Topic: New Year's 2018 Who Ya Gunna Kiss? | |
Last year I went to a few bars in the area, figured what the hell, might as well see if I can get a kiss.
The first bar was a hole in the wall bar, old style. Had a White Russian sipped slowly, spent an hour there. There were two women, half my age and unappealing to me that tried to hit on me, that I politely declined. Saw no women my age at all. Left after an hour. The next bar was a sports bar. Had a Rum & Coke. Saw three women my age that were with someone. Most of the women there were my daughter's age...can't do it, that's weird. Aside from the bartender, nobody even talked to me. Stayed for an hour and left. The last bar, the midnight bar, was a beach bar that was packed with people. The live band was pretty loud. I ordered and sipped a Piña Colada. I talked with a nice woman for about 1/2 an hour but she had to leave. It was more of a time wasting conversation than a hookup. I figured she had someone to go home to. Meh. I left at 11:45. As I was leaving a hooker propositioned me. She looked like she had been ridden hard and put away wet so I declined and headed home. I got home in time for the countdown and as the clock reached midnight I looked in the mirror and smiled. At least I'm alive. This year, I have no desire to go bar hopping hoping to get a kiss. If I end up finding someone special to spend New Years with this year, what we do will be up to her. It sure would be nice to get a kiss and hug at midnight tho. So, this year, what are your plans for New Years? Will you desperately seek a date? Will you be going to your favorite place? Do you have any traditions or superstitions related to New Years? How important is alcohol to your celebration? 13 New Years Superstitions! Eating black-eyed peas and greens brings good luck and financial prosperity. You are to eat the peas with greens for prosperity. The peas represent good luck and the greens represent money. Nothing goes out of the house, or you will be losing things during the upcoming year. Kissing at midnight. Kiss someone dear to you at midnight, this will ensure affection for the next 12 months. If you happen to be alone at midnight, kissing the dog or cat would certainly work. (I don't have any pets, I'm screwed) Don’t cry, don’t cry on New Years day, this could bring unhappiness for the next year. Don’t wash clothes. Some super-cautious won’t even wash the dishes on New Years day. No bare cupboards, fill up the cupboards before New Years day, otherwise that could be the way of the New Year. Money, don’t lend money or precious items and don’t pay back loans either. To do so means you will be paying out money all year long. Also fill all of your wallets with money since that ensures prosperity for the New Year. Open the doors at midnight as this will let out all the bad from the previous year. Loud noises, make some noise. This will scare away the evil spirits from entering your life in the next year. Don’t break anything. Work, try and do something work related on New Years Day, just a token or small amount of work. First person entering your home, this superstition is about how the first person who enters your home in the New Year will influence the year you’re about to have. Ideally this person should be tall, dark and good looking. Which way the wind blows, there isn’t a lot we can do about the weather, but superstition holds that if the wind is out of the South there will be prosperous times ahead. The wind out of the East means famine and calamities and out of the North means a bad year for weather. A little odd but out of the West means plenty of milk and fish. Calm winds means a prosperous and joyful year for all. |
Advice for All on New Year’s Day
~ Ann Landers SOURCE: Let this coming year be better than all the others. Vow to do some of the things you’ve always wanted to do but couldn’t find the time. Call up a forgotten friend. Drop an old grudge, and replace it with some pleasant memories. Share a funny story with someone whose spirits are dragging. A good laugh can be very good medicine. Vow not to make a promise you don’t think you can keep. Pay a debt. Give a soft answer. Free yourself of envy and malice. Encourage some youth to do his or her best. Share your experience, and offer support. Young people need role models. Make a genuine effort to stay in closer touch with family and good friends. Resolve to stop magnifying small problems and shooting from the lip. Words that you have to eat can be hard to digest. Find the time to be kind and thoughtful. All of us have the same allotment: 24 hours a day. Give a compliment. It might give someone a badly needed lift. Think things through. Forgive an injustice. Listen more. Be kind. Apologize when you realize you are wrong. An apology never diminishes a person. It elevates him. Don’t blow your own horn. If you’ve done something praiseworthy, someone win notice eventually. Try to understand a point of view that is different from your own. Few things are 100 percent one way or another. Examine the demands you make on