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Topic: Vote for TelephoneMan in 2008
onlyme61's photo
Mon 12/03/07 04:04 PM
telephone man definetly has my vote......

but has anyone ever really thought about why the presidents office is oval?

think about it.....lol:smile:

TelephoneMan's photo
Mon 12/03/07 05:05 PM

If elected, what will you do about spam?

Very good question.

I have personally felt that our freedoms and privacies have been encroached upon way too much.

First it was door-to-door salesmen and saleswomen.

Next we had our postal mail box crammed full with junk mail of all types.

Soon after we began to be bugged unmercilessly by telemarketers trying to sell all kinds of junk. And by the way, my political campaign will NOT be generating any digital telemarketing political phone calls... ever.

Now we are having our privacy invaded once more through unwanted Internet e-mails called SPAM.

I will see to it that legislation is passed thru Congress that will increase the American citizens right to privacy and limit business entities and political Parties from accessing you private residential and/or busniess telephone lines.

We have television commercials, advertisements in magazines and newspapers, we have banner ads on Internet web pages, we do not NEED any contact shoved in our face in our private locations.

There needs to be stiffer Federal regulations that dictate the rules concerning the encroachment into private citizen's private areas. With TV, printed materials, and banner ads, marketers have ENOUGH ways to gain the attention of the buying public. Its time we draw a line on the ground and plan to enforce the right to privacy in people's lives before the line between commercialism and peaceful co-existence within a privcay of life has disappeared.

I do not stand alone in this, I am going to wager that a majority of our citizens are fed up with commercialism and the extreme heavy-handed glove of in-you-face advertising.

As your President I will create a wall of protection between the American people and these out-of-control commercialistic cut-throats.

Peace and quiet in the home, privacy to your own space, is condusive to a happier and healthier country as a whole. This should be one of the foremost notions in the mind of any leader on Capitol Hill. As President, I will be sure to make a definite exclamation point in this particuler area.


TelephoneMan's photo
Mon 12/03/07 05:20 PM

sounds like a good idea to me

Can you cut all the freebies, that the higher ups get?


There are a lot of hands getting rich out of the taxer payer pot, and its high time we as a nation posted strict regulations on over spending and bonueses on the home front.

Money and handling wealth in the Congressional seats is a major concern. It is currently too easy for a special interest group to pour millions of dollars into a congressional pocket in order to manipulate the system in their favor.

As a citizen, my phone call or letter to Congress should mean something. Right now, I know of many people who would not think to write or express their desires toward their legal representatives because they are convinced it would do zer good. This should not be.

Before you can install a new policy, the events and conditions surrounding the old system need to be addressed as the new strategic plan is created and then implemneted. A check and balance needs to be in place that prevents special interest groups from buying Congress.

Also, the tax dollars paid in need to be protected from congressional officials that seem to think they can dip their hands in and take at any moment. The input for ideas here can come from the people. That is why the ideas and suggestions of the citizens are so important. It is also important to have a free press that stands as a watch dog over matters just like this. I am not talking about a politically motivted, limp media service that only braodcasts sensational news, I am talking about credible, ethically sound news reporting done with integrity and in the public interst.

As far as fat cows go, the benefit package of the typical congressional member has been moo-ing the loudest for many years. Its time to cut the fat and serve up a very lean budget-conscience Congress that is more mindful of the people they serve, rather than how much fat they can afix to their budgetary waste lines.


TelephoneMan's photo
Mon 12/03/07 05:57 PM

hmmmmmmmm wonder what I can do...............besides being Suz's stalkerlaugh laugh laugh laugh

how about if I get to reform the prison system............I can promise you one thing it will cut down on crimebigsmile

I have not seen any volunteers yet for the position of Attorney General. Not only does our prison system need re-vamping, but the enforcement side needs a complete over-haul.

Too many people feel that the BATFE and the FBI have become (as has been noted) as "jack booted thugs" sent out into the population of Americans to form all types of atrocities.

During the Clinton administration, under Attorney General Janet Reno we, as Americans, witnessed some of the most horrifying events pertaining to human rights violations and civil rights violations in the entire history of this great nation.

I would recommend every person to watch a movie called "Waco: The Rules of Engagement" just one time. There are a lot of American rights that were violated in the actions of the BATFE and the FBI during the Waco stand-off. These things should never happen to an American citizen.

Whereas during the Clinton administration their were atrocities within our borders, during this Bush administration the American people have been lied to concerning the reasons for going to war in Iraq, and atrocities outside of our borders are being ordered every day.

