Topic: How ready are you really for a partner?
SparklingCrystal πŸ’–πŸ’Ž's photo
Tue 05/29/18 01:49 PM

An interesting question to consider, from this particular point of view.

The main thing I'm seeing in my own life, and I think I'm seeing with others in this discussion, is that the idea of what a partner or spouse actually MEANS, changes in our lives. And the reasons NOT to have a partner change over time and experience as well.

The one most intriguing change I've witnessed from within my own life, has been that I didn't so much change from the time I was young, in what I actively WANTED.

I changed in how I understood what I wanted, and I changed a LOT in what I believed was possible. And I changed in what I thought I had to do and be, in order to get what I wanted.

Basically, I've always wanted a real partner. A real partner sort of teams up with you, and the two of you deal with whatever normal life is, as a team.

I never found that. I found instead, lots of people who seemed to be looking for anything from a rescuer, to an entertainment leader, to a servant, to some kind of general mutual role playing arrangement (as though what marriage was to them, was a sort of play, or tv series they were going to become a part of, with the other person as a costar).

After my long and difficult marriage crashed to an end, I at first thought I wanted to finally find the mate I originally wanted. And I actually do still want that. But over the years since, I had to come to a series of alterations in my understanding of how the world works, in this area.

First, and most common with other people, I believe, I thought I was ready right out of the gate, to start again with someone. Mainly, because the last two or three years of my marriage was so bad, that I had been sleeping on the couch every night, and experienced nothing but hostility from my wife, so I thought I was already through the period of adjusting to not having a real mate. But when I started to talk to other women, and saw my own reactions to that, I realized that there was an entire subconscious sort of background world inside me, that I had to rip out bit by bit like a defective foundation under a broken house, before I could start to rebuild.

Now, some years later, I am fairly discouraged. Still no change in what I want. But in all the people in my age range I have observed, the only ones who seem to be close to seeing the world the way that I do, are insanely far away. Lots of people are clearly looking for THEIR old original dream mates as well, and for most of them, I simply don't measure up. Not enough money, not enough ability to travel the world, not enough desire to go out partying regularly, and so on.

I don't suffer from the resentments I think I see a lot of people expressing in this area. I don't look at a woman who wants a guy who can "show her a good time," and declare her to be a gold-digger, or whatever. I don't look at women who always wanted to travel the world, and think they are entertainment leaches, or anything like that. I just see women who want things I can't provide, and who want to do things I don't want to do.

In total, that means that I don't see myself as "ready for a mate," in the sense that I'm not ready to be any of the kinds of people who everyone around me appears to want. And I am certainly not the guy I once was, who was thought he could exchange SOME desires being unfulfilled, in an arrangement to get the rest of them. My disastrous marriage convinced me that that kind of bargain never works.

So my base answer to this is yes, I am ready for a mate. But no, I don't expect to find one. That wont stop me from looking, which is why I'm still signed up all over the place on sites like this, and why I'm still working to fix my house up, and so on. But I don't try to date a lot, because I now know how oddly complicated my needs and desires actually are, in their otherwise mundane way.

Thank you flowerforyou flowerforyou
You know, I think it is more difficult for well-rounded people to find a dito partner. I feel I have that problem, and that is one of the biggest problems in finding someone. I know they are out there, and I also know and realize the fact there aren't many in a way makes it easier. It is a needle in a haystack maybe, but at least you know you're looking for a needle, you don't need to check every straw in the haystack if you get what I mean.

I hope you will find her at some point! I know I would've liked to see you and have a good chat over cappuccinos had we lived in the same area/country.


no photo
Tue 05/29/18 01:52 PM
that will depend on the hired individual and the plan you opt for

SparklingCrystal πŸ’–πŸ’Ž's photo
Tue 05/29/18 01:54 PM

In ways I'm ready for a mate. But I think it's harder to find what I'm looking for. When I met my first husband, we were young and anything was possible. I thought of kids, a home, travel, then rocking on the porch when we are old with the grandkids playing in the yard.

The last poster in a way is correct. It's hard to find a guy that measures up. And after a lifetime of crushed dreams and a failed marriage, it causes me to hesitate. I think to myself, why not just be alone. Because I see it as someone I will have to cook for and clean up after without anything in return.

