Topic: Church of the Homeless. | |
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Mon 12/03/07 02:21 PM
I told everyone that I was going to post documented healings in order to counteract the worthless debates going on lately. Blah blah...whatever, here's them facts.
Documented healing #1 Basma, a twenty-something-year-old committed believer in Christ Jesus, had been stricken by crippling polio as a very young child. She could walk only with the help of a heavy brace attached to her leg and bulky shoes specially fitted for her disfigured feet, in addition to a cane. For some reason, she believed that healing her was the one miracle that the Lord could not do. Outside the Prayer Room after one of our morning Tent Crusade meetings, team members Billy Burton, Jennifer Campbell, Brenda Powell, and Deborah Wallace laid hands on her, rebuking the polio in the name of Jesus Christ. Before their very eyes the power of the Lord began to straighten her twisted foot. She removed the heavy leg brace and special shoes and walked without them for the first time in many years. Brenda, who had purchased a new pair of sneakers before leaving on the trip at the leading of the Holy Spirit, gave Basma her new shoes to wear. They fit her exactly! The next day, walking in her new regular shoes aided by her cane only, Basma came to the Tent Meeting to testify with great joy and excitement before the thousands of amazed Egyptians. She's trusting the Lord for her complete healing. Perspective #2 The most dramatic healing I witnessed was Basma, the young women with polio. She wore a full leg brace on her right leg. Her shoe was attached to this brace. She also had scoliosis. Let me share this experience with you. There were several of us who ministered to her as a team; Brenda, Charlotte, Deborah, and I. We began to minister healing to her. After a while, Deborah had a word that we needed to command one of her legs to grow out. As I knelt down and began to command this leg to come out, we watched it happen. As I was doing this, I noticed that her big toe on her right foot was drawn up and locked in this position. She didn't stand with her foot flat on the floor; she walked on the side of it and it was turned way out. I began to command this toe to be released yet nothing happened. We continued to minister to her. At one point, Deborah sensed we needed to just sing a song of worship to the Lord. About this time, Billy came and he began to speak to Basma. He took authority over some things in her life and all of a sudden Deborah and I looked and Basma's toe straightened out and her foot turned in noticeably. We all began to shout with joy. She began to walk without her brace. When we finished ministering to her she still had to use her cane, but she could walk without her brace. As she was preparing to leave, she was going to put her brace back on as her shoe was attached to it. Quickly, Brenda pulled off her new Nike tennis shoes and socks and gave them to Basma. Of course they fit her perfectly! She walked out of their with the first pair of real shoes and no brace - ![]() |
A Documented Miracle The following is a letter I received the week of 06/17/2001, from Jonie Green, My "Blairsville Bestest QuitBuddy" Hello Tom, It was so good to chat for a minute today and so sorry to hear about Jean's foot...send her my well wishes...I am so glad you are doing well... isn't it wonderful to be smoke free for over 2-1/2 years now. Well I told you I would share my wonderful praise and I will. You know I had to have a stent put in the main descending artery of my heart in February... well I failed my stress test miserably after 1-1/2 minutes I threatened another heart attack and had to be "nitro'd" the whole nine yards... they told me I had restenosed and had another large blockage in the same artery... possibly old plaque, possibly new "good" growth inside the stent but in any event it had to be dealt with right away.... so they made sure I had a supply of nitro and told me to carry it with me at all times and to always have someone aware of where it was and how to give it to me... they literally scared the "patookey" out of me...well the earliest they could get the cath lab was 5 days later so they set me up for a cath and angio on Wednesday afternoon... Dave and I went to church on Saturday night instead of Sunday because our kids from out of town were coming only for a couple of hours in the morning... when we got into the santuary the pastor was leaning against the back wall as I passed by and he reached out and asked me how I was... I told him I had to have another blockage removed and he turned his program to me .... he had just written the word heart blockage on it prior to me entering the church... he said the Lord told him clearly that someone was having that problem... anyway... during the service he asked me to come forth and receive prayer and asked the entire congregation to pray for me....WOW!!!! That evening our friend called and told us that a visiting pastor with a "healing ministry" from California was speaking in the evenings and urged us to come on Monday night... well we did and here again I received congrational prayer for healing... well I didn't know one way or the other but I accepted God's will for me....before I knew it Wed was here and I had to leave for the hosp...I sat on the footstool in the living room and felt like I had been hit with an electric wire.... all I could do was cry....the rest is history... I had the cath and the cardioligst told my family because "I was still drugged" that when he got in my heart he was completely "underwhelmed" that the large blockage was gone....and he actually apologized for having me submit to the procedure... when I was more alert he then came to me and told me the exact same thing....I said Dr. Moeller this is very important to me I would like you to honestly answer this question...he said yes.... I said when I failed the stress test did you actually see the large blockage on the film .... Tommy I saw the ekg and I nearly flatlined for about twelve inches of the page... the doctor answered yes Joan I did see a large blockage or I would never have put you through this procedure again.... I said to Doc Moeller I received a miracle healing from all the folks at my church praying for me...and the doc said "yes Joan you probably did!" talk about overwhelmed.... I am still shouting praises and thanksgiving!.....Tom our God is an Awesome God!..... thanks so much for being such a wonderful friend and thank you particularly for loving the Lord and allowing me to share this marvelous blessing..... Love and hugs to you and yours my bestest buddy. |
I have been witness and received such blessing and personally know doctor documented healings in my friends lives. I won't overdo it, but the bottom line is it does work and it DOES happen.
