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Topic: Second date
jazzinc's photo
Tue 03/06/18 11:50 AM
The most intelligent place to have a SECOND DATE is..?

Forget the first date; now is the second one....

no photo
Tue 03/06/18 12:02 PM
Assuming the 1st has gone well and you have listened to the lady, discussed options it would be far better to take the initiative and take her somewhere you like, that would give her a further insight to her prospective partner ?

no photo
Tue 03/06/18 02:32 PM
I’ve been getting a lot of dating advice from my kids lately. Haha!

According to them the first several dates should be in a public setting, during daylight hours. Don’t EVER get in their car or go to their home or let them in your home until you’re comfortable enough for evening dates.

I’m going with this, because it seems like sound advice and because it’s from my own children, who have both dated much more recently than me, I know it comes from the heart.

no photo
Tue 03/06/18 02:43 PM
That would depend on the lady concerned, and her initial feelings towards you. Presuming you have spent your first date with an amount of psycho-analysis, you would have gained knowledge of her likes/dislikes.
Some prefer somewhere quiet and romantic, while others like to raise the roof.
Ladies choice is usually a good option and gives her the feeling of trust and shows her you value her opinions.

Tom4Uhere's photo
Tue 03/06/18 03:34 PM
Considering that I don't really do 'dates', the second get together is going to be pretty much the same as the first.
That is, be in the company of each other and do what we want to do, how we want to do it and for as long as we want.
Its not a 'test'. Its life.
I'm not dating to impress. we get together because we want to know how that person is and whether we click.
I'd rather spend time with a woman that is being her natural self than some show girl playing a part.
If she normally wears shorts, a tee shirt and flipflops, that is how I want to meet with her.

The formal 'date' thing is for 'after' we get to know each other.
Something we would do for a different take on things. A pleasant contrast.

Been on many formal dates with my X while we were married.
The common thing was we both couldn't wait to get home and back into 'normal' clothes. Plus, lots of kissing because we were always needing to bite our tongues to keep from calling others liars.

I see people on dates, not natural.

motowndowntown's photo
Tue 03/06/18 05:19 PM
Second base?

Poetrywriter's photo
Tue 03/06/18 06:22 PM
Guys, first dates can be gut wrenching. Second dates can be the same but easier on your insides. It may take a while and a number of dates until you really feel comfortable enough to take her to that secluded special place where a romantic atmosphere lingers all around and you can feel the connection coming from both of you and you realize that wall that separated you has come down and you can safely look tenderly into her eyes and confidently say "Pardon me, do you have any grey poupon?" laugh

motowndowntown's photo
Tue 03/06/18 06:44 PM
,,,,or what do you think about feet?