Topic: Trump 2020? | |
Oprah, or anyone else can/could pop up before 2020 and change the whole game again. Now is your collective chance to put forward a human for the job. ![]() Or go for another hollywood actor, or a promise spinning 'legitimate businessman'. ![]() |
A sign in my barbers say something like :
It's a pity that all the people who could run the government are to busy cutting hair and driving cabs ![]() |
I am reminded how often people who barely understand civics or government or the constitution, are assumed to be equipped to run the country.
Maybe because the professional politicians are so inept at running anything while most business executives have the demonstrated skills to manage large institutions and people. The better question is why won't most of them become involved in government?
Maybe because the professional politicians are so inept at running anything while most business executives have the demonstrated skills to manage large institutions and people. The better question is why won't most of them become involved in government? the issue is that a president doesnt 'run' a country the way an executive 'runs' a business. there are Constitutional guidelines and checks and balances that dont work the same as an "Im the boss' executive world does. There are diverse interests and issues beyond just one industry of business and one region of the country that a business executive is used to being concerned with. But there is much more anonymity and money for an executive, with a fraction of the actual responsibility, as well as accountability to far fewer people. |
Maybe because the professional politicians are so inept at running anything while most business executives have the demonstrated skills to manage large institutions and people. The better question is why won't most of them become involved in government? the issue is that a president doesnt 'run' a country the way an executive 'runs' a business. there are Constitutional guidelines and checks and balances that dont work the same as an "Im the boss' executive world does. There are diverse interests and issues beyond just one industry of business and one region of the country that a business executive is used to being concerned with. But there is much more anonymity and money for an executive, with a fraction of the actual responsibility, as well as accountability to far fewer people. |
Maybe because the professional politicians are so inept at running anything while most business executives have the demonstrated skills to manage large institutions and people. The better question is why won't most of them become involved in government? the issue is that a president doesnt 'run' a country the way an executive 'runs' a business. there are Constitutional guidelines and checks and balances that dont work the same as an "Im the boss' executive world does. There are diverse interests and issues beyond just one industry of business and one region of the country that a business executive is used to being concerned with. But there is much more anonymity and money for an executive, with a fraction of the actual responsibility, as well as accountability to far fewer people. Agree to disagree, Executives are responsible simply for profits, America is not run for profits. The interests of the positions have little in common, nor the responsibilities. |
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Ted Nugent for president 2020
The corrupt Democrats are doing their best to make a Trump victory, inevitable in 2020. Hey maybe that corrupt old waster, Hillary will even be trotted-out again to run against Trump if she's not in jail or dead by then. What Happened?!
The corrupt Democrats are doing their best to make a Trump victory, inevitable in 2020. Hey maybe that corrupt old waster, Hillary will even be trotted-out again to run against Trump if she's not in jail or dead by then. What Happened?! Time will tell. still the old double standard about powerful women being ******* and powerful men being saviors ... I dont think she would run again, they are all getting to be old fogies. I'm hoping for younger blood in the game next time. Someone with political experience and some history of civic engagement. There is too much fabricated hatred towards Clinton, but the youth vote may give us someone more presidential and experienced to choose from come 2020. I can only hope. |
The corrupt Democrats are doing their best to make a Trump victory, inevitable in 2020. Hey maybe that corrupt old waster, Hillary will even be trotted-out again to run against Trump if she's not in jail or dead by then. What Happened?! I hope she's not dead! I don't care if i don't support them politically but I would never wish harm or death on one! |
The corrupt Democrats are doing their best to make a Trump victory, inevitable in 2020. Hey maybe that corrupt old waster, Hillary will even be trotted-out again to run against Trump if she's not in jail or dead by then. What Happened?! Time will tell. still the old double standard about powerful women being ******* and powerful men being saviors ... I dont think she would run again, they are all getting to be old fogies. I'm hoping for younger blood in the game next time. Someone with political experience and some history of civic engagement. There is too much fabricated hatred towards Clinton, but the youth vote may give us someone more presidential and experienced to choose from come 2020. I can only hope. Fabricated hatred?!? None of its fabricated! |
The corrupt Democrats are doing their best to make a Trump victory, inevitable in 2020. Hey maybe that corrupt old waster, Hillary will even be trotted-out again to run against Trump if she's not in jail or dead by then. What Happened?! Time will tell. still the old double standard about powerful women being ******* and powerful men being saviors ... I dont think she would run again, they are all getting to be old fogies. I'm hoping for younger blood in the game next time. Someone with political experience and some history of civic engagement. There is too much fabricated hatred towards Clinton, but the youth vote may give us someone more presidential and experienced to choose from come 2020. I can only hope. Fabricated hatred?!? None of its fabricated! a : invent, create. b : to make up for the purpose of deception. sure they are ... alot of unproven accusations treated as verifiable fact ... |
I see both sides here. I will not become polarized and choose one side over the other. Trump can be a despicable character and he is not the most charismatic or diplomatic. On the other hand, all the institutional politicians are corrupt and have failed our great country. Therefore, whether in desperation or just a need for a refreshing change in a candidate, the voting public seized on the chance to elect someone who promised to deliver. And Trump has gotten a lot done on his campaign promises, which is a great change from the usual lies of the experienced politicians, beholden to even more corrupt lobby groups, who lie and lie and lie until they make us all feel dirty. It's a shame that Trump's family has to suffer because of his sexual indiscretions but many men and Presidents in power love to fool around. It makes them feel invincible. They also have a lot of temptation once they are powerful financially, politically or otherwise. I am not excusing, just explaining.
