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Topic: A good start for all
Workin4it's photo
Wed 01/25/17 06:42 PM
President Trump is wasting no time to fulfill his agenda. By today's actions alone he increased the number of border guards and ice agents, He resendid the Obama order to ice to not hold illegal immigrants . And started the process to withold govt. funds to sancurary cities that don't uphold the law. By doing this he is protecting our citizens and stopping much of the flow of drugs from coming into this country.He deserves a raise, let's double his pay to $2 a year. Thanks Mr. President .

msharmony's photo
Wed 01/25/17 08:06 PM
Edited by msharmony on Wed 01/25/17 08:09 PM
Never had any doubt he would fulfill his agenda to go after those mexican immigrants,,,,

laugh laugh

next, women and muslims,,,,

no photo
Wed 01/25/17 08:12 PM
laugh laugh

no photo
Wed 01/25/17 08:32 PM
i'll be damn.....then that will be double aim to him with some sore of international hosipitalist like this is kind of facist acitvites......they need to feeding their babies.....yea more babies!!!!!!!
let's turn out the heart!!!!!~~~~~I will eat your baby~~~~~~~:laughing:

no photo
Thu 01/26/17 02:06 PM
By today's actions alone he increased the number of border guards and ice agents,

Did he?
Is he simply adhering to what Bush did after 9/11 to expand border patrol and immigration agents?

He resendid the Obama order to ice to not hold illegal immigrants . And started the process to withold govt. funds to sancurary cities that don't uphold the law.

I heard a soundbite where he said something like "we aren't passing new laws, just enforcing the laws that already exist, you can go do your job now."

I'm wondering when he's going to start enforcing the other laws in place that aren't being enforced.
When are the FBI SWAT teams going to start raiding Colorado, the northwest, and California marijuana dispensaries, and owners homes.

I mean these places can't use banks right now for fear of having their money taken by the feds, so if they were raided maybe that would create a (albeit small in comparison to what the government spends) cash windfall helping to offset the debt or my tax bill.

Not to mention all of the gun laws that aren't being enforced.

Workin4it's photo
Thu 01/26/17 04:20 PM
Edited by Workin4it on Thu 01/26/17 04:13 PM

i'll be damn.....then that will be double aim to him with some sore of international hosipitalist like this is kind of facist acitvites......they need to feeding their babies.....yea more babies!!!!!!!
let's turn out the heart!!!!!~~~~~I will eat your baby~~~~~. That reminds me ... Don't smoke crack!

Lpdon's photo
Fri 01/27/17 05:04 AM

Never had any doubt he would fulfill his agenda to go after those mexican immigrants,,,,

laugh laugh

next, women and muslims,,,,

Ummmmm, he's going after all illegal immigrants.

no photo
Fri 01/27/17 07:09 AM

Never had any doubt he would fulfill his agenda to go after those mexican immigrants,,,,

laugh laugh

next, women and muslims,,,,

Nice try.. but

When you enter a country the legal way you are a immigrant. We you do it illegally you are a illegal alien.

Trump is going after them. Illegal aliens.. not immigrants.. and rightfully so.

And women?.. Is he going to start deporting illegal women from the country too?...where did you hear that... Lol.

msharmony's photo
Fri 01/27/17 07:13 AM
Edited by msharmony on Fri 01/27/17 07:17 AM

Never had any doubt he would fulfill his agenda to go after those mexican immigrants,,,,

laugh laugh

next, women and muslims,,,,

Nice try.. but

When you enter a country the legal way you are a immigrant. We you do it illegally you are a illegal alien.

Trump is going after them. Illegal aliens.. not immigrants.. and rightfully so.

And women?.. Is he going to start deporting illegal women from the country too?...where did you hear that... Lol.

as explained, the simplisitic black and white , either/or scenario that Trump proponents keep setting forth is false

SOME illegal immigrants willfully 'snuck' in,, but this is just ONE scenario

there are many brought as children with no choice, who have lived as americans, amongst americans, loving America, and being productive citizens

there are many who went through the tedious process of legally entering but for one reason or another papework expired

treating them all simply as 'criminals' is simplistic and harmful

and women? simply put , making them the scapegoat for unwanted children

targeting abortion with out any corresponding targeting of deadbeat fathers,,,,, IF the government does not wish to help women end pregnancies,, I can understand that,, but why just target WOMEN about pregnancy, ,they don't get pregnant by themselves?

if men and women are going to make babies, should they not BOTH be targeted equally in CARING for those babies?

and if women will not be assisted in ending pregnancy, what is the follow up for helping them raise them alone, if the men will not be equally 'targeted'? does the money saved withholding tax dollars for abortion surpass the money needed to help women raise children alone if the fathers bail out? I said,, emotional kneejerk short term solutions without long term plans,,,,,,more harm than good

IgorFrankensteen's photo
Wed 02/01/17 04:34 AM

President Trump is wasting no time to fulfill his agenda. By today's actions alone he increased the number of border guards and ice agents, He resendid the Obama order to ice to not hold illegal immigrants . And started the process to withold govt. funds to sancurary cities that don't uphold the law. By doing this he is protecting our citizens and stopping much of the flow of drugs from coming into this country.He deserves a raise, let's double his pay to $2 a year. Thanks Mr. President .

Well, wait a minute. Congress has to vote the huge increase in Federal Spending required, before any of that actually takes place, and Congress hasn't even started talking about it. You certainly don't want to give anyone a raise, when you don't have the funds to do what you are giving him the raise for having proposed.

