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Topic: Open relationships
TongueKISS's photo
Sat 11/17/07 04:21 PM
Edited by TongueKISS on Sat 11/17/07 05:12 PM
I am a woman who has sexual limitations and I am sure most people have some things that they just flat out won't do. I have figured out a solution to that problem, allow my partner to see other women to have his sexual needs met. That way we could avoid lying and cheating on eachother. Is that weird? Are there any people who would be willing to be in a open relationship why or why not? If not is it that you fear them leaving you for someone else or is it that openly sharing a person will make you jealous?

no photo
Sat 11/17/07 04:23 PM


SO GOODLUCK flowerforyou flowerforyou

no photo
Sat 11/17/07 04:25 PM
Oh no....I don't share my man w no one...
if there is something you wont try...
do something else that will totally make him crazy!
He wont

no photo
Sat 11/17/07 04:27 PM
now I want a man.

Totage's photo
Sat 11/17/07 04:27 PM
IMO, if he's not willing to accept you and ONLY you in every aspect including sexually, then he's not the one for you.

no photo
Sat 11/17/07 04:27 PM
I value my health (physical & mental).
I will not share with anyone.

Then again, I am also open & willing to try almost anything within reason..with the person I am in a relationship with.

no photo
Sat 11/17/07 04:28 PM
I am of the opinion that sex is, indeed, just sex. I would totally be willing to do this with the understanding that we both get to do it. I don't really get jealous because i think i rule and that no one else is competition for me.

I am also a firm believer in threesomes.

mrosebro's photo
Sat 11/17/07 04:32 PM
ok a guy's perspective here.... In my mind, sex should never be a basis for a relationship, however let's face it, IT IS a part of it, and for some larger part than for others.... If one partner is looking for sex outside of the relationship, who's to say their going to want to be IN the relationship at all? If your dateing a guy, and you let him f**k around, he's going to find a better piece of a** who wants to be with him besides, and now why would he want to stay with you? He's got everything he needs with someone else. Now you mention limitations, so i dunno how big a freak your with, and what their looking to do, but one of several things is going to happen. 1) it somehow works out... but if it works out like that, then i don't either of you trully give a hoot about the other... 2) he relises what's important, be it you or sex (the better choice should be obvious i would hope) or 3) your going to wind up stressing over the whole situation, maybe not right away but eventually...

here's an idea, what happens if he ends up getting some other girl pregnant? now he's got a kid, and not with you, and your supposed to be the girl he's with? ok now what? how does THAT work out? or just as bad or worse... what if he does something with someone, and transfers a disease to you? Now we're talkin anything on a spectrum from herpes, to aids....

still sound like a good solution? hey to eaches own, but i wouldn't go for that... and i'm a guy, and i'll even admit to being a horn-ball to a certain degree... but a relationship is so much more important than sex... and if he feels strongly for you, he should be willing to deal with whatever the situation may be... however that is ALSO a 2 way sreet....

with that said, it's up to you to figure out, and good luck with that!

TongueKISS's photo
Sat 11/17/07 04:33 PM
Well I think i will try it... it couldn't hurt any worse then being cheated on

mrosebro's photo
Sat 11/17/07 04:36 PM

I am of the opinion that sex is, indeed, just sex. I would totally be willing to do this with the understanding that we both get to do it. I don't really get jealous because i think i rule and that no one else is competition for me.

I am also a firm believer in threesomes.

and not to stray from the topic, but why can't i meet any girls who are open to this? jeez! ... sorry, just a bit of a long time dream, never fulfilled :(

texasrose9's photo
Sat 11/17/07 04:38 PM
If you are doing it just to keep him from cheating on you, then something else is fundamentally wrong. It will come off as a needy, insecurity driven tactic to hang on to him. Women tend to do all kinds of things they would not normally choose to do...all for the sake of holding on to a man. Then...when he up and leaves anyway, you will feel like sh*t and angry at yourself for compromising yourself. If he's predisposed to cheating, and already has, then your relationship is shot anyway.

