Topic: Vote for TelephoneMan in 2008
no photo
Sun 11/18/07 07:20 PM
Only really good toilet paper should be involved......

mry's photo
Sun 11/18/07 07:20 PM
laugh laugh laugh

The blouses should look very professional with our navy blue spandex pants! laugh

dhutch9's photo
Sun 11/18/07 07:22 PM
Great-because everyone looks good in spandex! haha

no photo
Sun 11/18/07 07:23 PM
hee haw i think we dont need a president to run the country anymore. i think they should just elect some one to take the blame for all the cr*p that hapepns. ooops my bad, that is the president . ok telephone man you have my vote, hee haw.

mry's photo
Sun 11/18/07 07:28 PM
Speaking of the President...where is he?

TelephoneMan's photo
Wed 11/21/07 08:17 AM
I would like to wish all of my constituents (voters) and my future staff a very HAPPY THANKSGIVING... Next year we will be celebrating the election won, and planning my trip to the Oval Office.

I have good roots for Thanksgiving and I thought I would take a moment to explain. (A true story.)

We have a family historian that traced the lineage of our family back to the first ancestors who arrived in this country. It just so happens that there were relative of my family in my family tree that arrived in this country just a few years after those who came here in 1621 aboard the ship named the Mayflower. The ship that brought my ancestors was named "The Anne" and also landed at Plymouth Rock in about 1623.

As far as an "American" you would need to look no further for any better candidate for President. My direct descendants helped settle this land and pave the way to what we now know as "The United States of America."

At Plymouth Rock today, there are descendants of mine buried in the pilgrim graveyard. In my family tree, one of my ancestors had at one time married an ancestor of Miles Standish, who was the Captain of the Mayflower.

I'm not just making these things up, they log that contains these items is on microfilm at the state of Michigan library in Lansing, Michigan. They were compiled by a professional genealogist, namely my 2nd cousin. These matters of our family tree and heritage were part of my cousin's life time work. After he died, his family donated ten full paper boxes of field notes to the library, as well as a 1,300 page hand-typed (not word processed) family tree. Cousin Lee completed his work in 1959, well before there was the convenience of a PC or a Microsoft Word word processor program. All of these things are on microfilm at the library.

My family has been in North America for over 12 generations. There are not many, if any of the current candidates running for office that can make this same claim, and back it up with credible documentation.

This is one reason I chose to name the party "The American Party" because in effect, the first American Party president... (ummmm... yours truly)... is about as American as it gets. It makes good sense to elect a man such as myself to lead this nation that my personal ancestors settled nearly 400 years ago.

My family was cutting trees and making log cabins on this soil long before they ever discovered oil in Texas. Long before anyone had decided to make a "compound" up in Kennebunkport, Maine, thousands of my relatives had already shed their collective blood on this soil in search for true freedom. Freedom I am not convinced that we have achieved even in these "so-called" freedom enriched days.

Long before there was a man on the moon, or a bomb dropped on Hiroshima, my family was here, working, bleeding, living and dying on this land. I damn sure have the right to complain about how it has been run, and this is my day to step up and receive a vote to lead. Even if I receive not even one vote, I am here, and I have a heritage none of these idiotic political candidates can share.

I am the true American. I can prove it.

Long before Teddy Roosevelt road up San Juan Hill, hundreds of years before my family cut itself to shreds brother against brother in the Civil War, long before a secret society of individuals met and collaborated on this nation's Constitution, my family was here.

Before Daniel Boone and Davey Crockett, before Lewis and Clark, before the slaughter of the native Americans, my blood was here. Before the Louisiana purchase, before the Mexican-American War, before the Spanish-American War... here we stood and here we lived.

If I am still here, after all of these generations, and after all of this history has been lived on this soil, it must attest to the strength of my family's nature, and in that, if you look, you will find me as a true leader, not some limp weeny political hopeful wishing to add "The President of the United States" to his resume.

No, when elected it will be a more sure cause for this fellow American. Because I have lived in the trenches some of these prim and proper rich folks have never seen. I have lived in the days when I could rattle my only 37 cents in my piggy bank and wonder how on Earth the next bill would be paid. I scraped my way through high school without a bought and paid for richey-rich tutor. I existed in a factory job for 13 years, and worked my way for the dingy bottom to a die making skilled trades position. Then I changed vocations and assumed the role of a low-level field engineering assistant, and then worked my way up in telecommunications by hard work and attention to detail, with NO college degree, but merely on-the-job training, to within 3 promotions of the Vice President of Engineering for a major telecommunications provider.

This man has seen the people, held hands with the people, has hugged and cried with the people, and I am the people. This si something none of my candidates seem to possess. It seems the only politicians of today are those who are born with a golden spoon stuck in their face. And it doesn't matter if they are Republican or Democrat anymore. Both are elitists who have completely lost touch with reality and the common man.