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*2 hours later Hmmmm. I'm starting to believe that many are here to argue for the sake of keeping from boredom. Post some conclusive undeniable proof of God and they all wander off.
Oh well, just doin' what needs done. ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Praise and Glory to God dear Tom.....I too have story after story of the true power of prayer. I will share one that is near and dear to me as it involved my husband Robb.
The day before thanksgiving last year Robb was not feeling well. Complaining of a stomach ache and just in alot of pain. I said were not messing with this and took him to the emergency room. All the way to the hospital I prayed for the Lord to heal my husband. They probed and prodded and could not tell us exactly what was causing him such distress. The Lord in a quiet gentle voice kept telling me to have them check his colon. I did as the Lord asked and sure enough he had a ruptured colon. What makes this such a miracle is that if he would of eaten Thanksgiving dinner he would of died as all the food would of just went all over the insides as colon was disconnected. I sat bedside for the next three weeks and of course prayed non stop. Not once did I ever think I was going to loose him because my Faith was just to strong and I knew it was not his time. I prayed all the way up to the surgery and through the surgery. when the doctors finally came and told me they had repaired him. They looked me straight in the eye and stated they don't have an explanation as to why he lived. By all accounts they claimed he should of never made it. I looked at them and then to the heaven above and said aloud thank you God out loud for answering my prayers. I went home that night giving Him all the glory and thanking him over and over for His Love and Grace. Also another that is dear to my heart. There is an actor named Danny Bonoduche who was on the Partridge Family and most recently did a reality show called Saving Bonoduce. I loved this man since I was 12 years old. When I was watching the show. They showed a scene of him at a liquor store downing a huge bottle of vodka and washing it down with orange juice....I was overcome with sadness and went to my knees and started to pray. I prayed constantly every day every night for 1 1/2 years. I then tuned in again one night to see him getting baptized and giving his life over to Christ....again I just wept and felt the overwhelming sense to reach out to him. We have been in contact ever since. He has gone through the divorce with his wife Gretchen (Whom I also talk to and the kids) and other trials and still holds on firmly to his Savior Jesus Christ. Also remember, this man drank every day since he was 10 years old. I am so proud of him as a human being as well as a brother in Christ. I remember giving testimony at church regarding this.......cheers and praise Gods all around. When I sat down my 15 year old daughter said, "Mom you don't think your praying had anything to do with it." Where I replied, "You bet your I do." I have many many accounts of prayers answered in my own life. I know the power of prayer is such an amazing tool that God gives us in our daily struggles and being able to give testimony of these prayers is a testament to the Father, The Son, and The Holy Spirit. |
I'm officially axing this thread. I appreciate the input and replies. However, I find myself needing to become part of the established Coffeee House thread as i find that the love is there and continueing this thread will take focus I can put elsewhere and accomplish the same task. I made some ponts to help and met some great people. But for the first time in a long time I feel that being part of the christian 'loop' HERE will be positive. "iron sharpens iron". Shing!!
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An update on my situation.
Last Friday when I went in to get my paperwork for a specific license I needed for my new job, I was informed that it takes 30-45 days to get the license and you can not work at the establishment at all until you have this license in hand. Two steps forward, one step back. Okay..with a deep breath, I completed the paperwork over the weekend, but at the same time, I continued to sibmit my resume for some temp jobs to tide me over until this "real" job could begin. First thing yesterday morning (8:30 am, man that's early for a business call) I received a call asking me to come in for an interview at a different place. Cool. Today...I got a call from the "real" job. I start tomorrow! YAY!!! Thank you, Lord, for giving me the strength to get thru this! And thank you to all my friends for believing in me! |
You're taking steps, God is leading you out. You're learning trust. Praise God.
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