Topic: Sheriff Officer... they say did nothing ...
msharmony's photo
Fri 02/23/18 03:29 PM
now why do people give opinions on forums bashing people for giving opinions on forums?

we can vote in the policy makers who care enough to do whats right and reasonable instead of whats merely popular or profitable.

no photo
Fri 02/23/18 03:59 PM

Why you're right it's best to sit back with your weapon and not do a darn thing while kids get killed..that's a much better idea ...And how did that work out..

but hey we can go all day writing up scenarios that never happened in order to make our points..I can speak for what I would've done and so can others ..and in doing so they don't agree with what was done by the resource it in and do NOTHING..

And I never heard anything about him being told to take up a position outside the building while a maniac roamed the halls..

Even the Broward County Sheriff said he should have went in.. but hey yall know more..and those what ifs scenarios didn't happen..

But what did happen was kids died while someone who SHOULD have went in to help didn't..and that's the scenario that did happen..And it's not about being a hero..that's his JOB

And these people who said they would've went in if it were would've been their job...and they at least would have done it..not about heroes puffing would've been their JOB..and they would've done it

no photo
Fri 02/23/18 04:01 PM
Yea, that's right. If one feels so strongly about an issue,
get off the computer and do something that really makes a

Argo's photo
Fri 02/23/18 05:20 PM

it seems to be an idea of hero requiring them to at least 'attempt' to take the bad guys life, regardless of the odd of that attempt will actually help anyone or not, or as in the case of guns, just provide them with another tool of death at the end of the day.

it makes think of the "attempts" being offered by Trump, Rubio,
Lapierre and others of the pro-gun advocate ilk...
ok, the bump-stock goes
ok, we'll look into the enhanced backround checks
but our main focus should be..arming a couple hundred thousand
teachers well trained teachers ex military teachers use our
veterans hang up signs that say "WE have guns stay away bad guys"
and when this brilliant plan of ours is all accomplished and
paid for we'll just sit back and wait for the bad guys
to show up at some random classroom and then our wonderful
teachers can kill them off one at a time, until all the
bad guys are dead and gone, and we will live happily ever after..
now that there^^is a real and viable attempt to solve the
problem of school shootings

or, a real attempt to solve the
problem of school shootings would be to get
on a date site forum and whine about it.
now that there is a real and viable solution.

are you talking to me Alle ? is that why you're quoting
my opinion ?? i guess, in your own special way, maybe you're
trying to ask me for a date, since this ONLY a date site forum

that must it...sorry the answer is NO...
and i hope you're not going to whine like a baby about it..

cheer up, you can always go "quote-up" someone else,
they might say yes...

msharmony's photo
Fri 02/23/18 05:21 PM
Edited by msharmony on Fri 02/23/18 05:24 PM

Why you're right it's best to sit back with your weapon and not do a darn thing while kids get killed..that's a much better idea ...And how did that work out..

but hey we can go all day writing up scenarios that never happened in order to make our points..I can speak for what I would've done and so can others ..and in doing so they don't agree with what was done by the resource it in and do NOTHING..

And I never heard anything about him being told to take up a position outside the building while a maniac roamed the halls..

Even the Broward County Sheriff said he should have went in.. but hey yall know more..and those what ifs scenarios didn't happen..

But what did happen was kids died while someone who SHOULD have went in to help didn't..and that's the scenario that did happen..And it's not about being a hero..that's his JOB

And these people who said they would've went in if it were would've been their job...and they at least would have done it..not about heroes puffing would've been their JOB..and they would've done it

it is nobody's job to 'die' just for dying's sake. Noone.

even the military go to war and 'die' for self preservation and ideals like freedom. They shoot instead of being shot at. they kill rather than be killed.

bravo to those who take the risk of being robbed from their families on the off small chance they can 'stop' a crazy person. Bravo also to those who use their brain and not their machismo to stick around for their family if they do not feel there is the chance to stop a crazy situation alone. Cops make that choice perhaps occasionally, its called 'standing down', when logic prevails instead of impulsiveness.

mightymoe's photo
Fri 02/23/18 05:59 PM

Why you're right it's best to sit back with your weapon and not do a darn thing while kids get killed..that's a much better idea ...And how did that work out..

but hey we can go all day writing up scenarios that never happened in order to make our points..I can speak for what I would've done and so can others ..and in doing so they don't agree with what was done by the resource it in and do NOTHING..

And I never heard anything about him being told to take up a position outside the building while a maniac roamed the halls..