TongueKISS's photo
Sat 11/17/07 04:39 PM
Well it is all my idea he is totally against it and wants me to just give in to his needs... But i told him to find someone else if he could not deal with things as they are.

mrosebro's photo
Sat 11/17/07 04:40 PM
i really hate to say this tongekiss, but if that's what he wants, and that's what you want... just a pre-emptive warning.... kiss his ass good bye, he's not gunna stick around... i've sadly experienced both sides of this problem.

glitterybee's photo
Sat 11/17/07 04:41 PM me, sex is never just sex. it is a special and intimate connection just between the two of us; me and my partner, and a bond that only we get to share within our relationship. if he can't respect that and has to seek out other women for his own pleasure then there is no way in heck i am going to stick things out with him. i want to be accepted completely, ESPECIALLY when things come down to being their most intimate.

is it selfish? yes, but guess what guys? thats what a relationship is--selfish. and i don't see anything wrong with that.

mrosebro's photo
Sat 11/17/07 04:44 PM me, sex is never just sex. it is a special and intimate connection just between the two of us; me and my partner, and a bond that only we get to share within our relationship. if he can't respect that and has to seek out other women for his own pleasure then there is no way in heck i am going to stick things out with him. i want to be accepted completely, ESPECIALLY when things come down to being their most intimate.

is it selfish? yes, but guess what guys? thats what a relationship is--selfish. and i don't see anything wrong with that.

*blink*.... didn't i pretty much just say the same thing? glitterbee, i agree 100% .... and that's both sided, for guys or girls... but see, what tonguekiss's problem is here, is not that HE wants to be intimate with someone else... she doesn't want to do the things that her MAN wants to do... of the 2, she'd be the one not accepting of him. presumeing i understood that correctly at least.

cherry5's photo
Sat 11/17/07 04:45 PM
im the jealous type. not only that but i would be afraid of what he brings home

glitterybee's photo
Sat 11/17/07 04:47 PM me, sex is never just sex. it is a special and intimate connection just between the two of us; me and my partner, and a bond that only we get to share within our relationship. if he can't respect that and has to seek out other women for his own pleasure then there is no way in heck i am going to stick things out with him. i want to be accepted completely, ESPECIALLY when things come down to being their most intimate.

is it selfish? yes, but guess what guys? thats what a relationship is--selfish. and i don't see anything wrong with that.

*blink*.... didn't i pretty much just say the same thing? glitterbee, i agree 100% .... and that's both sided, for guys or girls... but see, what tonguekiss's problem is here, is not that HE wants to be intimate with someone else... she doesn't want to do the things that her MAN wants to do... of the 2, she'd be the one not accepting of him. presumeing i understood that correctly at least.

I didn't presume it wasn't both sided, I was just giving my two bits on the whole thing. Obviously there are a lot of women who feel differently than I do and I find that baffling.

mrosebro's photo
Sat 11/17/07 04:48 PM

I didn't presume it wasn't both sided, I was just giving my two bits on the whole thing. Obviously there are a lot of women who feel differently than I do and I find that baffling.

we BOTH find it baffling!

texasrose9's photo
Sat 11/17/07 04:48 PM
She hasn't mentioned what he wants to do, but if it is not within her boundaries it simply isn't. I agree with mrosebro. I don't think he'll stick around, unless he gets past whatever it is he wants her to do....or she gives in.
You guys just may not be sexually compatible, and should go your separate ways to avoid complicating the situation further.

TongueKISS's photo
Sat 11/17/07 04:51 PM
Some of you seem to be confused... I want an open relationship because of my limitations and have had things not work out as a result... I am dating someone now but want to also see other people as well. I don't mind him seeing other women. Because frankly I know i am not going to be faithful so why not have an understanding. Whatever I came across as if it was about the man but it is really about me. I should have made myself clear.

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