Topic: Political climate in DC
estesparkman's photo
Sat 01/20/18 08:21 AM
What is the view of what is going on in DC as they are not able to pass the budget?
What effect will it have on the National Parks?

msharmony's photo
Sat 01/20/18 10:16 AM
It will pass. It is not the first nor will it be the last time. But the country kept on going.

Im not sure about the national parks. My son worked for homeland security and I know there was a shutdown that had them working without pay, but I think it is being predicted that this will not last long enough to impact much.

yellowrose10's photo
Sat 01/20/18 10:18 AM
A big pissing contest

Toodygirl5's photo
Sat 01/20/18 10:31 AM
Edited by Toodygirl5 on Sat 01/20/18 10:32 AM

What is the view of what is going on in DC as they are not able to pass the budget?
What effect will it have on the National Parks?

Confusion, power struggling. Many will suffer if government shutsdown, parks close too.

estesparkman's photo
Sat 01/20/18 11:45 AM
I am sure that a solution will be found but not sure how soon or when.
Yes it does happen as this is not first time nor the last

no photo
Sun 01/21/18 02:43 AM

It will pass. It is not the first nor will it be the last time. But the country kept on going.

Im not sure about the national parks. My son worked for homeland security and I know there was a shutdown that had them working without pay, but I think it is being predicted that this will not last long enough to impact much.

Homeland Security. Another great agency we so desperately need.

no photo
Sun 01/21/18 02:54 AM

A big pissing contest
to not look like racist Americans or do they just want to follow suit with all these other countries. Logically it seems Like higher powers are prevailing. Spoon feeding all the people's with lies every day seems to be a great strategy that's working very well.

msharmony's photo
Sun 01/21/18 03:00 AM

It will pass. It is not the first nor will it be the last time. But the country kept on going.

Im not sure about the national parks. My son worked for homeland security and I know there was a shutdown that had them working without pay, but I think it is being predicted that this will not last long enough to impact much.

Homeland Security. Another great agency we so desperately need.

couldnt be worse than what we had before 9/11 that allowed 19 people through to hijack planes and kill thousands ...

no photo
Sun 01/21/18 03:11 AM

It will pass. It is not the first nor will it be the last time. But the country kept on going.

Im not sure about the national parks. My son worked for homeland security and I know there was a shutdown that had them working without pay, but I think it is being predicted that this will not last long enough to impact much.

Homeland Security. Another great agency we so desperately need.

couldnt be worse than what we had before 9/11 that allowed 19 people through to hijack planes and kill thousands ...

Another Government power grab justified by that said event.

no photo
Mon 01/22/18 09:26 AM
What is the view of what is going on in DC as they are not able to pass the budget?

Every year they keep stealing more and more tax money.
I don't know about the general view, but my view of what is going on in DC is the same ol' same ol' that can be expected by politicians.
Delay hearings, delay confirmations, delay budget passing, whatever.
Then blame the other side for being obstructionist, hysterialize the consequences of the behavior.
In a sense it's marketing and acting for future elections.
Meanwhile what is going on outside of DC is nothing really changes.

What effect will it have on the National Parks?

Giant corrugated steel shutters come down locking Dante the park ranger inside and he runs around telling the bears "I wasn't even supposed to come in today!"

no photo
Mon 01/22/18 10:06 AM
The bears will riot, protest and burn some trees.

no photo
Mon 01/22/18 11:52 AM
They passed a watered down temp version this afternoon

But we go thru this garbage every few years. Either one side or the other decides to use the American people as pawns in their chess game.

We live in a Democracy, meaning we have 2 basic sides Dems & Republicans. Meant to balance things out and do the right thing for the masses. For the people

But when they act like this they reduce themselves to idiots...all of them

It is one thing to take a stance and loose money doing it. Its called " having skin in the game" But when you take a stance and other people loose money.. and you don't.. well I have little respect for that.

They should all be docked a weeks or two pay.. Dems and Republicans... see how it feels.

mightymoe's photo
Mon 01/22/18 03:03 PM
People keep saying that they are not getting paid...only a half truth... They get everything on their next check, they just have to wait for it a bit longer...

mightymoe's photo
Mon 01/22/18 03:05 PM

They passed a watered down temp version this afternoon

But we go thru this garbage every few years. Either one side or the other decides to use the American people as pawns in their chess game.

We live in a Democracy, meaning we have 2 basic sides Dems & Republicans. Meant to balance things out and do the right thing for the masses. For the people

But when they act like this they reduce themselves to idiots...all of them

It is one thing to take a stance and loose money doing it. Its called " having skin in the game" But when you take a stance and other people loose money.. and you don't.. well I have little respect for that.

They should all be docked a weeks or two pay.. Dems and Republicans... see how it feels.
well, their paycheck from the government is meaningless to them.... They got into the government for the kickbacks and side deals...