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Topic: ...stupid jerks...
fortsmithman's photo
Tue 11/20/07 12:52 PM
Not a jerk and no longer looking for the right lady for me through online sites. I'll be looking offline for love. I thought I had a connection with someone but I was wrong Enough said about that. Just here looking for friends.

Jess642's photo
Tue 11/20/07 12:55 PM

Jess even first thing in the morning your wit is sharp

It's all I have Nicki...sad sad sad sad sad

I must be still fresh and emotionally unavailable...:wink: drinker

alfie's photo
Tue 11/20/07 12:58 PM

But sometimes a dose of reality is needed.....
Thick skinned here...

reality is what you make it...

johna1311's photo
Tue 11/20/07 12:59 PM
Reality is a ride on the bus. --SNFUhappy smokin

alfie's photo
Tue 11/20/07 01:02 PM

Reality is a ride on the bus. --SNFUhappy smokin

good one! gotta love the bus!

Jess642's photo
Tue 11/20/07 01:03 PM
What's SNFU mean?

no photo
Tue 11/20/07 01:03 PM
Edited by Braiannazg2 on Tue 11/20/07 01:04 PM

I wrote this for yoko

Affectation was an early sign of a twisted mind.
All virtues had faded away.
Apprehension made her cold but warm she was inside.
The child within her died and left her with a heart of stone.
Surface anger was a thin disguise.
Yet at night she cries.
Behold the pain in her eyes.
Degradation was a grind.
Her true self left behind and compassion you will find.
Hidden by a veil of deception.
And so the story goes.
That's the way she chose to live her life.
And anybody knows the way it feels when you hurt inside.
She is running from herself.
The game of life in which she played.
Looking back upon the early years.
There was room for tears but she chose to push them away.
Condemnation was a vice.
She chose to roll the dice.
Misery was her only friend.
Inner feelings were a neutral zone although she tried to condone.
In a world she faced so alone.
Her salvation came too late.
And on the day she died in others mind.
No one even cried.
Forgot about the veil of deception.
And so the story goes.
That's the way she chose to live her life of deception.

You wrote this Coolhead??????????? WOW very nice...........

Considering you are a plageristic piece of work....

How dare you steal song lyrics and pass them off you twit...

Word is out now.......

Need proof go to
Scroll down to #3 Veil of Deception....

Well you might be fresh and unemotionally unavailable, but I feel a ban is coming in short time so I am going down in flames, skid marks and all... and so be it, can hang out on POF and piss the moddy ones off first LOL laugh laugh laugh



CaptainSpaz's photo
Tue 11/20/07 01:04 PM
I just stepped away from the computer a short while I didn't think there would be this many responses.

Jess642's photo
Tue 11/20/07 01:05 PM
noway laugh laugh laugh laugh

Who is going for an orange jumpsuit fitout??? noway noway noway

Mike isn't there with his tape measure behind me, is he???noway noway

laugh laugh laugh

soundedmind's photo
Tue 11/20/07 01:05 PM
That happened to me with some "jerk"... but he was the one holding on to the other girl.

Hurt me a LOT...

But I kept letting him do it.

Don't worry about it. One day someone will see your awesome awesomeness!

yokoke's photo
Tue 11/20/07 01:06 PM

But sometimes a dose of reality is needed.....
Thick skinned here...

reality is what you make it...



johna1311's photo
Tue 11/20/07 01:08 PM
The saying is older than the song title, but SNFU is a band, so I'll give them the props.
That acronym comes from "Situation Normal, all Fouled Up. At least, that's one variant.smokin happy

no photo
Tue 11/20/07 01:09 PM

noway laugh laugh laugh laugh

Who is going for an orange jumpsuit fitout??? noway noway noway

Mike isn't there with his tape measure behind me, is he???noway noway

laugh laugh laugh

No it is for me - Coolhead playing Yoke....
No but would rather Mike have a paddle out, if he had a tape measure, could be a tangled web I weave LOL:wink:

laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh

Ahem...... whistles.....hhmmmmm nope no dirty thoughts here

devil devil devil devil shyt can't do it.......

AND SOUNDMINDED - damn girl that picture still scares the crap out of me.... I said to use a cool cucumber facial next time....bigsmile

coquibella's photo
Tue 11/20/07 01:12 PM
Captain, a woman that is still brooding over her last relationship isn't ready to move on. If you catch the signs early on be good to yourself and move on before you get attached. In the long run, amor, you have to do right by you. Someone worthwhile will come along without baggage.

yokoke's photo
Tue 11/20/07 01:18 PM

Someone worthwhile will come along without baggage.

Life experience brings about baggage... it's how you manage those bags... that matters.

CaptainSpaz's photo
Tue 11/20/07 01:22 PM
I tried to make this fun by saying let's kick some jerks in the junk but you all are so serious. It's okay, I learned a couple of things.


yokoke's photo
Tue 11/20/07 01:42 PM

I tried to make this fun by saying let's kick some jerks in the junk but you all are so serious. It's okay, I learned a couple of things.


Never forget the story about the little boy who cried wolf...


CaptainSpaz's photo
Tue 11/20/07 01:44 PM
Just trying to say this is not what I was expecting.

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