I am the common man, that is why I am the perfect candidate.

I have struggled and made do, something the rich cannot understand. I have made goals and seen them all achieved, I am an achiever and an over-achiever, a leader, a manager, and the best candidate for President of these United States.

Yet, the elections have come to this... if I do not have $200 million dollars to post for an election campaign, I cannot be heard.


It is not any longer anything resembling those beautiful remarks.

It has become a government of the rich man, who swindles the election results, who was born with a gold spoon in his or her mouth from day one and has no idea what the actual price of a dozen eggs are, or what the real cost of a gallon of milk might be. I am sure most of the candidates running for President this year would have to ask an adviser what milk or eggs really cost. They have been having their noses and butts wiped for so many years that they have lost touch with the reality factor of common consumer goods.

There you have your choices...

Men and women who were born into riches, usually Harvard graduates who pi-ssed off tons of money just to achieve a college degree, now seemingly hot and heavy to rule the most powerful and richest country in the "free" world.

I think what we need is a true leader who is not afraid to stand up to special interest groups and tell them to f__ off. A leader who actually has true compassion for his fellow citizens, and is not engaged in some form of imperialism attempts at conquering other countries. We don't need the extreme left thinking, we don't need the extreme right thinking... what we need is a leader to set an example for all thinking.

We have not had such a leader in my lifetime.

The thing is, many of the words I'm saying are dead-on true. Yet do you think a simple man like me would even be given a second thought in the rat race of political scramble towards the election booths?


I think the current system needs a massive overhaul. And a candidate like myself is bound to stand up, find the backing I need, and I'll go in there and clean their collective clocks.

If the American people new that I exist, I will be the next President.

Not somebody "like" me from the same old boring camps. Not someone who steals my ideas and then waters them down with terrible partisan politics. I mean me, not someone else.

Put me up there and I will make a difference.


(brought to you by the "Elect Telephone Man for President Committee on JustSayHi")

TelephoneMan's photo
Tue 11/27/07 11:46 PM
Yup, I'm still here...

LLH5's photo
Wed 11/28/07 12:52 AM

Quite frankly, I think its high time we elected a man with a set of family jewels that stands up and actually LEADS the people... must be politically correct...I can teach you. I'd like to be White House Advisor.

TelephoneMan's photo
Wed 11/28/07 09:13 AM

Quite frankly, I think its high time we elected a man with a set of family jewels that stands up and actually LEADS the people... must be politically correct...I can teach you. I'd like to be White House Advisor.

OK... so on my political platform of "first come first served" as it applies to cabinet offices, we now have a chief political adviser:


I plan to win this election, because I am the only candidate that has "leader" ingrained into his or her platform...

and this does not mean "leader who bows down to special interest groups and lobbyists"

no one is going to contribute to my campaign fund, so I won't have to worry about scratching anyone's back after January 20th, 2009.....

LLH5's photo
Wed 11/28/07 02:02 PM

Quite frankly, I think its high time we elected a man with a set of family jewels that stands up and actually LEADS the people... must be politically correct...I can teach you. I'd like to be White House Advisor.

OK... so on my political platform of "first come first served" as it applies to cabinet offices, we now have a chief political adviser:


I plan to win this election, because I am the only candidate that has "leader" ingrained into his or her platform...

and this does not mean "leader who bows down to special interest groups and lobbyists"

no one is going to contribute to my campaign fund, so I won't have to worry about scratching anyone's back after January 20th, 2009.....

You're a man that learns quickly I see. And, I suppose I'll put my check-book away seeing how you won't accept contributions.

TelephoneMan's photo
Wed 11/28/07 03:42 PM

You're a man that learns quickly I see. And, I suppose I'll put my check-book away seeing how you won't accept contributions.

My view is that money is not going to fix the current situation and problems. Only a concerted effort of hard work and volunteerism by concerned American citizens is going to change a thing.

Votes should not cost money. Voters should not be given candidates who are put in the spotlight only by the millions they spend on their campaigns. This would also solve the problem we have in the campaign contribution issue.

There could be several rounds of tests given to any and all Americans who desire to become President. I have a feeling some of these modern politicians would not fair well on one of these political aptitude tests.

One question would be:

"What is the current price of a loaf of bread and a dozen eggs at your local grocery store?"

Since most of the current politicians do not do their own shopping due to the fact that they are extremely rich elitists who have been catered to since birth, they would fail this question entirely.

There would also be an essay section on the Presidential Candidacy Electoral Placement Exam with questions like:

"What types of changes do you hear most people talking about concerning the current government structure of the United States?"