others. Lighten up. When you feel like blowing your top, ask yourself, "Will it matter a week from today?" Laugh the loudest when the joke is on you. The sure way to have a friend is to be one. We are all connected by our humanity, and we need each other. Avoid malcontents and pessimists. They drag you down and contribute nothing. Don’t discourage a beginner from trying something risky. Nothing ventured means nothing gained. Be optimistic. The can-do spirit is the fuel that makes things go. Go to war against animosity and complacency. Express your gratitude. Give credit when it’s due—and even when it isn’t. It will make you look good. Read something uplifting. Deep-six the trash. You wouldn’t eat garbage—why put it in your head? Don’t abandon your old-fashioned principles. They never go out of style. When courage is needed, ask yourself, "If not me, who? If not now, when?" Take better care of yourself. Remember, you’re all you’ve got. Pass up that second helping. You really don’t need it. Vow to eat more sensibly. You’ll feel better and look better, too. Don’t put up with secondhand smoke. Nobody has the right to pollute your air or give you cancer. If someone says, "This is a free country," remind him or her that the country may be free, but no person is free if he has a habit he can’t control. Return those books you borrowed. Reschedule that missed dental appointment. Clean out your closet. Take those photos out of the drawer and put them in an album. If you see litter on the sidewalk, pick it up instead of walking over it. Give yourself a reality check. Phoniness is transparent, and it is tiresome. Take pleasure in the beauty and the wonders of nature. A flower is God’s miracle. Walk tall, and smile more. You’ll look 10 years younger. Don’t be afraid to say, "I love you." Say it again. They are the sweetest words in the world. If you have love in your life, consider yourself blessed, and vow to make this the best year ever. |
Let Go of Your Grudges
Michael Josephson at As we approach the New Year [also, good advice for beginning Lent], it's a good time to clean out the clutter in our lives. That means disposing of useless papers and unused stuff but also throwing away old grudges. The prevalence and durability of grudges proves Maya Angelou's observation that people don't always remember what you said or did, but they do remember how you made them feel. Grudges are nothing more than toxic memories of how someone made us feel. But Confucius taught that "To be wronged is nothing unless we continue to remember it." So why do so many of us choose to consciously preserve and revisit toxic feelings that detract from our happiness? Perhaps we fool ourselves into thinking we can inflict some sort of pain on the person who wronged us. In fact, holding on to a grudge is like holding on to a hot stone. It doesn't hurt the stone or the person who gave it to us; it only hurts the one holding it. Carrying a grudge is like being stung to death by one bee. It doesn't matter how justified the bitter feelings are or how right we are. Holding on to a grievance turns pain into suffering. In a peculiar way it empowers the wrongdoer to hurt us again and again. So start out this New Year [Lent] by giving yourself a great gift. Muster the good sense and strength to root out and release deep-seated and long-held resentments. If you can, forgive and forget. But all that's really necessary is a firm decision to let go of your grudges so you can move forward and free yourself of the chains of resentment. Source: |
Not sure yet what I'll be doing.
Doesn't look like there'll be a New Year's kiss for me ![]() |
I will be kissing my mom after she returns from church Tom :)
Not sure yet what I'll be doing. Doesn't look like there'll be a New Year's kiss for me ![]() I wonder if a virtual kiss will ward off the superstition? ![]() |
I will be kissing my mom after she returns from church Tom :) I think that is sweet. I remember midnight mass with the kids, saw some truly gifted gospel musicians at those events. |
Not sure yet what I'll be doing. Doesn't look like there'll be a New Year's kiss for me ![]() I wonder if a virtual kiss will ward off the superstition? ![]() ![]() ![]() Thanks Tom :) |
Think I qualify for a virtual kiss as it's the best I'm going to get I think Yea, I've come to the same conclusion. This year, I may be posting virtual kisses to all my lovely mingle2 women. Perhaps someone should start a Virtual Kisses topic. Could be popular all year long? |
Edited by
Thu 11/30/17 11:52 AM
awww, that's sweet. Maybe it will, so all of us who don't have anyone to kiss, we can meet here for a virtual kiss
Thanks Tom :) LOL, no problem. Good Idea |
Think I qualify for a virtual kiss as it's the best I'm going to get I think Yea, I've come to the same conclusion. This year, I may be posting virtual kisses to all my lovely mingle2 women. Perhaps someone should start a Virtual Kisses topic. Could be popular all year long? Great idea Tom ![]() |
Well don't want to just kiss anyone - just because it's New Years......