Even the Broward County Sheriff said he should have went in.. but hey yall know more..and those what ifs scenarios didn't happen..

But what did happen was kids died while someone who SHOULD have went in to help didn't..and that's the scenario that did happen..And it's not about being a hero..that's his JOB

And these people who said they would've went in if it were would've been their job...and they at least would have done it..not about heroes puffing would've been their JOB..and they would've done it

it is nobody's job to 'die' just for dying's sake. Noone.

even the military go to war and 'die' for self preservation and ideals like freedom. They shoot instead of being shot at. they kill rather than be killed.

bravo to those who take the risk of being robbed from their families on the off small chance they can 'stop' a crazy person. Bravo also to those who use their brain and not their machismo to stick around for their family if they do not feel there is the chance to stop a crazy situation alone. Cops make that choice perhaps occasionally, its called 'standing down', when logic prevails instead of impulsiveness.

the military disagrees with that's their job to die, if need be, for you... police are the same, they risk their life everyday for strangers, it's their job to... That's why the sheriff was mad at him, he didn't do his job...if he's scared to face danger, then he shoulda had a desk job, no danger faced...

no photo
Fri 02/23/18 06:14 PM

On OAN right now the sheriff says that when there is a call about an active is their job to go in and engage that active shooter..calling it a dereliction of duty for not going in and engaging that shooter..spock

mightymoe's photo
Fri 02/23/18 06:31 PM

On OAN right now the sheriff says that when there is a call about an active is their job to go in and engage that active shooter..calling it a dereliction of duty for not going in and engaging that shooter..spock
that's why he had a gun

motowndowntown's photo
Fri 02/23/18 07:17 PM

and he resigns...

Honestly ... did Peterson have any back up and could he call for this time in or out of the school was this part of his duty for surveillance in the school a direct connection to the police ... what was the Sheriff Officer carrying ... more then likely a pistol...

I think its partly because it doesnt bode well for those who will be pushing for 'armed' protection at school, where this school had such protection and still saw 17 deaths

I also agree that someone in a mass shooter situation, armed or not, may not be as prepared and calm as people assume they will or should be, the same reason fearful police shoot unarmed suspects, in life and death situations, things are not always gonna happen as one 'prepared' for in some simulation.

Yup, gotta agree with this. It's one thing to walk around with a pistol on your hip. It's quite another to walk into a firefight knowing you may not walk out.

msharmony's photo
Fri 02/23/18 07:20 PM

Why you're right it's best to sit back with your weapon and not do a darn thing while kids get killed..that's a much better idea ...And how did that work out..

but hey we can go all day writing up scenarios that never happened in order to make our points..I can speak for what I would've done and so can others ..and in doing so they don't agree with what was done by the resource it in and do NOTHING..

And I never heard anything about him being told to take up a position outside the building while a maniac roamed the halls..

Even the Broward County Sheriff said he should have went in.. but hey yall know more..and those what ifs scenarios didn't happen..

But what did happen was kids died while someone who SHOULD have went in to help didn't..and that's the scenario that did happen..And it's not about being a hero..that's his JOB

And these people who said they would've went in if it were would've been their job...and they at least would have done it..not about heroes puffing would've been their JOB..and they would've done it

it is nobody's job to 'die' just for dying's sake. Noone.

even the military go to war and 'die' for self preservation and ideals like freedom. They shoot instead of being shot at. they kill rather than be killed.

bravo to those who take the risk of being robbed from their families on the off small chance they can 'stop' a crazy person. Bravo also to those who use their brain and not their machismo to stick around for their family if they do not feel there is the chance to stop a crazy situation alone. Cops make that choice perhaps occasionally, its called 'standing down', when logic prevails instead of impulsiveness.

the military disagrees with that's their job to die, if need be, for you... police are the same, they risk their life everyday for strangers, it's their job to... That's why the sheriff was mad at him, he didn't do his job...if he's scared to face danger, then he shoulda had a desk job, no danger faced...

I am in no danger in the places they send the military, they go to die for the 'idea' of me , they shoot the same reason ANYONE in that scenario would, because they literally MUST shoot to live themselves ...

who knows thats in the sheriffs mind, maybe he was mad about the job, maybe he was mad at the pressure being placed on his office and found it easy to 'blame' the officer, the way a man blames and is mad at his wife for making him hit her ... in his mind.

there are many other dangers that he apparently faced for thirty years with commendation, not all danger is created the same or resolved head on by only one person

Argo's photo
Fri 02/23/18 08:17 PM
after reading many comments...
my opinion and point i tried to make is this..

whether the deputy stayed out because he was a coward or
thought he was doing what he was supposed to be doing

only he, in his mind, knows the answer to that question..
he must live with his own conscience for the rest of his days..

he may blame himself, he may sneer back in anger at those
who judge him, he may justify his actions as following
his orders or he may put a bullet in his own head..