Edited by
Sun 04/22/18 09:47 AM
In my opinion, two of the greatest threats to politics is the lack of education about government and civics and how they work. This, I believe, spans the ideology that 'all politicians are corrupt'.
Corruption, for me, involves an intentional dishonesty, which plenty of people in high places in ANY field(including real estate) can be tempted or even encouraged to be for the sake of results. However, I do not believe all of any profession are corrupt. I believe that mostly the corrupt of all professions are reported about in media, which causes a skewed and faulty perception which unfortunately fed this last election. I also think there is a sensationalized element that puts forth the idea of 'political promises' when there can literally be no such thing, unless it is a promise to TRY, which I also believe most politicians try to do. Thing is that no politician is an island to themselves who can magically to single handedly make things happen, because we have no dictators. Politicians can only put forth ideas and try to accomplish them, but they can only do as much as the hundreds of other politicians in government come to a consensus to do. I believe, depending upon who is judging or perceiving, most politicians can have plenty of promises that, through consensus, end up being delivered on. Its an odds game. the more of those promises they make, the more likely that some of them will end up bearing fruit. For this, I wish it was more important to people that politicians displayed 1. understanding of the constitution 2. how to be diplomatic in furthering global relations 3. understanding of and concerned with the struggles and obstacles of the least among us 4. interested in setting some standard of integrity, decency, and intelligence for all the people who are watching them as the head rep of what Americans are and what we stand for. 5. some history for civic service to others during their lives 6. A sense of consistency 7. An ability to work well with people, even in the face of disagreement 8. Some history of work in and therefore knowledge of politics, and the constitutional framework,duties, and boundaries of the positions within. I still see none of this in the current POTUS. And though I empathize and understand those perceiving this choice as a 'refreshing change'. I do not believe that change for change sake is refreshing. And I feel many (of course not all) of those who have stated that as the reason for their vote are being dishonest with themselves. I can name a dozen people who are not politicians, and therefore would be a 'change', but still would not have received the vote. these are just my priorities for a politician though, especially a President. I know they will 'lie' because the term has come to only mean they will try and fail to achieve, which I think all of us do. |
Trump put forth a lot of plans and policies which the corrupt politicians were unwilling or afraid to deal with, such as illegal immigration, with emphasis on illegal. He is not against immigrants. He is against illegals. He captured the pulse of the nation. No institutional politician ever came close to dealing with this issue. Many find him obnoxious but many see his brashness as refreshingly candid, a great difference in the sly and practiced demeanor of the usual politician. These were some of the reasons he captured the nation's attention.
I believe that all politicians which we have now are corrupt. Based on the culture of today's politics, they could not have been elected any other way unless they lied and deceived their way into power. There is no room for an honest politician, even if they existed. The way that the system is set up (catering to lobbyists to win favors or astronomical sums of money for elections), only the corrupt can win. That's why people are fed up and it is time to clean House (of Representatives) and beyond, including Senators. As for your your qualifications for politicians, they all have all that. It just may not be readily apparent. They could not win elections otherwise. So that sentiment is redundant. |
If you all can find it check out an interview that OAN news did with a guy named Treka a comedian from Syria and what he has to say about the war in Syria..this should open a few eyes to say the least... ![]() |
The corrupt Democrats are doing their best to make a Trump victory, inevitable in 2020. Hey maybe that corrupt old waster, Hillary will even be trotted-out again to run against Trump if she's not in jail or dead by then. What Happened?! Time will tell. still the old double standard about powerful women being ******* and powerful men being saviors ... I dont think she would run again, they are all getting to be old fogies. I'm hoping for younger blood in the game next time. Someone with political experience and some history of civic engagement. There is too much fabricated hatred towards Clinton, but the youth vote may give us someone more presidential and experienced to choose from come 2020. I can only hope. 'Misogyny and sexism'had nothing to do with Clinton's historic loss. I know many people, including men & women,that would love to see a woman President; just not THAT WOMAN [HRC] who is a confirmed & documented narcisstic, pathological, psychotic,Liar on a grand scale.She is a horrible person & a horrible candidate. AND SHE WON'T GO AWAY! "Signs Hillary Clinton Is Having A Mental Breakdown" |
Edited by
Sun 04/22/18 01:57 PM
The corrupt Democrats are doing their best to make a Trump victory, inevitable in 2020. Hey maybe that corrupt old waster, Hillary will even be trotted-out again to run against Trump if she's not in jail or dead by then. What Happened?! I hope she's not dead! I don't care if i don't support them politically but I would never wish harm or death on one! You totally misunderstood my words. The phrase, "if [someone]is "not dead by then" is a commonly used cliche to humorously portray some sort of sort of arduously & prolonged completion of a task or humorously refer to the fact of actual death.i.e. "I hope to see a woman become President,if I'm not "dead by then." This doesn't mean that I wish myself, dead only that,[humorously] well, given my age & the state of my health,there's a good chance that I might be. ![]() That's so not wishing harm on anyone. |