Topic: Coffee and single women
SitkaRains's photo
Fri 03/31/17 07:58 PM

Have to wonder why every time I try to just sit and enjoy a cup at Starbucks by myself, I am usually approached and asked "hows the brew today or something to that effect. Now, I do understand people just being friendly but.. because I am alone really does not mean I am wanting to entertain open conversation with strange guys. Anyone else out there having the same problem? I really hate to be mean so I will try to be a polite as possible but it usually winds up with me having to look at my watch and stating I have to go before I was really ready. Any thoughts or ideas are welcome.

You look smile sigh .... and say I don't know and don't care have a nice day. Or if you are a mom give them a "mom look of WTH They will be gone promise...
I love to slide my reading glasses down and give that look every time

KarenW8's photo
Sat 04/01/17 11:27 AM
Thank goodness for our reading glasses. Have used this one for years and I really does get to the point. My kids knew that look too well. lol

SMiLee66's photo
Sun 04/02/17 01:51 PM

Some of us have the opposite problem and feel invisible.
At least the ones who approach you open with friendly conversation.
I was at a Starbucks and somebody approached just to say he hates my kind

I am so sorry someone felt the need to say something like that. You're a beautiful woman ... I'm sure that's what he meant *grin*.. but being as how he was obviously bred from 1st cousins and raised in a basement, he lacked the eloquence.

jay5424's photo
Sun 04/02/17 07:52 PM
Hi all, by reading all your post here it makes me realize the Cafe Depot I usually go for business meeting is in fact a dating site. after I finish my meeting last time, I realized there were a garden of people alone looking for something to happen. Maybe that's the site I should focus on, not here ahah!!!

no photo
Mon 04/03/17 03:52 AM
Well at least I know my local Starbucks isn't the place to try and talk up my future significant other. drinker :coffee: then rofl scram out of there.

KarenW8's photo
Mon 04/03/17 10:44 AM
Wouldn't be so hard on your observation. There are times when "magic" can happen, even at Starbucks. I will say it again, that just because a lady is sitting by herself enjoying a cup does not mean she is looking for someone to feel sorry for her being alone.
I will be the 1st to say that a warm smile will always make me take notice and a second glance. Guys, here's a real hint (at least for me) of how to attract a woman's attention. Silly comments is just that and can be annoying especially when it sounds like a pick up line.

jay5424's photo
Mon 04/03/17 05:12 PM
Thanks Karen for the hint, it's also safer to smile than telling something that could turn sour from miss-interpretation!

What I find silly is that I realize there are so many single (men and women) that dont know what they want which makes failure and lost of time when it's time to move next step after few dates.

Why peoples are so shy to say they are single and are actively looking for the one?!? Being single is not a failure status, it's a transition! At least for me

KarenW8's photo
Tue 04/04/17 11:04 AM
And you are right Jay, at least in my case I really don't like to appear to be one of those desperate women who throw themselves at single guys just so they look like they have somebody on their arm. And possibly because single women my age are are usually thought of as failures because we are single, I try to keep to my self and not advertise my situation.

Sokat786's photo
Tue 04/04/17 11:16 AM
Yah Good

Sokat786's photo
Tue 04/04/17 11:16 AM

Sokat786's photo
Tue 04/04/17 11:17 AM

jay5424's photo
Wed 04/05/17 08:50 PM
Karen, that's the problem. Not telling you are single tells me you focus on others perception, usually those who are in relationship which are those "you should not care" for the sake of finding your soul mate.

I'm a pro of telling i'm single, at 45! I dont want to stay single for years and I know what I want and my pass is settle/fix. Those are the 2 first and most important questions I ask on new date. Most fail on those...

I learned in life that if I speak out what I want, others will help me to make it happen. This works in personal and professional life!

Not judging here, just giving my opinion, good luck!

KarenW8's photo
Thu 04/06/17 09:39 AM
Thanks so much for your thoughts on this. With me, it's always been a challenge to meet and maintain a healthy relationship. I am hoping at your tender age of 45 you haven't been subjected to a really bad marriage or breakup.
With myself and a lot of my friends we tend to be overly cautious and sometimes skeptical of the happy ever after outcome. I have meet a couple of really nice guys at my singles club but they are more interested in a "gal pal", dance partner or dinner date then a wife. So, my hopes of meeting that special one have kind of morphed into meeting that special friend that I can enjoy an intimate moment with as well as a "guy pal". I think if I were 45 again my goals would be a lot different.

no photo
Thu 04/06/17 09:44 AM
This really is just awful. Imagine the horror that someone wants to talk to me? I really do feel your pain. I normally tell them either to eff off or kiss my azz! explode

TMommy's photo
Thu 04/06/17 12:30 PM
I drink coffee
I am single

....don't talk to me though
I iz a buzzy girl er woman..chick..whatever, man whatever drinker

no photo
Thu 04/06/17 02:05 PM
I'm not single. Don't talk to me, don't touch my coffee, and STAY THE HELL OFF MY LAWN YOU HOOLIGANS! explode

KarenW8's photo
Thu 04/06/17 02:45 PM
Think:smile: you and I are a match made in heaven

Jarsno's photo
Thu 04/06/17 04:26 PM

O yes sound real good im ready and waiting drinker

TMommy's photo
Fri 04/07/17 04:49 AM

KarenW8's photo
Fri 04/07/17 01:36 PM
Perfect, where can I get one!