That last bit I don't do, lol.
I agree, it is harder to find what you're looking for. Isn't that odd in a way? We mature, get more clarity on what it is we need and want in order to be happy, and yet finding a match seems to only get more difficult as opposed to easier.
It is food for thought for sure. Like, should we maybe become a little bit more flexible with what we want?

SparklingCrystal πŸ’–πŸ’Ž's photo
Tue 05/29/18 01:55 PM

that will depend on the hired individual and the plan you opt for

That'd be the plan with the free trial period. It allows a man to offer his handyman services and when he passes the trial period, he is allowed to stay on if he can cough up the boarding fee, lol.
I mean, get real! I'm not gonna put on a pinny just like that!!

SparklingCrystal πŸ’–πŸ’Ž's photo
Tue 05/29/18 01:57 PM

Sometimes I wonder if I've grown too accustomed to being alone to be able to be in a relationship again. There's a freedom in not having to compromise, answer to anyone, or account for your whereabouts. Can one grow so independent that he/she is no longer able to partner up? what

Yes, although I think especially men 'suffer' from this as men don't tend to need and want a relationship/commitment the same way a woman does.
For me, I don't feel that way (yet). Yes, I like my freedom, and need lots of it, but I don't mind having to compromise because what you get back outweighs that. And if it doesn't he's not the right one and then I shouldn't be with him anyways.

SparklingCrystal πŸ’–πŸ’Ž's photo
Tue 05/29/18 02:10 PM
Edited by SparklingCrystal πŸ’–πŸ’Ž on Tue 05/29/18 02:12 PM


So my base answer to this is yes, I am ready for a mate. But no, I don't expect to find one. That wont stop me from looking, which is why I'm still signed up all over the place on sites like this, and why I'm still working to fix my house up, and so on. But I don't try to date a lot, because I now know how oddly complicated my needs and desires actually are, in their otherwise mundane way.

I have similar thoughts.

What struck me in that part is "how oddly complicated my needs and desires actually are..." because I wonder... are they really all that complicated? Or do we come to believe that after a certain amount of time because we haven't found someone?
Like I replied to his post, I feel it's more about it being difficult finding another well-rounded person. SOmeone with similar IQ and EQ.
Not sure if that is Igor's biggest problem too, it is for me. ANd I don't feel that is having complicated needs & desires. It's just bloody difficult to find someone who matches that AND have a click with them too of course.
But I find that men have EITHER the same IQ OR the same EQ. I need both.
I've discovered through smart questions and paying heed that higher educated men have similar IQ, but they lack seriously when it comes to the emotional realms. Lack for me I mean.
Then with men with medium education you DO have the EQ and emotional realms, total wonderful match, but then I miss the IQ match.

I believe there's an entire group like me who's somewhere in between these. In between the somewhat higher educated people and the medium educated people.

And thinking back about my teaching days... I saw the exact same thing there with teenagers: The higher education pupils were serious, always worked hard, few jokes, some snobby. Quite boring to teach.
The lower ones were rascals, never paying attention, difficult to work with as they couldn't care less.
Medium was okayish, although also not easy to keep in check.
Then there's this level just above 'medium' in my country and they had BOTH qualities, both the IQ and the EQ.
I totally LOVED working with them! That group is really 'my tribe'. This I believe is a small group in society.

Really phucking difficult to find these both in a man. (don't know about women as I don't date woman, hihi)

Toodygirl5's photo
Tue 05/29/18 02:30 PM
Edited by Toodygirl5 on Tue 05/29/18 02:34 PM
I have a passion for certain kinds of volunteer work and have been doing that for a few years and off and on before I was retired. I meet nice people.

I maintain my own home, that takes time and cash. I don't need a partner but would like to have a man. That is a desire.
Already met several men in person in the past from a Relationship site. Non a love connection on My part. I am picky! :smile:

I have had. Activity partners here in my city. Single men who just want to do things. No romance just friends. Often times people. Can not find that.
I have a nice gentleman Now.

I'm open for a Serious.long term Relationship if that happens. It better be soon! Not getting any younger and I am already Set in my ways and Spoiled from some of my previous Ex's.

