Topic: Trump
IgorFrankensteen's photo
Sat 01/21/17 07:40 AM
One of the things that I find most unfortunate about modern America, is that there are so many people who think that it's enough for our leaders to TALK about things.

Many of Trump's most energetic apologists and adoring fans, like him so much specifically because he says rude and crude things, to or about people who they don't like. They ignore what he actually does or doesn't do.

These are the same people who elected and reelected a Republican party to power, that pays only lip service to our military defenders. As long as they wear flag pins, and drone out their "thank you for your service" mantra, the fact that they never approve extra spending to show REAL support for our people, goes unnoticed.

no photo
Sat 01/21/17 08:31 AM


TxsGal3333's photo
Sat 01/21/17 08:56 AM

Actually already seen this onelaugh laugh laugh laugh laugh I mean really grow up~~~

And this is why Trump got voted in~~~slaphead

The Baby Boomers came out of the woodwork to give this Country a Back Bone Again~~~:thumbsup:

Like it or not Trump is the President~~~

Those that don't like him should at least give him a chance. Some may be surprised.. But to want him to fail is only being part of the problem... not the solution~~~~

no photo
Sat 01/21/17 10:08 AM

Actually already seen this onelaugh laugh laugh laugh laugh I mean really grow up~~~

And this is why Trump got voted in~~~slaphead

The Baby Boomers came out of the woodwork to give this Country a Back Bone Again~~~:thumbsup:

Like it or not Trump is the President~~~

Those that don't like him should at least give him a chance. Some may be surprised.. But to want him to fail is only being part of the problem... not the solution~~~~


msharmony's photo
Sat 01/21/17 10:12 AM
Edited by msharmony on Sat 01/21/17 10:14 AM
americans don't understand how involved america is with 'wars' around the globe, financially and otherwise

its not so much aversion to war, just aversion to any 'americans' dying

they do tend to care about 'allies' and 'enemies' though

whether we 'alienate' the former and 'create' more of the latter is always great news fodder,,,

no photo
Sat 01/21/17 10:18 AM
And so the history goes on.

Conrad_73's photo
Sat 01/21/17 01:03 PM

I guess your Border-crossings are totally crowded,and your Immigration-Officials hopelessly over-worked with all the Snowflakes fleeing the US!laugh

no photo
Sat 01/21/17 01:38 PM
Edited by JOHNN111 on Sat 01/21/17 01:42 PM

I guess your Border-crossings are totally crowded,and your Immigration-Officials hopelessly over-worked with all the Snowflakes fleeing the US!laugh

Well it goes both ways, our flakes from up here thought it was a good idea to head to Washington and protest.

WTF are they protesting? slaphead

DKM131951's photo
Sat 01/21/17 02:00 PM
The women's March just today Janet Warren was on and repeated just what I said watch CNN you might learn something . As for Justin you wanted him you got him .

yellowrose10's photo
Sat 01/21/17 02:01 PM
Who wanted him? Lol a link. What was overturned?

no photo
Sat 01/21/17 03:26 PM

The women's March just today Janet Warren was on and repeated just what I said watch CNN you might learn something . As for Justin you wanted him you got him .

Well just have your Bro's and Sis's call their congressman's or senators every day.. without fail.. every day, Like Michael Moore is on T.V. telling them to.

That will do it !!!! Lol

no photo
Sat 01/21/17 03:49 PM
If all those protester exercised their privilege and voted

things could have been different surprised slaphead

Workin4it's photo
Sat 01/21/17 04:06 PM

As with so many things, Trump's people have NOT "overturned gay rights."

All they've done is to remove a lot of the elements of the previous administrations' website, and started a fresh page. That included all the website stuff having to do with LGBT or whatever it is.

As with the ACA, so far, no ACTUAL changes to anything has taken place. Just the trappings. The decorative posters, so to speak.
One other thing has been removed even before Trump stepped in, and that would be the racist picture of cops illustrated as pigs harrasing black people hanging in our Capitol building(what a shame that was) It should never have been hung in there in the first place.I'm sure the same 1/3 of congress that boycotted the inauguation are saddened they cant pay homage to that obscene picture every morning.

