforyou (((((Mom,Sissy))))):heart:

thumper95's photo
Wed 12/05/07 05:15 AM
for my sister to come home,
and not forever roam,
welcome back from me,
and wait til you see,
how much we care,
and all we have to share.
love you always my dyslexic swoc sis

no photo
Wed 12/05/07 05:49 AM
(((((((((((((poet/sis))))))))))) welcome home gurly!!:heart:flowerforyou:heart:

Wolfeyes58's photo
Wed 12/05/07 06:19 AM
My impersonation of Forrest Gump...."Welcome back Jenni...we missed's time for some Bubba Gump shrimp Jenni...glad to have you back.."

songstress1's photo
Wed 12/05/07 06:44 AM
:cry: I miss my mom. This was so nice.flowerforyou

Noden's photo
Wed 12/05/07 07:36 AM
:heart: flowerforyou Welcome back Jenni, so good to see your words again, you where truly missed, your mom is a treasure, I am so glad to see the bond of a mother and daughter, as I have the same with mine, and the gifts she has given me with the birth of my grandchildren, Denise what a testiment to your daughter, beautifully written....hugs always

:heart: flowerforyou :heart: flowerforyou :heart: to the both of you's...

TxsGal3333's photo
Wed 12/05/07 08:07 AM
Hummm well all I can say is it is about damn time !!!!!!!!! shshshshshshhhhhhhhhhhhhhs quit running off on me like that bigsmile love ya g/fbigsmile :heart: bigsmile

oldsage's photo
Wed 12/05/07 08:10 AM
((((POET)))), now I can get the paper again.
Anytime you want to talk, you know I am around.
Can set on my knee, if you want.
flowerforyou flowerforyou flowerforyou

LAMom's photo
Wed 12/05/07 09:32 AM
((((( Familia )))))))

Home is where the heart lives,, mine lives within my daughter,, I so love youuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu :heart:

no photo
Thu 12/06/07 12:44 AM
((((((Steve)))))) Thank you bro, I lubs yaflowerforyou :heart:
(((((Sage)))))) coffee and the paper just isn't the same with out you
(((((((Gurly))))))) I love you girl, you always got my back no matter how much I run away

(((((((S1ow))))))) we need some mangoes
((((((((Zsis)))))))) love you sis
((((((Noden))))) Thank you, my mom rawks!!
((((((Wolfeyes))))))) Thank you my friend

Thank you everyoneflowerforyou :heart: flowerforyou