Topic: Strong Women..
prabhakartieari's photo
Mon 03/13/17 06:38 PM

no photo
Mon 03/13/17 08:05 PM
Do men really want a strong and well rounded woman?

Sort of.

Men, generally, want women who happen to be strong (or more ideally, strong in specific, subjectively defined, areas), as a natural product of their personality and/or upbringing, not women that specifically or particularly idealize or identify that they are "strong."

People that specifically or particularly identify themselves as "strong" tend to do things like compete with others on who is strongest, drive themselves (even subconsciously, without realizing it) into situations where they can "test" or prove their "strength," come up with some sort of identity centered around the belief they are "strong" so are "deserving" of some kind of special treatment or special status.

People have a false perception of themselves.
They think they're smarter than they are, they think they're nicer than they are, they think they're more honest than they are.
When people isolate traits like "stronger" they think they're stronger than they are.
That makes it 100 times more difficult to do anything for them when it's obvious they aren't as strong as they think they are and may need help or are struggling.
Then rather than directly deal with the actual issue/problem they need help with, the focus is on overcoming the dissonant idea of how "strong" they are in addition to trying to help them.

I don't know what you mean by "well rounded."
That can range anywhere from "promiscuous" to "ambitious" to "knowledgeable" to "watch Oprah and Doctor Phil constantly and believe that translates to life experience."

are they really intimidated by brains and beauty?

Men aren't really intimidated by beauty.
At best some men become flummoxed by the large dump of hormones into their brain when he encounters someone with extremely high mating potential.
At worst they simply don't have practiced social skills, and attempting to act out what they know isn't achieving an expected response.

The vast majority of people live in the middle of the bell curve.
The vast majority of people develop culture and socialization to more easily handle interaction with others within the middle of the bell curve.
The way "brains and beauty" is used here implies it's outside the norm, the everyday, towards the extreme of "brains and beauty."

Little different than asking "are they really intimidated by completely new cultures, foreign languages, and/or those far removed from their socioeconomic status?"

Are you intimidated by a strong woman who doesn't sleep around with several different men at the same time?

I have no real way to measure how strong a woman is unless I'm in a relationship with her.
If I'm intimidated by her then more than likely I wouldn't continue a relationship with her.

All women I've ever personally known or dated all had strengths and weakness that were situational. One woman could be "stronger" in some areas but weaker in others, another woman could be "stronger" in the other woman's "weak" areas and weaker in the others strong areas.
IME women that were "strong" in all areas were full of crap and it was all a facade.

I have never dated or really known, on a meaningful personal level, any woman that would "sleep around with several different men at the same time." I've only ever seen that on Jerry Springer.

from what I can see, a lot of men choose what's easier.

That's pretty much every human being.
Are you on the internet?
Do you drive a car? Take the bus? Wear shoes?
Do you work for someone for money?
Those are all "easier" paths than available alternatives.

Just because you don't see what you're doing as easy, doesn't mean it's not the easy path.
Just because you see something else as easier, it doesn't necessarily mean you are taking a "hard" path.

no photo
Mon 03/13/17 11:12 PM
Being well rounded means a vast number of things, in context of being positive of course. The main component of that is being mentally/psychologically balanced. After which most of everything else automatically follows. This too varies from person to person.

no photo
Mon 03/13/17 11:19 PM
My my,some of you sound offended, and on the defensive. This discussion isn't to offend anyone. If there is nothing dark about you,then you shouldn't be offended. People that point fingers are often the ones ashamed of something.No one is biting off anyone's head.This is just a topic of conversation.

no photo
Tue 03/14/17 01:00 AM
every thing depends on that particular guys who would be dating dat guy.

ComeToMeSoftly's photo
Thu 03/16/17 09:32 PM
Edited by ComeToMeSoftly on Thu 03/16/17 09:53 PM
The phase 'Strong Women" or 'Diva" been thrown around often without any specific definition or explanation as to the outstanding characteristics that defines a "Strong Woman". Before anyone can answer the question intelligently, the poster or those who choose to write disparaging remarks about some women, should explain in details their understanding of the distinctive traits of a "Strong Woman".

no photo
Fri 03/17/17 06:28 AM
Edited by Unknow on Fri 03/17/17 06:32 AM
I dont mind being corrrected on this one and I readily admit to not being an expert on these issues. but I suspect that most men want a woman who is strong enough to care for herself when the occasion calls for it, but frail enough to SOMETIMES need whatever the man prides himself on adding to her life. It could be the role of protector or provider, or house repairer or father or tiger in the bedroom ,but I do suspect that if a woman doesnt make a man feel needed in any of the areas that he personally ascribes value to, , he will often seek that affirmation elsewhere.

TMommy's photo
Fri 03/17/17 06:56 AM
I don't care for the terminology

for instance

if you describe a strong man

do you say he is big and bulky

like a no neck gym rat?

or do you describe his personality traits?

strength by this time in life

is to me about a quiet confidence

you do not have the need to throw your weight around

or be the 'big man' in the room

you know who you are as a person

it is no different with a woman

she knows her strengths

and being open and vulnerable with another human being

is a strength no matter the gender

Goofball73's photo
Fri 03/17/17 07:54 AM

Do men really want a strong and well rounded woman? Or are they really intimidated by brains and beauty? Are you intimidated by a strong woman who doesn't sleep around with several different men at the same time?