Milesoftheusa's photo
Sat 01/21/17 09:45 PM

As with so many things, Trump's people have NOT "overturned gay rights."

All they've done is to remove a lot of the elements of the previous administrations' website, and started a fresh page. That included all the website stuff having to do with LGBT or whatever it is.

As with the ACA, so far, no ACTUAL changes to anything has taken place. Just the trappings. The decorative posters, so to speak.
One other thing has been removed even before Trump stepped in, and that would be the racist picture of cops illustrated as pigs harrasing black people hanging in our Capitol building(what a shame that was) It should never have been hung in there in the first place.I'm sure the same 1/3 of congress that boycotted the inauguation are saddened they cant pay homage to that obscene picture every morning.

things have went to far. That was just pure rebellion. I am glad someone finally took it down.

As a Vet maybe I am old fashion but I am so tired of seeing the American Flag disgraced. Am I imagining things or did it used to be a crime to do anything you want with the flag? I hope Trump can change that.

TxsGal3333's photo
Sun 01/22/17 05:05 AM

The women's March just today Janet Warren was on and repeated just what I said watch CNN you might learn something . As for Justin you wanted him you got him .

So just cause Janet Warren says it will happen you believe what she says instead of waiting to see what the President, The House & The Senate will do??? noway

Ohh and CNN you believe them as well the ones that prints half truths to get the ratings????

People and news will say what they want to in order to get a rise out of people...

But guess if some believe that gays will loose their rights and a President can go back and change all the laws on his own then maybe they need to quit listening to those they are listening too and get the facts instead of what some say will happen.. And as far as this one will have to wait and see what the facts will be...

In no way do I believe that gay rights will be changed unless it is for the better... But the rights yesterday was not based on gay rights it was based on Women's rights~~~ whoa

TxsGal3333's photo
Sun 01/22/17 05:08 AM

If all those protester exercised their privilege and voted

things could have been different surprised slaphead

Exactly~~~~ what happen is the baby boomers came out of the wood work tired of all the whining, patting on the back throwing fits in the street babies...

And they Voted and made a change the right way~~~:thumbsup:

no photo
Sun 01/22/17 06:43 AM
Edited by checkinguout12 on Sun 01/22/17 06:45 AM
As I was walking into the locker room at the gym I could hear this woman going on and on about trump... they had several women just standing there listening to all of her BS... I got my stuff out of my locker and when she said that she wished him and his family dead and he wasn't her president... I turned to her and said everyone is intitled to their on opinion but I didn't agree with hers... I also told her that no matter who she wanted there he was still her president and if she didn't want that then she should check into going to another country.... maybe they should all follow through with their threat of leaving the

I didn't want Obama when he got elected but I didn't act a fool about it.... lol

TxsGal3333's photo
Sun 01/22/17 06:57 AM

If all those protester exercised their privilege and voted

things could have been different surprised slaphead

Exactly~~~~ what happen is the baby boomers came out of the wood work tired of all the whining, patting on the back throwing fits in the street babies...

And they Voted and made a change~~~:thumbsup:

no photo
Sun 01/22/17 07:06 AM

If Canada would just take the cast of the view.. we would be happy..

Let them have a view of Niagara Falls.. it's still a view.. right?.

And they don't say rude and crude things about who they oppose do they? How bout Maddona?

TxsGal3333's photo
Sun 01/22/17 07:22 AM

If Canada would just take the cast of the view.. we would be happy..

Let them have a view of Niagara Falls.. it's still a view.. right?.

And they don't say rude and crude things about who they oppose do they? How bout Maddona?

Yesterday I was actually going to watch the Women's March just to see what all was said or what they believe, before it even happens..

As soon as I heard Madonna throwing the F Bomb 2 to 3 times before they even choose to shut the sound down.... I turned it off and figured if that is what I had to hear instead of someone that can get their point across it was not worth watching or listening too~~~~noway slaphead