Don't want any couch potato. With no money.


soufiehere's photo
Tue 05/29/18 03:33 PM
It really is an interesting question Crystal.

I thought about it a long time before I dated after my 2nd divorce.
I realized I had no interest in hooking up with anyone simply
because I was alone.

I kept thinking, so what if I accept a date with so-and-so, where
can it go if I have no interest in long-term? Which one tends to
feel after a wretched divorce.

So, I simply waited.
Until one day in the grocery store I noticed a feller stocking shelves
and thought, 'Oh, my' and realized I was..back in the game,
after 4 years.

I accidentally 'fell' into M2 after a friend asked me to sign her up,
she was not what you call a techie ;-(
I was going to be in and out, but found the forums instead.

No interest whatsoever in dating online, I still can hardly imagine
hahaha but fate had a plan. I had noticed the krupa early on, he made
me laugh, I found I would log-on and look for his posts just for
a giggle. Then I started to worry.

Should I make a move? Experience told me the bait would be taken ahead of
time, so I had to think long and hard, which I did for about 6 months,
what did I really want? Did I want someone new? What if it did not work
out, how silly would I why start something like that?

I finally came to the conclusion, that should things materialize, I
might consider going the distance. Again. Huge commitment for me.

So I sent a little admiring email, for his artwork which was quite
stupendous. The Beginning.

But the point is, I really spent a lot of time deciding beforehand if
I was ready or not, back and forth, weighing all the pros and cons.
And came up with..a maybe hahaha

I would say it is good to do this. What if you got all hot and bothered
but then decided you were not ready? Bad, bad news for the guy who
thought you had an open and available heart.

Treat others as you wish to be treated.

no photo
Tue 05/29/18 04:11 PM
Geez people can't even make up their minds what they want and

"fill a void"

You guys its fine... to go ahead and have a partner while your looking for Mr/Miss Wonderful along the way...

You that "hold out" for serious Ltr only well good luck..times have changed..

so nothing ventured nothing gained...

IgorFrankensteen's photo
Tue 05/29/18 05:19 PM
Edited by IgorFrankensteen on Tue 05/29/18 05:23 PM
It is a needle in a haystack maybe, but at least you know you're looking for a needle, you don't need to check every straw in the haystack if you get what I mean.

I absolutely LOVE this simile. The old idiom of "looking for a needle in a haystack" is meant usually to get across that we have a huge and tiresome task facing us, but looking at it another way, when you KNOW that the task is very hard, it's not nearly as annoying or anxiety-driving as a task which you think should be easy and quick. And as you say, when you know it's a needle you're after, it doesn't make sense to test every straw to see if you can thread it and start sewing.

Something else from the "is it REALLY different?" department of thought...

looking back, I actually don't think MOST people were that much different when they were younger. After all, the reason why all those relationships which seemed to have so much going for them, DID all fail, was because it really WASN'T as easy as we thought it should be, to accept the other person's relative flaws.

It's not the fault of "love," that it doesn't "conquer all," as we thought it was supposed to do, when we were younger. It wasn't any easier to find a possible compatible mate, we just didn't recognize the "straw" as well as we do now.

And here's another simile for you, if you like:

When I was young, I often went out looking for some inanimate object I needed, like a work desk, or a set of tools, or a working car I could afford, and since nothing is perfect in the world, I would often set a time limit for myself, and buy the closest thing I could find, to what I really wanted.

As I aged and learned, I found in the world of inanimate objects, that whenever I did get the wrong thing, just to have something to use, I always knew it WAS the wrong thing. Every day looking at it and using it, was a chore.

Somewhere during middle age, I decided to stop buying the wrong things. I found that sitting on the floor, when I couldn't find anyone selling a chair which actually fit me, was actually LESS annoying than trying to make a bad chair work. Plus, I still had the money it would have cost me to have that bad chair, so if I ever DID find a competent furniture maker, I would be able to pay for the REAL chair. In the mean time, to anyone who asked me about my odd seating habits, I would explain that I was exploring some eastern conceptual discipline or something. Saying it's what foreigners do, seems to shut people up fairly well.

