Topic: You worship one god
PublicAnimalNo9's photo
Sun 11/19/06 10:18 AM
and not to put TOO fine a point on it. If I'm gonna do some research,
I'll do my researching with the ppl that were here 1st, not some
polygamistic shmuck that wants to feel important as the head of a new
religious movement.

ellgee1976's photo
Sun 11/19/06 12:56 PM said oral :P

PublicAnimalNo9's photo
Mon 11/20/06 07:33 AM
lmaoo ORAL ORAL ORAL hehehe

PublicAnimalNo9's photo
Wed 11/22/06 08:09 AM
I'm guessing truth doesn't have a response to my questions. Most likely
cuz there's no answer that's gonna make a lick of sense.

Uh oh ellgee..I said 'lick' this time lol

no photo
Wed 11/29/06 03:35 AM
Hey Ghost And Public, Have you guys read "The Annals of the World" ...
By James Ussher ,,, originally published in Latin in 1650-1654 now
printed in English 2003-2005 .. ??

"The Chronology of the Old Testament" ... By Dr. Floid Nolen Jones ,,,
printing 2005 .. ??

"Pagan Christianity" the origins of our modern church practices ... By
Frank Viola ,,, printing 2002 .. ??

There is another book I read over 30 yrs ago. (it belonged to a friend)
I think the title is "American Holidays" or something like that. It too
is about the pagan holidays Christians practice in the US. I believe it
also stated the premise of each religion too. I think it was written in
the 1970's.

Hey Public,,, what is a Witless ?? Are you referring to the JW's?? ...
I have been around 7 different religions in my life. And I don't belong
to any one religion because I believe their all missing the mark in one
way or another. The Bible that is widely used ( and by all 7 ) is the
King James. Yet each religion will interpret it in their own way to
form their own slant to hold a premise to be different so to make the
other religion wrong. Hence every religion will say "they are the only
'one true religion' and they are the only one that will be saved by God.

'All but a hand full' of the Christian Religions follow pagan practices.
Jesus 'condemned' the High Priests and Pharisees that twisted Gods Word
and practiced paganism during his days on earth. So wouldn't you think
that Jesus would still take that same stand today !?

I agree with what your trying to say! I just want you to know ,,,

In your statment on 11/12/06 @ 10:01 you used the words "cult and
anarchy" .... Please look up the definition of these two words. You
also made a statement about rewriting the Bible and saying "altho the
Witless version is REALLY messed up. I'm assuming you are referring to
the Jehova Witnesses.
What is your point ??? You didn't state a premise of their belief !

Do some research of the religions premise before you make a statment.
They are not a cult. They do not believe, practice or promote anarchy.
And their Bible is the direct writing from the Greek Scalars of the
Greek texts just as the King James is written. Also this religion is one
of the hand full of Christian religions that does not practice pagon

It sounds to me that you too are hung up on semantics and not the facts.
But at least you got 2 out of 3 right.

We will all be in for a big surprise when Jesus returns with his angels
to battle Satan and his fallen angels.

So understand the premise of the religions then preach the Love of God
and the Spirt of the Bible the way Jesus did.

no photo
Wed 11/29/06 03:38 AM

Have you talked yourself into being a Christion yet ?

Ghostrecon's photo
Wed 11/29/06 08:27 PM

Not on your booty! LOL

Ghostrecon's photo
Wed 11/29/06 08:41 PM

I use to attend the JW's church and I can tell you from personal
experience that they are a cult! Period! They hound like a credit card
company for the money, they try to make you convert your family or
friends, they make you feel inadequate, they break you down then they
build you up the way they want you to think like them. I got to know a
guy that was( or seemed) a devote JW, and he killed himself. That's the
kind of friendly ppl they are. No different from the Scientologest as
far as I'm concerned. You can spout off all you want to about how great
they are. And Yeah! The only thing I think I agree about them is not
celebrating certain holidays such as Christmas.
But that's all.

I do also agree that that holiday is pagan in origin.

no photo
Thu 11/30/06 09:35 AM
ChubbyCherobPoet - AAAAAAMEN to your God's and Goddess' statement. Ghost
is cool though and understands some of the pagan beliefs from previous
conversation.To each their own. 'An it harm none. do what ye will" )0(

no photo
Thu 11/30/06 09:41 AM
Never ceases to amaze me when I see some "Christians" posting vial posts
regarding other faiths. Jesus Christ taught tolerance for others and was
a very wise teacher. Ghost, isn't it pretty sad that sooooooooo many
just don't get it and believe it is their "God given right" to tear down
anyone that does not beleieve the same as them?
Many of the "Christian" posts I have read are posted by people that need
to go back and refresh their memory of what the "Bible"/"Jesus" had to

Ghostrecon's photo
Thu 11/30/06 09:43 PM
Absolutely Pool!
It's ordained in their doctrine to do so. Kind of a crusade if you will.
Jihad! Holy War.