That is why I do not align myself nor my campaign with either the Democrats or the Republicans. I believe they are both wrong, and what we need is somebody like myself that has the intestinal fortitude to stand up against these wrong people and set matters right. That is why my political party is called The American Party, because this entity will stand up for what is right for the American people, and not bow down to special interest group bribes, nor stand in the crux and be threatened from outside by nations trying to do us harm.

What is needed is a focus on the American people, and less focus on other world governments. We have hungry people right here in this nation that need food and need to be tended to, but meanwhile we see the current system giving business and food stuffs to countries that have long been our sworn enemy.

American jobs are evaporating from the land because there is no political entity brave enough to stand up against free trade on either side of the two-party system ballot. Clinton signed the NAFTA agreement which set in motion the outsourcing of jobs and factory goods to other countries. Bush sits on his hands concerning import/export deficits because he is too interested in helping out big business. By labor becoming outsourced, it reduces the cost of labor in this country, so the rich elitist government officials on both sides are not willing to lift a finger.

My finger is not that heavy.

One of the first things I would do as your President is to re-vamp the export and import laws creating a much more fair trade than what is supposedly being handed down now. Let's just look at something for a second...

China is a Communist country, right? Communist philosophies claim nothing but animosity against capitalisitc systems. There are, in fact, opposite schools of thought. Yet, we do nothing, in fact, the current government is actually encouraging trade with China.

Another very good video every human being should watch is a PBS presentation entitled "Is Wal-Mart Good For America?"

Being the largest company in the United States, Wal-Mart is largely responsible for the out-flux of factories away from the US and into others countries. The "Low-Price" ideal of Wal-Mart once included (as Sam Walton, Wal-Mart's founder used to say) "only American products." Before Sam Walton died, he established many business relationships within Communist China and other low-labor-cost Asian countries, which gave Wal-Mart an edge over other retail outlets.

In order to complete, other retailers had to also seek their products from off-shore sources. The result is what we are now seeing as lost American jobs. As the manufacturing sector floats overseas, with it floats thousands of American jobs.

With job losses comes the inability for Americans to pay for their homes. Thus, now we have a huge problem in the mortgage and home sector as Americans are being forced to default on their home loans.

Meanwhile we have a dumbass President that is telling us the economy is just great every time he gets in front of a microphone.

Herbert Hoover was the Republican President who sat on his hands and did absolutely NOTHING as American slid sideways right down into The Great Depression. We today have a similar useless President who is in denial concerning the current situation of the country's economy.

All he would have to do is to subscribe to The Wall Street Journal for a few months, and we would see that the mortgage crises is real. But in my opinion, his imperialistic eyes are on Iraq far too much these days, and he is blind when it comes to matters of benefit to the homeland.

When you talk about reforming the prison system, please plan to make room for some of these current politicians that are in over their head taking advantage of the American citizen and the American tax dollar.

Perhaps you might install a few beds of nails for the really greedy types. Figuratively that amplifies my intention, howbeit in reality they would be treated like any other common criminal. Minus a lot of encouragement to ever become institutionalised wherein the prison becomes a life-style in stead of a true penalty system.

Sometime in the future, read about Arizona sheriff Joe Arapaho. He cuts prisoners no slack. It is NOT a field day full of happiness at his jail. Prison has become a resort for convicts, and not a penalty.

Also, convicts are not becoming reformed, they are becoming addicted to the prison system as a way of life. The term for that is "institutionalisation." Some long-term convicts, when they get out, know no other way of life, so they return to crime on purpose so that they will be thropwn back in prison... where they have established friends and a lifestyle.

Juggling prison activites, punishment and civil rights is a big job.

We have slid into an era where we are way too easy on hardened criminals. Some of that was done in the name of civil rights. There should be a clear defintion that a rapist gives up rights when they commit the crime and are convicted. Murders should not be pampered by bleeding heart liberals who want to see them taken care of in the penal system. Did the murderer take care of his or her victims?

Prison reform is a big topic, and before I can appoint you, I want you to be sure this is a job you are willing to tackle with all earnest.

As your President, you will have my backing for many itmes concerning prison reform.

If you do accept the position, it could revolutionize the entire Department of Justice system in this country.

MissBehaving's photo
Mon 12/03/07 06:00 PM

well I want to be the First Lady

cool... and in 8 years you can run for Senate then have your own campaign for President if you like...

