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Topic: The Wiccan Rede: Holy Law or Advice?
Tasslehofff's photo
Fri 11/23/07 11:56 PM
There's a quote I know since it sums it up..All Gods are One God,All Paths Lead Down the Same Road.

Now as far as the Rede is concerned.There is a dark and a light within us all.No most of us will only admit that dark side in the deepest,darkest part of the night. I say it's a part of us regardless.Justice must be done sometimes.And if that hurts another so be it.But I wouldn't go around casting hexes and the like just because I can.The person must truely deserve it karmically.A man beating his wife,a neighbor destroying your property.Such things must be dealt with equal force.And eye for an eye if you will.So yes people will get harmed.But if you harm someone first just because.Then that karmic debt will be yours and I'm sure you'll answer for it in full down the road.So An ye harm none,as least in my teachings is

"Bide the Wiccan Law Ye Must,
In Perfect Love,In Perfect Trust.
Eight Words the Wiccan Rede Fulfill:
And Ye Harm None,Do What Ye Will
Lest In Thy Self Defense It Be,
Ever Mind The Rule Of Three.
Follow This With Mind And Heart.
And Merry Ye Meet,
And Merry Ye Part."

Allows for Self Defense and I take it a step further,the defense of others.So to Quote Pirates "It's more of a guideline then an actual rule."

Differentkindofwench's photo
Sat 11/24/07 12:22 AM
Ahh "The code".

Hero, I don't think the rabbit hole comment labeled you as a Christian. I am curious of your opinion of the rest of the tunnel though, so post away. I am a bit intrigued as to your take on it.

Request coming from Eclectic Pagan sounds actually correct, I just always call it a Hodge Podge.

LadyValkyrie37's photo
Sat 11/24/07 09:12 AM

There's a quote I know since it sums it up..All Gods are One God,All Paths Lead Down the Same Road.

Now as far as the Rede is concerned.There is a dark and a light within us all.No most of us will only admit that dark side in the deepest,darkest part of the night. I say it's a part of us regardless.Justice must be done sometimes.And if that hurts another so be it.But I wouldn't go around casting hexes and the like just because I can.The person must truely deserve it karmically.A man beating his wife,a neighbor destroying your property.Such things must be dealt with equal force.And eye for an eye if you will.So yes people will get harmed.But if you harm someone first just because.Then that karmic debt will be yours and I'm sure you'll answer for it in full down the road.So An ye harm none,as least in my teachings is

"Bide the Wiccan Law Ye Must,
In Perfect Love,In Perfect Trust.
Eight Words the Wiccan Rede Fulfill:
And Ye Harm None,Do What Ye Will
Lest In Thy Self Defense It Be,
Ever Mind The Rule Of Three.
Follow This With Mind And Heart.
And Merry Ye Meet,
And Merry Ye Part."

Allows for Self Defense and I take it a step further,the defense of others.So to Quote Pirates "It's more of a guideline then an actual rule."

I totally agree with you on all points you've made.

magickmanyakima's photo
Sat 11/24/07 04:30 PM
Merry Meet!

We really opened up a can of worms here! I must disagree with one statement made about Dr. Gerald B. Gardner creating Gardnerian Wicca. Gardner never called his religion "Wicca". He simply called it "Witchcraft". The only reference he ever makes to the old word for "witch" is when he spells it "Wica".

In fact, the word "witch" comes from the Middle English word "wicche" which comes from the Old English word "wicca" which comes from the Indo-European root word "*weik2" (not be confused with "*weik4"). The original use of the word "wicca" was pronounced "wi'chuh". The main reason we pronounce it "wi'ckuh" today is because of Gerald Gardner's spelling and our frequent modern use of Latin pronunciations and suffixes.

The word "wicca" was also used earlier than Gardner in J.R.R. Tolkien's original manuscript for "The Two Towers". In that manuscript we find the word "wicca" being used in conjunction with the names "Saruman" and "Gandalf".

The first appearance of the spelling Wicca is in June John's 1969 book "King of the Witches: The World of Alex Sanders".

The earliest evidence of the common adjectival form "Wiccan", also used as a noun, comes from Stewart Farrar's book, "What Witches Do: The Modern Coven Revealed", in 1971.

The word's first appearance within the title of a book was in "Wicca: The Ancient Way published in 1981".

As for what I label myself, it really matters little. I just try to be true to my own understanding. I also educate others when fear and misunderstanding cross my path, and strive to live in peace with those who differ.

I am a Pagan, because that is the umbrella word most commonly used to describe most ancient, new age, mystical, and tribal belief systems. I also use Witch and Wiccan synonymously. If someone who is not friendly to our beliefs asks me what my religion is, I would not blurt out, "I'm a Witch." That would most likely send the other person running away screaming. Instead, I prefer to introduce myself to such people as Wiccan. The most common responses I've gotten from using the word Wiccan are:

"What the heck is that?"

"Isn't Wicca that nature religion?"

"Oh! I have a friend who's Wiccan!"


"Oh my dear Lord and Savior! You're one of those crazy Witches! I'm going to pray for you child!"

Okay. So, the last response isn't much different than if I were introduce myself as a Witch, but at least I am more likely to get the previous responses.

As for the Wiccan Rede, I find it to be a wonderful thing to follow in such a hateful and ignorant world. In The Old Laws by Gerald Gardner (1953) where he compared the moral code of Witches with the legendary ethic of the fabled King Pausole which was "Do what you like so long as you harm no one". A book was published by Pierre Louÿs called "Les Aventures du roi Pausole (The Adventures of King Pausole)" in 1901. This makes the Wiccan Rede relatively new, but that doesn't mean it's any less important than any other code of ethics. I take the Wiccan Rede very seriously, as it has gotten me out of a lot of trouble in the past. This, combined with Karmic Law, allows us to be responsible for our own actions, and stop making excuses (i.e. "The devil made me do it; God made me do it; Everything is preordained; It's all part of God's little plan; I can do anything I want and be forgiven by Jesus, etc, etc, etc.")

In conclusion, belief what you will, because nobody has the right to deny you that freedom. Blessed Be!

Brightest Blessings,
The Rev. Jasper Sparrowhawk (aka, Mel)


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