They call the Arabs Pagan too and think that they worship the God of the
Sun as they did before Islam.

I freaken know this crap goes on in their monkey size brain. I
personally know A Born again who believe this crap too. He is very
uneducated. But like the Third world countries of today They think they
know the way to Bliss. So they Don't feel the need to educate themselves
to the world cause they think in their blind state of mind that they are
the world.
How fucken lunacy is that.

PublicAnimalNo9's photo
Thu 11/30/06 10:26 PM
Ok LKN, you want facts to back up what I said?? Up until AFTER WW2, the
Jehova's Witless was BANNED in Canada for their anarchistic views. it
wasn't until 1949 that they convinced the gov't they were a "legit"

I've had many debates with the Witless(yes I mean the JW's)
One who was trying REAL hard to convert me finally blew any chance he
may have had. I told him that there was no way I could even consider
joing because my views are diametrically opposed to theirs. One being
the act of giving blood.
HE then proceeds to "educate" me by telling me the Bible says, "Thou
shalt not consume the blood of sacfifice".
Well I'm sorry, but receiving a blood transfusion is NOT done by
ingesting it.
Secondly,the blood is NOT being sacrificed. It is being given freely as
a gift.
And finally and MOST importantly, Jesus gave his blood so that we may
live. We give blood so that others may live. Should we not as good
Christians, be happy to follow the example of Christ??.
So there's yer explanation, and it looks like it's 3 for 3

PublicAnimalNo9's photo
Thu 11/30/06 10:32 PM
and btw, I don't follow any particular sub-religion of Christianity.
And yer right Ghost about the Witless, they are like a credit card
company lol. And I do know more than 1 person who's life has been
destroyed because of the Witless. They also use the possibility of SEX
to entice young men, in particular, to join. Yep, that's a pretty moral
group if ever I saw one lol

Ghostrecon's photo
Thu 11/30/06 11:33 PM
OH!!!! Fucken right you are Animal!

I have been personally incited by a guy who showed me a chick who he
says would do favor for me if I just ( so called played my cards right).
That was a isolated incident though. That guy was a member but I knew he
was not a real follower though. He wound up being dis fellowship for a
sex offense. Go figure.

I was never baptise in it, But my older brother was. He's a Goth guy
now. WTF!!!!!

That shows the fucken hold they had on us.


PublicAnimalNo9's photo
Thu 11/30/06 11:51 PM spite of the blood transfusion discussion (I believe he was the
"minister" cuz he was by himself and a fair bit older than the usual
suspects that come a' knockin) he sent not 1, but TWO very nice looking
girls to my door the next time. I told 'em the ONLY way I'd go with them
is if they had a 4some with me and my wife(of the time) lmaoooo. None of
'em ever came back.
One last thing, you'd think that the ONE "holiday" they'd take part in
is hallowe'en. It's right up their alley,they knock on yer door and bug
ya. Only they want yer soul, not candy.

no photo
Fri 12/01/06 08:41 AM
Ok. Let me do a small bit of definitions here for some clarity folks.
Seems to me that many don't know the definition of a Pagan faith.
"Christian" encompasses ALL faiths that follow Christs teachings. A
Pagan faith is any faith that does not. This encompasses almost as many,
if not more faiths, than the venacular "Christian".
Judaism,Buddhism,Wiccan,Native American
Spirituality,Hindu,Islam,Muslim,Satanism,.............and some even look
at Atheists and Agnostics as pagans.
I hope this gives some understanding to the term Pagan. It is not a
negative thing as some would tend to believe.

Juliea's photo
Sat 12/30/06 09:41 PM
Doesn't anyone out there do Bible study?
2nd Timothy 2:15
Study to show yourself approved UNTO GOD.

no photo
Sat 12/30/06 10:00 PM
Oh blow me church lady

Juliea's photo
Sat 12/30/06 10:07 PM
Doesn't it make sense?
If you want to how to fix a car, you go to a mechanic.
If you want to learn how to be any kind of doctor, you
go to medical school.
If you want to get to become a lawyer, you go to law school.

If you want to know about the Bible you have to study the Bible.

It makes even more sense if you plant a tomato seed, you
will get tomatoes. If you plant a corn seed you will get
If you speak foolishness---well, what can I say.

karmafury's photo
Sat 12/30/06 10:13 PM
And if you don't believe in the christian god then what?