Maybe I'm wrong,but from what I can see, a lot of men choose what's easier..There are women who does the same also. Think about it and let me know your thoughts,can't wait to hear them..

I love brains, beauty and boobs......I'm so well rounded. drinker

Mike6615's photo
Fri 03/17/17 08:26 AM
I do like strong women. So of course my favorite actress is Sigourney.

Tom4Uhere's photo
Fri 03/17/17 08:56 AM

Do men really want a strong and well rounded woman? Or are they really intimidated by brains and beauty? Are you intimidated by a strong woman who doesn't sleep around with several different men at the same time?

Maybe I'm wrong,but from what I can see, a lot of men choose what's easier..There are women who does the same also. Think about it and let me know your thoughts,can't wait to hear them..


I'm a man and I like women that are strong and well-rounded.

To me that term means they have self-confidence and understand who they are yet still want to be in my company. They have a wide range of interests and experiences that allows them to be comfortable in most situations. While, like everyone else they have faults, they are not ones to let those faults interfere with their perception of life. They can readily accept the faults of others creating a pleasant familiarity in those they are with. They are not threatened by the strengths of others either.

They are decisive in their actions and informed in their decisions. Have no qualms about setting the record stright but will allow others to continue their delusions because they respect the individuals decisions. Her beauty is based on health and preferences rather than as a tactic to win favor.

From your OP it is evident that you are not one of these women.

Are you intimidated by a strong woman who doesn't sleep around with several different men at the same time?

You are quantifying promiscuity as a negative trait. A strong woman could effectively sleep with many men at the same time. Without fears or trepidation with no adverse outcomes because she is intelligent enough to use cautions while not requiring commitment. To ask that question implies that you feel intimidation is a negative trait. You are not strong enough to accept others as they are.

Maybe I'm wrong

Implies that you are not as sure of yourself as you could be. Otherwise, you would not have written it. A strong woman is sure of herself.

Personally, I can accept a woman that is strong or weak depending upon whether she meets certain criteria. I prefer someone like I explained but can understand and interact with those that do not fit those specific qualities. I know that I am more attracted to natural beauty than to false beauty.

My own strength of character, understanding and intelligence prevents me from being intimidated by others. While I still have areas to improve, understanding myself and my limitations helps me understand others. I actively endeavor to improve myself which, to me, makes me a strong person.

indianadave4's photo
Fri 03/17/17 09:21 AM
The only kind of "Strong Women" men don't like are the ones who forgot their antiperspirant before they left the house.

sybariticguy's photo
Fri 03/17/17 03:36 PM
True but odor is not everything....

no photo
Fri 03/17/17 04:06 PM
This seems to be mostly about emotionally strong women. What about physically strong? Those that can put bales of hay in a truck. change tires. Chop and load wood. Move furniture. Does that fit in somewhere?

Tom4Uhere's photo
Fri 03/17/17 04:12 PM
I find women with strength sexy as hell. I have worked with women that can change truck tires and lift cylinder heads and hydraulic cylinders. Take me baby, take me!

PacificStar48's photo
Fri 03/17/17 06:52 PM
I can't speak for men but I have been told by men they see me as better than average brains and looks and that I am definitely strong mentally and at times physically ( I did heavy work when I was younger; not so much now as getting older). And I have never been a sleep around.

But my experience is it depends on the guy if it is a plus or minus. Since I have never hurt for suitors so I would say no; not a big enough problem to try to be something different.

But I will say in teal life I am not nearly so forward about declaring who I am

PacificStar48's photo
Fri 03/17/17 06:52 PM
Edited by PacificStar48 on Fri 03/17/17 07:05 PM
In real life I have never been the ball breaker type or even get that onto describing myself. The not being a sleep around might have driven a weaker man eldes where but i never wanted a guy that was up for easy sex. I let men draw their own conclusions and more often than not I haven't seen it hurt my social life.

no photo
Fri 03/17/17 10:40 PM
I'm the strong woman that posted about strong women.I'll start by saying that the word 'Diva" is over rated. A "Diva" is just a minor societal view of how women are looked upon in the entertainment industry. Entertainment is completely different from reality.You stated "The phase 'Strong Women" or 'Diva" been thrown around often without any specific definition or explanation as to the outstanding characteristics that defines a "Strong Woman". Before anyone can answer the question intelligently, the poster or those who choose to write disparaging remarks about some women, should explain in details their understanding of the distinctive traits of a "Strong Woman"." As far a I'M concerned,there s no definition for "Diva".

As far as strong women go,strong women are those who are real with themselves and other,knowing when to admit when their wrong,knows how to stand on her own two feet while keeping herself in a position of independence.A strong woman is mentally disciplined,she maintains herself with or without a man,as opposed to some women who base their life around having a man.NO OFFENSE TO ANYONE...A strong women never buckles under pressure and has no need for validation from others with absolutely no equivocation. The is nothing disparaging about truth.This is a question that can be easily answered, there's nothing complicated about it.Moving forward thanks for your response.

no photo
Fri 03/17/17 10:47 PM

I understand what you mean.And completely agree,but goes vice versa as well.All relationships are a two way street.You listened behind what I was asking,so thumbs up to you

no photo
Fri 03/17/17 10:49 PM
Lol,I hear you. The question is meant in the context of personality.