First Lady is...


If she's your First Lady, I'll be your skanky mistress...and even worse...*gasp*...Canadian.


TelephoneMan's photo
Mon 12/03/07 06:27 PM

First; I would like to see the "White House" either burned down or turned into a homeless shelter.
If we burn it...it will save countless tax dollars.

Sell all the furniture and put it into an account, (if we are to make it into (shelter) because what would happen there,would be we need money to house them for free for three months. This would give them time to get it together and begin to pay their own way. Everyone would have as "chores" to clean the yards, and windows, and handy work. After six months move them out into an apartment and begin again. Same with many of the government buildings.

Sell off many assets that are just "a big waste to us".

Now: I saw taxes amongst "middle class" people mentioned here...what about the lower class and lower than lower class?? That my friend got my attention emediately. We vote too. We work too! We pay taxes too!

For now....

First off, I would have to agree with you. I would have no need for a "White House" building. I would rather live in a normal house of normal size that would support me and any gathering of people my position might attract.

The house would need to take security issues into consideration because there are too many folks who would be more than happy to blow the President's brains out... if not for political gain... just for the attention of being able to say they did it. So whatever presidential home I live in has to be secure.

The White House would be more appropriately converted into a historical museum thatn for a homeless shelter. The White House would stand to need way too much construction to make it a cost effective homeless shelter. It has stood as a beacon of elitist capitalism for decades, it should be allowed to stand as a museum as we pass away from this section of American history and into the next portion that will become much more budget conscience.

There could be an admission charged at the White House and these funds could be sent to contribute to a homeless shelter. The White House could then be used as a form of income to fund more than one shelter, perhaps many as time goes one.

In this country, there are very little walls up preventing the poor to improve themselves and become the non-poor. I would in no way agree to any legislation that did not include some form of education and job placement help for the poor and ultra-poor.

I have been amazed for years at the complaints I hear from people who live in the inner-city sections of the nation's largest cities. It is this easy, if you don't like living in the inner city, then put your thumb to the air, and hitch hike to some of the other millions of square miles of land in this great country.

The current system has created a welfare system that has become a multi-generational life-style. Grandma got welfare, mom got welfare, and now I get welfare. There is something incredibly wrong with this equation.

Leaders need to take note of the quality of individuals living below and extremely below the poverty lines.

I know this people well because for the last 5 years I have existed in this country with an annual income lower than $7,000. That is one reason I am going to make a very damn good President. I have learned to live lean, yet I have been able to hold on to my self-esteem and my pride as an American citizen. And I take no crap from businesses and government programs that are prejudiced against the poor.

Within me, someone who does live within the economic conditions of what the "experts" claim to call "the poor" will arise a leader in tocun with every aspect of human life in this country.

What I ask of people in my same economic condition is this... DO NOT settle for only what you have been given in life. Rise your head up, look in the mirror, and see a great person, not some whiff of humanity that ignorant, prejudiced people try to hold us down as...

Stand up and fight back with all that is in you. Demand that someone will offer you the ability to learn a different way, and truly be sick of your situation enough that you are motivated to grasp on to change.

Millions of illegal aliens are in this country because they have a fiath that tells them, is they run across the border, that their life will improve. Here in this country we take it for grnated that we have flush toilets and a grocery store full of food stuffs to buy. In other countries they view the US completely differently. They see the possibilities that are available within our borders, and some risk their very lives just to get here even illegally to this land they believe to be "the promised land."

If illegal immigrants can see the benefoits of being inside America, then the poor and the ultra-poor need to raise their heads up and learn from this example.

There IS a way out.

This is not a personal thing, but I must say this... many poor folks also get wrapped up into some form of drug or alcohol abuse.

The first step is to live clean, and to associate with only people who are willing to live clean and free from substance abuse. As long as the poor are subjected to the rule of narcotics and alcohol (and yes, including pot... you gotta be free from it all...)... as long as the current system keeps folks under that thumb of addiction, the typical poor person will not be able to break out of poverty on thier own.

Whatever it takes, you gotta break the addictions.

And you need a philosophy. Street smarts only serve you for so long, then you have to deal with the rest of society.

There are libraries in every city.

There are already programs set up to teach people to read of they cannot read.

Your literacy is one of the most important factors to your forward survival. Inside the covers of many books are the tools you can find to dig your way out of poverty and into a better style of life.