That's what many of us are doing now. We aren't alone because we WANT TO BE ALONE, we are alone, because that's far less annoying than having to fuss with someone who doesn't really like us all that much. We aren't any pickier than we always were, we are just less willing to invest our ever shortening remaining time, on trying to sit in a badly-matched chair, or to wrestle with a wrong-sized set of tools.

no photo
Tue 05/29/18 07:31 PM
That's what many of us are doing now. We aren't alone because we WANT TO BE ALONE, we are alone, because that's far less annoying than having to fuss with someone who doesn't really like us all that much. We aren't any pickier than we always were, we are just less willing to invest our ever shortening remaining time, on trying to sit in a badly-matched chair, or to wrestle with a wrong-sized set of tools.

This has got me thinking and is truly in line with what i said about not settling. But sometimes we dont know it if we haven’t experienced and know if this is the case (settling) sadly ive learned about this word after my failed relationships. Relationships that at the beginning were full of possibilities ,disregarding the negative that i see and encounter along the way. I have always hoped for things to change but hey we cannot control others but only ourselves. If i cant see myself and my worth then i guess another person never will. So am i ready for another relationship? I think only when the other person is ready to take me as i am and is willing to stay and prove to me his own worth shall i ever say i would like to complement somebody else’s life. And for me as long as it would be more of a learning and happy experience then i would never look back at it as a waste of my time. I would feel alone sometimes but good memories would keep me from being lonely. Knowing how things can be :angel:

olderbutloving's photo
Tue 05/29/18 07:46 PM
52 ?? I am quite alone and I am 65. I will tell you that it doesn't get any easier to find a companion when you get older. alone has its benefits, ie.. you are not obligated to be home at a certain time, you eat what and when you want and there are several other examples. However, when you do finally accept that it is time to have a companion and you have reached my age, you suddenly realize that someone as old as you is looking for someone younger and the younger ones usually are not interested in someone of your age. Good luck with your life and I hope you don't end up waiting to long.

SparklingCrystal πŸ’–πŸ’Ž's photo
Wed 05/30/18 02:20 AM

It really is an interesting question Crystal.

I thought about it a long time before I dated after my 2nd divorce.
I realized I had no interest in hooking up with anyone simply
because I was alone.

I kept thinking, so what if I accept a date with so-and-so, where
can it go if I have no interest in long-term? Which one tends to
feel after a wretched divorce.

So, I simply waited.
Until one day in the grocery store I noticed a feller stocking shelves
and thought, 'Oh, my' and realized I was..back in the game,
after 4 years.

I accidentally 'fell' into M2 after a friend asked me to sign her up,
she was not what you call a techie ;-(
I was going to be in and out, but found the forums instead.

No interest whatsoever in dating online, I still can hardly imagine
hahaha but fate had a plan. I had noticed the krupa early on, he made
me laugh, I found I would log-on and look for his posts just for
a giggle. Then I started to worry.

Should I make a move? Experience told me the bait would be taken ahead of
time, so I had to think long and hard, which I did for about 6 months,
what did I really want? Did I want someone new? What if it did not work
out, how silly would I why start something like that?

I finally came to the conclusion, that should things materialize, I
might consider going the distance. Again. Huge commitment for me.

So I sent a little admiring email, for his artwork which was quite
stupendous. The Beginning.

But the point is, I really spent a lot of time deciding beforehand if
I was ready or not, back and forth, weighing all the pros and cons.
And came up with..a maybe hahaha

I would say it is good to do this. What if you got all hot and bothered
but then decided you were not ready? Bad, bad news for the guy who
thought you had an open and available heart.

Treat others as you wish to be treated.

Thank you for sharing your wisdom and story, Soufie. Much appreciated! Say hi to Krupa for me :) You guys both rock!
flowerforyou :heart: flowerforyou

SparklingCrystal πŸ’–πŸ’Ž's photo
Wed 05/30/18 02:34 AM

52 ?? I am quite alone and I am 65. I will tell you that it doesn't get any easier to find a companion when you get older. alone has its benefits, ie.. you are not obligated to be home at a certain time, you eat what and when you want and there are several other examples. However, when you do finally accept that it is time to have a companion and you have reached my age, you suddenly realize that someone as old as you is looking for someone younger and the younger ones usually are not interested in someone of your age. Good luck with your life and I hope you don't end up waiting to long.