Plus, your idea goes against Trumps declared aversion to paying Federal Employees, if he can avoid it. Not sure HE knows that he is a Federal Employee, but you at least should.

Dileep1005's photo
Wed 02/01/17 07:37 AM
haa haaa

Manturkey1's photo
Wed 02/01/17 09:46 AM
A pregnant woman cross the border.

Has children.
No health insurance and gets welfare.


msharmony's photo
Wed 02/01/17 10:11 AM
Edited by msharmony on Wed 02/01/17 10:13 AM
problem not addressed by banning all immigration from certain countries that are NOT mexico

problem addressed possibly with more agents

problem not addressed by deporting productive immigrants who have already been here since childhood and possibly know more about american civics than alot of americans

IgorFrankensteen's photo
Wed 02/01/17 11:48 AM

A pregnant woman cross the border.

Has children.
No health insurance and gets welfare.


Problem caused by the Constitution. Get it changed, if you can.

Milesoftheusa's photo
Wed 02/01/17 05:43 PM

Which Laws do we enforce and which laws do we just ignore?

msharmony's photo
Sun 02/05/17 12:29 AM
all of them

laws are enforced upon the discretion of the system

cops are not mandated to stop or arrest anyone breaking a law,, they can choose to warn or ignore it without prosecution

prosecutors are not mandated to try every suspect unless they have the evidence that will be needed to convict

judges can overrule jurors

'deals' can be made for certain crimes in order to pursue bigger crimes

its not a perfect system, it is a system that takes on complex 'crimes'

I feel as far as immigration is concerned, there should be a system that considers intent

those who have knowingly and consentually (children cannot give consent) 'snuck' in should be at the top of those held to the stated immigration consequnces

those who came in as children and made productive lives in the USA should have a choice to become legal within a certain timeframe without being criminalized first,,


details matter

Milesoftheusa's photo
Sun 02/05/17 02:27 AM

all of them

laws are enforced upon the discretion of the system

cops are not mandated to stop or arrest anyone breaking a law,, they can choose to warn or ignore it without prosecution

prosecutors are not mandated to try every suspect unless they have the evidence that will be needed to convict

judges can overrule jurors

'deals' can be made for certain crimes in order to pursue bigger crimes

its not a perfect system, it is a system that takes on complex 'crimes'

I feel as far as immigration is concerned, there should be a system that considers intent

those who have knowingly and consentually (children cannot give consent) 'snuck' in should be at the top of those held to the stated immigration consequnces

those who came in as children and made productive lives in the USA should have a choice to become legal within a certain timeframe without being criminalized first,,


details matter

Details for American Citizens.

People who are here that need help I believe we probally help.

If I committ a crime as a parent and go to jail and my children are small they suffer. Many people suffer from crime and being here illegal is a crime. Who's fault is that?

Parents cause thier children to suffer for thier actions all the time. I am not saying thier is not mercy but you need to take care of your own house before you can help anyone.

We have so many problems.

Harboring a known criminal I believe is a crime. Everyone is looking for the American Dream. Trump was voted in it seems because so many feel like the American Dream thier parents, Grand Parents who fought for this Dream for thier families seems to be unreachable.

Many many things I do not like. But I wonder when do we do something and what do we do.

Jonathan83's photo
Sun 02/05/17 03:40 AM
Edited by Jonathan83 on Sun 02/05/17 03:42 AM

By today's actions alone he increased the number of border guards and ice agents,

Did he?
Is he simply adhering to what Bush did after 9/11 to expand border patrol and immigration agents?

He resendid the Obama order to ice to not hold illegal immigrants . And started the process to withold govt. funds to sancurary cities that don't uphold the law.

I heard a soundbite where he said something like "we aren't passing new laws, just enforcing the laws that already exist, you can go do your job now."

I'm wondering when he's going to start enforcing the other laws in place that aren't being enforced.
When are the FBI SWAT teams going to start raiding Colorado, the northwest, and California marijuana dispensaries, and owners homes.

I mean these places can't use banks right now for fear of having their money taken by the feds, so if they were raided maybe that would create a (albeit small in comparison to what the government spends) cash windfall helping to offset the debt or my tax bill.

Not to mention all of the gun laws that aren't being enforced.

What makes you think he's going to cause trouble with our weed? Seriously, he's not stupid, so why would he wage a war on something that our bodies are designed to assimilate? Endocannabinoid system. Look it up... He's smarter than that. Yes, going after mexico, but for all the same reasons that I would go after mexico as well. I think you have little faith in him. Besides JFK, I think Trump is possibly the only other president that is honestly trying to gain a hold on true justice for us all.

no photo
Sun 02/05/17 05:45 AM
Edited by greeneyes148 on Sun 02/05/17 05:45 AM

A pregnant woman cross the border.

Has children.
No health insurance and gets welfare.


Problem caused by the Constitution. Get it changed, if you can.

No, problem caused by a illegal alien beating our system.. setting out to beat it... and using a kid as a pawn

IgorFrankensteen's photo
Sun 02/05/17 05:59 AM

A pregnant woman cross the border.

Has children.
No health insurance and gets welfare.


Problem caused by the Constitution. Get it changed, if you can.

No, problem caused by a illegal alien beating our system.. setting out to beat it... and using a kid as a pawn

Again. You can look it up yourself. The reason WHY someone can "use the kid as a pawn," is because the Constitution says that anyone born here is a citizen.

Whining about it, and blaming the people who are using that isn't rational, especially if you want to actually DO anything about it.

AGAIN: you want to fix that? You MUST get a Constitutional Amendment about citizenship to do so.

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