Topic: The Saddest Time of the Year
damnitscloudy's photo
Sat 11/24/07 08:16 PM
I hate the snow, every time a life changing event happened, it was snowing outside. I've lost a job, lost a girlfriend, and lost my grandmother (who was and still is my best friend). I get so angry because its like the weather is taunting me with those damn white flakes. :angry:

no photo
Sun 11/25/07 04:49 AM
response to Wiitard:

Yes, I am this year. It's been a tough year and so it's kinda blah, but music heals me to get through everything, so I started listening to Christmas music last night.flowerforyou

no photo
Sun 11/25/07 04:51 AM

I lost my grandmother (who named me) last year just before Thanksgiving, so that's one pain I can appreciate very well. You aren't alone! And, I've permanently broken up (not even friends) with a man I was involved with for about 8 years. Don't let the snowflakes sadden you, though. They should represent a new beginning and the fact that we are all different, which is always a good thing.

no photo
Sun 11/25/07 05:47 AM
Yeah, it stinks being alone for the Holidays. Going alone to your company Christmas party because you don't have anyone to take. Not being asked to go with friends to a New Years Party, because it's "couples only" and they know you're's like rubbing your nose in it. And the media and commercials make it worse--it's ALL so couples oriented. It's like if you're alone for the holidays, you're lower than pond scum.

Everybody talks about discrimination in this country. This race, that race, ect.

Well, I'm here to tell you that the MOST discrinated against group in America, BY FAR, is SINGLE PEOPLE!

Everything is geared towards the couple in America. A lot of time shares won't rent to single people. Restaurants try to sit single prople at the tiniest tables they have (Heaven help you if you bring a newspaper to read). Single people passed over for jobs and promotions in favor of married people because, "They need it more".



When I go to a restaurant with my newspaper, and they try to sit me at one of those tiny tables, I refuse. I tell them they can either sit me at a normal table, or I'll take my business (and my consumer dollars) elsewhere! I've actually hired attorneys to fight the "married only" rules at time-shares, and made them back down. Someone get the promotion simply because they're married? Well, comanies have Human Resources depts for a reason, and companies don't usually handle discrimination lawsuits very well.

My point is folks, we MUST stand up to the discrimination practiced against single people in America. SINGLES UNITE!!!!!

Final note: For those of us who ARE going to be alone this Christmas/New Years (I'll be alone, too), isn't it better to be alone than with someone you don't really want to be with?

wanttachat's photo
Sun 11/25/07 10:47 AM
Ah yes it is hard for the single people at holidays. I think single parents have it hard too. I have a son, so it is up to me to provide the christmas cheer, egads!. My son has only one grandparent left my 4 brothers give him a "token gift" and my son sees his cousins getting playstaion and trampolines and such I try to give him things he will want but some times it ends up being used things that I pray will work for a while or until he gets bored of it.
He's a great kid that seems not to mind and is very understanding when I tell him it costs too much and will look for the cheap stuff at the store.

no photo
Sun 11/25/07 12:21 PM
Wanttachatflowerforyou :heart: love smooched blushing :smile: :wink:

It's people like you that shows what the holidays are REALLY about.

Wishing you and you son the best this Christmas Season:heart:

texasrose9's photo
Sun 11/25/07 12:31 PM
Great post Knox. Those holiday commercials really get me.....happy couples....diamond rings, etc.....makes me want to vomit.

Kari716's photo
Sun 11/25/07 12:39 PM
I hate the holiday season. It just makes me sad that I don't have a special someone to spend it with. The time change makes everything even worse. I get soooooo depressed. sad

wanttachat's photo
Sun 11/25/07 12:39 PM
Thank you (((((((((Knoxman)))))))) blushing
I do know it is hard for single people and watching the couples I have been there but we single people have to help each other thru the holidays so we don't feel so alone.
Merry Christmasflowerforyou smooched happy

Cutiepieforyou's photo
Sun 11/25/07 01:31 PM
I don't like that it has become so commercialized. I had a very difficult dealing with them about 10 years ago when I lost 3 family members within a 2 1/2 year period of time. I still miss them but it is not nearly as bad as it was back then. The other thing I don't do so I will not get stressed is I don't listen to Holiday music until I am done with shopping. There is nothing like listening to a fast paced Christmas song that makes you feel like you have only a little time left to get so many things done to make you feel stressed out.

creationsfire's photo
Sun 11/25/07 02:49 PM
<-------thinks you can tell what I think by my pic...doesn't take a brain surgen. I won't bore you with the details, but persoally can't stand to ever watch tv when its not the holidays, and shopping; forget it. I am thankful for one thing. It has been agreed that this year NO GIFTS! Just us spending time together, then I get to go home and be a hermit again. I totally skipped thanksgiving and stayed in bed. F it

mbcasey's photo
Sun 11/25/07 07:09 PM
Hang in there creationsfire.

<---fellow hermit

no photo
Sun 11/25/07 08:11 PM
You're absolutely right!! As a single parent (divorced mom of two), it's sickening how everything is suppose to be "couples" from a work environment, to the ads that are run on tv. There needs to be promoting of more singles and the fact that being a single isn't a crime. It's always better to be alone than with a bad person. I'll be with my daughter for Christmas and New Year's, but my son lives in another state. :angry: He was down here last year at this time, though and I'm grateful for those memories.

beccalee1980's photo
Mon 11/26/07 09:13 PM
cutelittledevil, i can totally relate to how u feel...i can't even start christmas shopping yet, because i just don't have the money, and it breaks my heart, because i want to give my son everything he wants this christmas but i know it just isn't going to happen. this year has been horrible for husband and i split up back in september, and the thought of spending christmas alone breaks my heart. my only comfort during all of this has been my four year old son. i am really not looking forward to the holiday this year...:cry:

Wiitard's photo
Mon 11/26/07 09:41 PM
The saddest time of the year is definitely right now for me...this very moment.

Well, actually, the very saddest moment of this year, was probably exactly 20 minutes ago for me...

beccalee1980's photo
Mon 11/26/07 10:21 PM
20 minutes ago?

Wiitard's photo
Mon 11/26/07 10:25 PM
Yeah...look in my Relationships & Advice Post titled, "Wiitard's Thanksgiving Surprise" for an explanation...

beccalee1980's photo
Mon 11/26/07 10:34 PM
man wii...that sucks..i hate that she did you that way...i feel for you!

Wiitard's photo
Mon 11/26/07 10:36 PM
You have no idea how hard I tried for her...
I bent over backwards for that woman, I spent g's for that woman (for no other reason than she said, "if you love me, you'll buy ____ for me,"), I spent too much time, too much effort, for that woman...

Now I'm just (I don't know how to describe in English). Japanese is ゆげん。

beccalee1980's photo
Mon 11/26/07 10:53 PM
believe me, i can totally relate..that's the same way i was with my ex...i did everything i could in that relationship to please him, but in the end, it wasn't good enough. it sucks to spend so much time and effort on someone who bolts on you. but on the bright side, you're cute, u seem like a really sweet guy and i know you could do much better than that.