Topic: Mail not getting through
Belushi's photo
Tue 11/20/07 05:02 AM
Hi guys ...

I have mailed a few people and they have not recd the mail.

Mike, you are one of the people I have mailed.

It doesnt show that you have opened it.

I wonder if Im in the naughty chair?

no photo
Tue 11/20/07 10:54 AM
Perhaps you are suspended like bl8ant or maybe he doesn't have an answer. Good luck!

Belushi's photo
Wed 11/21/07 05:03 AM
I know Im not suspended ... otherwise I would not be able to post this ...

Terese's photo
Wed 11/21/07 05:40 AM
Just out of curiosity--how does one learn that he or she is suspended? Do you get some letter of censure? Do robed figures show up at your house?

I find this one of the more hilarious aspects of the virtual forums. If such censorship existed in real life, the lawsuits would abound. here. we take it like lambs, threby dulling the liveliness of the site. Pity.

vanchau's photo
Wed 11/21/07 05:28 PM
We don't censor people. We just don't want people ruining the experience for others.

It's like if you go into a restaurant and start cursing at everyone around you. They have the right to kick you out.

When people are suspended they are told so when they try to post or send a message.

Terese's photo
Wed 11/21/07 07:05 PM
Sorry, but I think you do. I have observedd people censored for using stand-in terms for swears, not even the real terms. These terms are directed at one individual, not everyone, and strike me, at least, as the harmless expressions of exasperation or annoyance that many of us use every day.

So, a purge occurs, and eneretic people depart, leaving the forums a bit shorter of enrgy, though I guess we could call them polite. Strikes me as antithetical to growth--the sapping of virtual energy.

And just so you know, I say this without ever having uttered a word to either of the individuals I noticed who were involved in the latest fray. I had no dog in the fight; rather, am just interested in free speech, the energetic exchange of thoughts, and what I consider to be the too-vigorous guardianship of politesse.

Belushi's photo
Thu 11/22/07 12:21 AM
To play devil's advocate, and to encourage debate, and this is mainly aimed at the US for obvious reasons.

You first have to debate which has precedence
The First amendment (The right to free speech)
The rules laid down by the owners of the board (who are based in the US)

Now obviously, Me, being in the UK is not bound by the First Amendment, and I can blather on willy-nilly, or get kicked out and have no recourse to my first amendment rights, as I dont have any.

But then if we apply the rules of the board to my blathering, then I can still get kicked out, and still have no recourse.

But it strikes me that if two people want to get into "it" then they will. Best to let them get on with it.

Classic example is if you have two dogs on leashes, they want to rip each other's throats out, because they cannot ably disply their posturing to determine who is "top dog"

but take them off the leash, and one will become more dominant than the other.

Applied here, if the board's moderators let the two combatants get on with it, or just deleted the thread, then they would sort it out on their own

Water finds its own level.

If you want to have intelligent discourse, then you have to take the rough with the smooth.

... and riled, Bl8ant, is as rough as a badger's ar5e!

You will all not agree with what she says, but it comes from a place that has experiences we dont even want to dream about, let alone talk about.

Belushi's photo
Thu 11/22/07 12:35 AM
and the censorship does not go as far as this ...

CrIpToNiC's TiTs & ClItS #2

Terese's photo
Thu 11/22/07 05:06 AM
Good point--that kind of misogynist exploitation is far more offensive,and dangerous, than the best combination of stand-in swaer words imaginable.

Belushi's photo
Thu 11/22/07 06:16 AM
exactly .. it denegrates 50% of the populous ... i.e. Women.

But Fanta's verbal diarrhoea denegrates 5 billion minus the 350 million Americans ... i.e. the rest of the world.

Checks and balances.

anthropicprinciple's photo
Thu 11/29/07 07:12 AM
I stopped receiving mail about two weeks ago. Either there is a problem, or everyone randomly decided not to talk to me at the same time. Could someone send me a test email, and let me know here when they sent it so I can tell if there is a problem?

adj4u's photo
Thu 11/29/07 07:21 AM

exactly .. it denegrates 50% of the populous ... i.e. Women.

But Fanta's verbal diarrhoea denegrates 5 billion minus the 350 million Americans ... i.e. the rest of the world.

Checks and balances.

alex has gotten as bad as fanta has been

but to ban either or both is a lessment to the site

adj4u's photo
Thu 11/29/07 07:23 AM
and at least fanta is consistent

alex has jumped from

no one cares about the innocents

to i wish yellowstone would erupt

adj4u's photo
Thu 11/29/07 07:25 AM
and now back to the mail issue

i have sent mail to a couple people

that did not get delivered

as well

and i have since deleted them

but it was in the last couple days

adj4u's photo
Thu 11/29/07 08:17 AM
Choice of Law

This Agreement shall be governed by the laws of the State of California without respect to choice of law rules and the Parties hereby consent to exclusive jurisdiction and venue in the state and federal courts in Santa Clara County, California for such purpose. This provision shall survive termination of this Agreement.

see according to there terms of use

you do have freedom of speech dunx