Topic: American Poet
Jimi366's photo
Sat 11/11/06 12:14 PM
Call me a sucker but I didn't know until today that
not all the poems on here are original. American Poet
only wants original poems submitted. Any poem found
not to be original shall be disqualified.

michael1313's photo
Sat 11/11/06 12:31 PM

all poems from michael1313,are original,
and the sole property of the Lonely Soul,

of those to be admitted by me...M.

most are off th' cuff anyway.....

no photo
Sat 11/11/06 12:58 PM
All my poetry is mine and mine alone..but then when fake people post
stuff what do you expect other than out right plaigerism(sp)

lionsbrew's photo
Sat 11/11/06 01:04 PM
yeah i hear that plagerism is f'ed up
im sorry but it takes time to write really good stuff
i know my poems are a little silly and usaully off the top of my head
but to plagerize some one elses work is low its like taking bread out of
someones mouth

no photo
Sat 11/11/06 01:18 PM
its taking the very blood from their body...reprehensible and

no photo
Sat 11/11/06 02:01 PM
they can have this one

i came here and slipped on a rhuhyreuwqn
ba;uyirv asdkjdekddd v od dohf hdf od fhd d hdeuheh ehf f of hfof fof
off de soaoaif erf he feuf u

by me 2007

no photo
Sat 11/11/06 02:04 PM
Let me see what i can see for to see you is to love you but to see me
see you see me, is for our eyes only.

By me again, 2008

michael1313's photo
Sat 11/11/06 02:09 PM

michael1313's photo
Sat 11/11/06 02:10 PM
i came here and slipped on a rhuhyreuwqn
ba;uyirv asdkjdekddd v od dohf hdf od fhd d hdeuheh ehf f of hfof fof
off de soaoaif erf he feuf u....


Clare2112's photo
Sat 11/11/06 02:14 PM
michael, that is a profound message by Iam. he did say you could use it
if you want :)

no photo
Sat 11/11/06 02:20 PM
ok mike, try to say the rhyme of merry had a little lamb, after tripping
and WHILE FALLING, how would it come out,on roll after roll down the
stairs?? COME-ON BEST TRY <<<<<<<lets hear it?

no photo
Sat 11/11/06 02:21 PM
WAIT< STOP.< That was a joke don't try that at home.....

greeneyedlady42's photo
Sat 11/11/06 02:30 PM
Silly rabbit!

michael1313's photo
Sat 11/11/06 06:40 PM
looked like one of them new cuss words or something....

Gryphyn's photo
Sat 11/11/06 07:14 PM
You will find anything I post is original. All have been or will be
inspired by the women in my life. It is only recently that I have been
able to write again.

Jimi366's photo
Sat 11/11/06 08:13 PM
Looks like we're gonna have some fun! I trust
everyone of you and look forward to calling one of you
the American Poet by the end of the week.