I don't think compromising is a problem for me. A good relationship and connection outweigh that. And if a partner needs me to be home a certain time, he's not the right one for me. I don't need a warden, I want a partner.

DBig7's photo
Wed 05/30/18 03:01 AM
Lol so confusing :yum:

DBig7's photo
Wed 05/30/18 03:01 AM
Lol so confusing :yum:

no photo
Wed 05/30/18 03:02 AM
How ready am I for a partner? Never!!!flowerforyou

Larsi666 😽's photo
Wed 05/30/18 03:35 AM

That's what many of us are doing now. We aren't alone because we WANT TO BE ALONE, we are alone, because that's far less annoying than having to fuss with someone who doesn't really like us all that much. We aren't any pickier than we always were, we are just less willing to invest our ever shortening remaining time, on trying to sit in a badly-matched chair, or to wrestle with a wrong-sized set of tools.

This has got me thinking and is truly in line with what i said about not settling. But sometimes we dont know it if we haven’t experienced and know if this is the case (settling) sadly ive learned about this word after my failed relationships. Relationships that at the beginning were full of possibilities ,disregarding the negative that i see and encounter along the way. I have always hoped for things to change but hey we cannot control others but only ourselves. If i cant see myself and my worth then i guess another person never will. So am i ready for another relationship? I think only when the other person is ready to take me as i am and is willing to stay and prove to me his own worth shall i ever say i would like to complement somebody else’s life. And for me as long as it would be more of a learning and happy experience then i would never look back at it as a waste of my time. I would feel alone sometimes but good memories would keep me from being lonely. Knowing how things can be :angel:

But I want to be alone. It is my own choice, because I need to relax, find inner peace, recover from that awful marriage. And until this process isn't fully finished, any relationship comes too early ... but it doesn't mean, I can't have positive feelings towards another person

Larsi666 😽's photo
Wed 05/30/18 03:35 AM

That's what many of us are doing now. We aren't alone because we WANT TO BE ALONE, we are alone, because that's far less annoying than having to fuss with someone who doesn't really like us all that much. We aren't any pickier than we always were, we are just less willing to invest our ever shortening remaining time, on trying to sit in a badly-matched chair, or to wrestle with a wrong-sized set of tools.

This has got me thinking and is truly in line with what i said about not settling. But sometimes we dont know it if we haven’t experienced and know if this is the case (settling) sadly ive learned about this word after my failed relationships. Relationships that at the beginning were full of possibilities ,disregarding the negative that i see and encounter along the way. I have always hoped for things to change but hey we cannot control others but only ourselves. If i cant see myself and my worth then i guess another person never will. So am i ready for another relationship? I think only when the other person is ready to take me as i am and is willing to stay and prove to me his own worth shall i ever say i would like to complement somebody else’s life. And for me as long as it would be more of a learning and happy experience then i would never look back at it as a waste of my time. I would feel alone sometimes but good memories would keep me from being lonely. Knowing how things can be :angel:

But I want to be alone. It is my own choice, because I need to relax, find inner peace, recover from that awful marriage. And until this process isn't fully finished, any relationship comes too early ... but it doesn't mean, I can't have positive feelings towards another person

Zuglo65's photo
Wed 05/30/18 06:43 AM

I'm quiet content to just be with me atm. I think that if at any point I find that certain gentlemen that I'd be ready. Not looking by any means but if it happens it happens.

Yeah, I'm like that too at the moment. It does scare me a little bit though. Because if I keep feeling this way I will stay alone I guess, which ultimately isn't what I want.
If I want it to change I have to do something about it and right now I don't really feel like doing that.
I guess it wouldn't bother me really if I was still in my 30s or early 40s. For some reason I feel pressure a bit because I'm 52. BS, I know, but cannot help it.

If I want it to change I have to do something about it and right now I don't really feel like doing that.
Wow, after I reading that I realize I feel a same way...Hmmm
But the truth is I just had bad experiences, and that made me a little ..umm..I don't know what's the word?..
So it would be nice to have a partner, but I need her to be not crazy, now worrying about her bills, no ex/kids drama, she should not weight more than me.