And you just can't give up. If you need so, for inspiration check into a religion of your choice. If you are an atheist, then check into a group that aligns with those principles. Tapping into the human spirit and/or faith or the knowledge of the lack of is a key element I have personally used many times in my struggle towards forward progress.

Then set small goals that are achievable. There are many grants available to the poor that will take care of college costs, or even the costs of returning to the education system on your own to complete the schooling you may or may not have ever finished in life. You never ever ever have to settle for what station has been handed to you in this land.

That is why i am shooting for the top. I will be President, because I make the most sense out of any candidate running. I have lived poor, but as you can see, my mind is not poor at all. My mind is my fortune. I will succeed, and I can show others how to succeed, that is what makes me a great leader, and yet another reason I am the best choice for the President of the United States.

TelephoneMan's photo
Mon 12/03/07 06:31 PM

First; I would like to see the "White House" either burned down or turned into a homeless shelter.
If we burn it...it will save countless tax dollars.

Sell all the furniture and put it into an account, (if we are to make it into (shelter) because what would happen there,would be we need money to house them for free for three months. This would give them time to get it together and begin to pay their own way. Everyone would have as "chores" to clean the yards, and windows, and handy work. After six months move them out into an apartment and begin again. Same with many of the government buildings.

Sell off many assets that are just "a big waste to us".

Now: I saw taxes amongst "middle class" people mentioned here...what about the lower class and lower than lower class?? That my friend got my attention emediately. We vote too. We work too! We pay taxes too!

For now....

I need a cabinet member in charge of the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development... are you interested?

Together we may be able to revolutionise the system we have into something with more impact for the lower and ultra-lower classes.

TelephoneMan's photo
Mon 12/03/07 06:35 PM

well I want to be the First Lady

cool... and in 8 years you can run for Senate then have your own campaign for President if you like...

First Lady is...


If she's your First Lady, I'll be your skanky mistress...and even worse...*gasp*...Canadian.


Well, in my adminsitration we will have no inproprieties as was the case with the Clinton adminsitration. I can gaurentee my personal integrity in this matter.

However, there is a current vacancy on my cabinet for someone in charge of ethics. Would you be interested in that position?

We have no prejudices concerning Canadians... I think other countries will be affected by what policies the US hands down, so I would encourage international support and placement within the cabinet.

TelephoneMan's photo
Sun 12/09/07 04:07 PM
Edited by TelephoneMan on Sun 12/09/07 04:08 PM
Bill Maher has some interesting views concerning the (HUGE) Pharmaceutical company lobby:




And just as a point of thought... not saying this is anything specific, not stating a conspiracy theory per se... BUT...

Did anyone else see the news reports shortly after 9-11 that stated some of Afghanistan's economic and cultural statistics. Did you know that during the Taliban-ruled Afghanistan this small country produced 45% of the world's opium products? Opium is the natural resource that is used when folks make stuff like heroin that is sold on the street to addicts... and did you know opium is a necessary natural resource to the production of morphine? Yah, that stuff they use to treat cancer patients who are in excruciating pain.

Ok, so here's what will bake your noodle about this... NOW that the U.S. is making the policy decisions in Afghnaistan (I guess that is what you call what we are doing there now...((??))...

Afghanistan, according to the Washington Post, is now producing 93% of the world's opium (paragraph 10):


Here is a similar statistic from a story in Iran's "Tehran Times" that states the same statistic (90%) (paragraph 6):


As a hypothetical question that WE ALL should be asking Uncle Sam... "So, what is Uncle Sam doing with all this opium?"

Is anybody gullible enough to believe that it is just the "mean ol' Afghans that are pushing the junk into the arm of the world?"

Not me....

Look about you, folks, and see a Pharmaceutical trade run amok with advertisements for drugs we don't need for symptoms we don't have on the commercials hitting the air waves every day.

I post this question... how do we know the presence in Afghanistan is NOT in existence today in order to run drugs through C.I.A. channels right back to the grand ol' U. S. of A. ???

It is a question we should make our leaders accountable for...

Bush has a mock-up "war on drugs" going on in the media, but on the ground, the same watch dog media is reporting huge increases in opium production.

What the right hand is trying to feed us doesn't match up with what the left hand is telling us is the truth.

When I am President, issues like this will be in the open and obvious to the world, not secretly hidden and covered up by political tongue wagglings.

****"Only a true leader can do these things. I am that leader.

Vote for me next November 2008.


(brought to you by the "Elect TelephoneMan for President Committee on JustSayHi")

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