since I probably won't have my daughter this year for the countdown.... it'll be a FaceTime smooch for her. ![]() |
Edited by
Thu 11/30/17 12:15 PM
Think I qualify for a virtual kiss as it's the best I'm going to get I think Yea, I've come to the same conclusion. This year, I may be posting virtual kisses to all my lovely mingle2 women. Perhaps someone should start a Virtual Kisses topic. Could be popular all year long? Great idea Tom ![]() Nah, I like it when someone else starts a new topic (most of the time). I require no honorisms as justification. I know I am honorable. My self-esteem does not require propping up. The Virtual Kisses thread would be fun. Here is a light-hearted but technical take on Kissing Aristotelian kiss a kiss performed using techniques gained solely from theoretical speculation untainted by any experiential data by one who feels that the latter is irrelevant anyway. Hegelian kiss dialiptical technique in which the kiss incorporates its own antithikiss, forming a synthekiss. Wittgensteinian kiss the important thing about this type of kiss is that it refers only to the symbol (our internal mental representation we associate with the experience of the kiss--which must necessarilly also be differentiated from the act itself for obvious reasons and which need not be by any means the same or even similar for the different people experiencing the act) rather than the act itself and, as such, one must be careful not to make unwarranted generalizations about the act itself or the experience thereof based merely on our manipulation of the symbology therefor. Godelian kiss a kiss that takes an extraordinarilly long time, yet leaves you unable to decide whether you've been kissed or not. Here are some more of the classic kisses: Socratic kiss really a Platonic kiss, but it's claimed to be the Socratic technique so it'll sound more authoritative; however, compared to most strictly Platonic kisses, Socratic kisses wander around a lot more and cover more ground. Kantian kiss a kiss that, eschewing inferior "phenomenal" contact, is performed entirely on the superior "noumenal" plane; though you don't actually feel it at all, you are, nonetheless, free to declare it the best kiss you've ever given or received. Kafkaesque kiss a kiss that starts out feeling like it's about to transform you but ends up just bugging you. Sartrean kiss a kiss that you worry yourself to death about even though it really doesn't matter anyway. Russell-Whiteheadian kiss a formal kiss in which each lip and tongue movement is rigorously and completely defined, even though it ends up seeming incomplete somehow. Pythagorean kiss a kiss given by someone who has developed some new and wonderful techniques but refuses to use them on anyone for fear that others would find out about them and copy them. Cartesian kiss a particularly well-planned and coordinated movement: "I think, therefore, I aim." In general, a kiss does not count as Cartesian unless it is applied with enough force to remove all doubt that one has been kissed. (cf. Polar kiss, a more well-rounded movement involving greater nose-to-nose contact, but colder overall.) Heisenbergian kiss
a hard-to-define kiss--the more it moves you, the less sure you are of where the kiss was; the more energy it has, the more trouble you have figuring out how long it lasted. Extreme versions of this type of kiss are known as "virtual kisses" because the level of uncertainty is so high that you're not quite sure if you were kissed or not. Virtual kisses have the advantage, however, that you need not have anyone else in the room with you to enjoy them. Nietzscheian kiss "she/he who does not kiss you, makes your lust stronger." Epimenidian kiss a kiss given by someone who does not kiss. Grouchoic kiss a kiss given by someone who will only kiss those who would not kiss him or her. Harpoic kiss shut up and kiss me. Zenoian kiss your lips approach, closer and closer, but never actually touch. Procrustean kiss suffice it to say that it is a technique that, once you've experienced it, you'll never forget it, especially when applied to areas of the anatomy other than the lips. |
Nah, I like it when someone else starts a new topic (most of the time). I require no honorisms as justification. I know I am honorable. My self-esteem does not require propping up. The Virtual Kisses thread would be fun. Here is a light-hearted but technical take on Kissing Yes it would be fun, perhaps if I'm not doing anything New Year's Eve, I'll start one so we all have a place to go for our virtual kisses. I never heard of all the different kinds of kissing, that's pretty cool. |
Nah, I like it when someone else starts a new topic (most of the time). I require no honorisms as justification. I know I am honorable. My self-esteem does not require propping up. The Virtual Kisses thread would be fun. Here is a light-hearted but technical take on Kissing Yes it would be fun, perhaps if I'm not doing anything New Year's Eve, I'll start one so we all have a place to go for our virtual kisses. I never heard of all the different kinds of kissing, that's pretty cool. Go for it... Yeah, its just a light-hearted take on kissing I found, thought it was funny. |
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No kiss on the horizon yet that I know of.. Possible I find her/she finds me this month..
Well a few people have already told me to "kiss my a*s!!", so I guess I got a head start.
Wait till New Years at least...
Someone should sell a Tee shirt that says
"Caution: Random New Year's Kisser" Makes me remember high school and the Random Kissing Game. There were 7 of us and we had a week to kiss as many girls as we could, one point per kiss (had to be witnessed and tallied). It didn't matter if it was lips or not, just a kiss. I never really won but I didn't come in last either - lol. |