Nobody knows but him...

what I know is this...and this is the point i'm trying to make..

Real Heros never puff-up their chests to
brag and boast about their OWN acts of heroism,
and they certainly don't condemn the lack of it in others...

I hope the Stoning of this man is over now...

no photo
Fri 02/23/18 08:22 PM
Sorry Argo, I didn't realize that I was quoting your opinion by quoting my opinion. We all have one but don't quote me on that. smile2

Argo's photo
Fri 02/23/18 08:32 PM

Sorry Argo, I didn't realize that I was quoting your opinion by quoting my opinion. We all have one but don't quote me on that. smile2

sooo, you wanna meet for drinks, big boy ??blushing laugh

no photo
Fri 02/23/18 08:47 PM

Doesn't matter what was on his mind the point was what he was suppose to do and what would a person do if they were in that position..nice try at just doesn't work on me...whoa

no photo
Fri 02/23/18 09:11 PM
WOW! Just WOW! I think some people are being compensated.

Argo's photo
Fri 02/23/18 09:30 PM

Doesn't matter what was on his mind the point was what he was suppose to do and what would a person do if they were in that position..nice try at just doesn't work on me...whoa

i'm quoting you Braider because i'm talking directly to you
no misdirection at all...

scroll back thru everything youve said on this thread you are
the thrower of most of the stones here...please say again five
more times what you with your military savvy would be doing
please say again how you would dropped the shooter please
say again how you were written up in the newspaper as a hero
but honestly it was no big deal please say again that the guy
was a P**sy and had no stones please say again he should grow
some like yours....there were other comments, but in particular
it was YOUR comments that led me to post anything at all here...

so, say again Braider what a hero YOU are...Puff out YOUR
brave chest one more time and tell everyone how a Real Hero
like YOU would have handled the mission....

or you can go whine like a crybaby and have this post deleted...

msharmony's photo
Fri 02/23/18 09:36 PM

WOW! Just WOW! I think some people are being compensated.

nope this is human interaction, but online ... possibly where people feel freer to say what they 'really' feel ...

Argo's photo
Fri 02/23/18 09:45 PM

nope this is human interaction, but online ... possibly where people feel freer to say what they 'really' feel ...

yeah MsH and the total banning of all guns online...doesnt hurt either laugh

no photo
Fri 02/23/18 10:49 PM

Rest assured ARGO I knew who you were talking about and while some of you didn't even know what this guy was paid and trained to engage the kiler let alone that he was a deputy instead you write about scenarios that fit your talking points..

He was securing the building people could be dead ten feet from his feet ..personally like I said as someone threw at me the hero scenario it was no big deal like I said ,but it wasn't about being a hero was about doing his job..but yall looked at him as if he was one step above janitor..and some who would write scenarios didn't even know he was a deputy who wasn't doing his job or that he had been trained to go in unless it was absolute suicide or the place was booby trapped..

Oh yall knew so much but failed to see these talking points not to mention dereliction of duty,but you defend someone who didn't do the job they were paid for while children died..Trust me when I say this I have no problem debating this issue with you or your cohort..because as you can see you're WRONG..unless you and your cohort know more than the Sheriff ..why don't you enlighten us with what you do know as far as this man's job was concerned ..and then go and enlighten the sheriff ..I'm sure he will hang on every word..NOT

The other problem I see is those who can't admit they were wrong due to knowledge they lacked before they opened their mouth ..but hey if it makes you feel right go for it..but let me enlighten you on one thing..I'm not someone you want to get into a debate over this with..

because you've already lost before one word or witticism leaves your mouth..And your right just like yourselves I have no problem saying what I have to say on the internet at least I back it with knowledge..rather than make up scenarios that suit my opinion...Understand this he was a P***y and he had no stones...and while he was SUPPOSE To do something he did nothing ..which is probably the same thing you would do ..So attack me some more with your lack of knowledge you and your cohort..spock

Argo's photo
Fri 02/23/18 11:10 PM

Real Heros never puff-up their chests to
brag and boast about their OWN acts of heroism,
and they certainly don't condemn the lack of it in others...

this^^^ is all i got to say to you Braider,
because obviously, you already KNOW everything else...