This is another question that most elitist politicians would fail because typically, the extremely rich catered-to individual would be entirely out-of-touch with the common majority of people. I believe this is one reason there has become such a low rating on American citizen's nationalism feelings. Nationalism and pride in their country is an aspect of sociology that would be passed down from the leaders in power to the people.

Since there is a system of leadership in place that has no regard for what people think or feel in their daily lives, the citizenry' nationalism level is currently very low. Shortly after World War II people were "proud to be an American." Today, some folks claim that they are ashamed to be an American.

When the top leader of the country falls prey to the acknowledgment of adultery and sexual favors in the Oval Office, it has an effect on the entire citizenry as well as the world-view of the nation. When a top leader lies to the citizenry in order to forge a code of war on some other shore, it effects the nationalism of the people and also marks the world-view of the country.

What we need is a man like myself who will stand up with all due integrity, ethics; with the needs of the people foremost on any agenda and the rescue of other nations of the world as a secondary condition.

What we need is someone in this leadership role who is tending to the people at home, instead of attempting to expand imperialism throughout the world. Let's lead by example, not by force. When other countries see the model we make, they will want to be more like us. But, until there is leadership in place that gives off a citizenry full of nationalism and patriotism there is no true spark for the world to see.

We live in a "ho hum" day where people take it for granted the blessings we have in this land. There is way too much of the "you scratch my back and I'll scratch yours" mentality going around. Special interest groups and lobbyists are continually trying to buy the votes in Congress and at the election day result. We need to arrest the power away from the special interest groups and lobbyists who are pouring billions of dollars a year into the manipulation of the political "game."

We need more involvement BY THE PEOPLE in order to offer a government of WE THE PEOPLE. Sitting on your easy chair reading about how your world zooms by is not an acceptable way to exist in the land. Each citizen could be involved in activities in the community that change real-world results at the local, city, county, state, federal, and international levels. There are thousands of people who would like to become involved first-hand in the political change of the nation, but only a limited few are allowed access to true change tools.

Seeing results means everything. A bunch of words spoken on a campaign trial can easily be vaporized into nothingness and inactivity days after the election. We need a system in place that holds politicians accountable for campaign promises. Legal enforcement, even fines and jail time could be enacted for politicians who promise the world then do not make good on their public promises of change.

When the citizens are happy, the leaders are doing their job. Everywhere I turn today I see disgruntled Americans, forced to co-exist with a leadership ladder that has many broken rungs. In a land of plenty like we live there should rarely go by a day when the majority of the people lack any motivation to feel stable and stalwart just being an American citizen. I do not see this as the case today.

Everyday I hear people complaining of the high cost of energy, fuel at the gas pumps, fuel oil to heat homes, and fuel to deliver goods to the retail stores. Our current President does absolutely nothing to remedy these murmurings within the citizenry. Meanwhile the cost of all goods is skyrocketing out of control. It appears this rocket will become an ICMB with potential drastic effects on the nuclear family. Where is out leader today? Why does he not focus on the homeland instead of imperialistic campaigns in other parts of the world? We have a lot of "homeland insecurity" because our President's mind and agenda is on Iraq, or Afghanistan. We need someone who is going to focus on the wars in the inner cities of OUR country, and the battle for homelessness, lack of education, and the simple ability for all people to have three good balanced meals a day right here in the United States.

We throw away billions and billions of dollars every year playing the "bandaid" of the world. Each and every time their is a world disaster, it has come to be expected that the United States will wipe up after any problem that occurs. We are only 5% of the world's population. 95% of the world's population does not reside within the borders of the United States. There should be a more concerted effort in place that places the burden for world aid on a wider variety of world nations. In so doing, we can re-invest the monies saved in world rescue missions back into our own society.

Encourage growth and education. Encourage people to take charge of their own lives. Enable the citizenry to make a viable and collaborative change that does not include the money element of special interest groups. Give the country back to the people for which it stands.

Only a true leader can do these things. I am that leader.

Vote for me next November 2008.


(brought to you by the "Elect Telephone Man for President Committee on JustSayHi")

texasrose9's photo
Wed 11/28/07 06:25 PM
You got my vote.

TelephoneMan's photo
Mon 12/03/07 12:57 AM
Well, I'm still here...

.. and thinking I need to have a national debate with Ron Paul...


We are the only two decent candidates out there....

...and of course I will win the debate... and the up-coming election...

Mon 12/03/07 03:36 AM
If elected, what will you do about spam?

Snugglesbyfire's photo
Mon 12/03/07 03:51 AM
sounds like a good idea to me

Can you cut all the freebies, that the higher ups get?

no photo
Mon 12/03/07 04:10 AM
Still stalking Snuggles laugh laugh

I'm going to be a judge, I'll throw them all in jail whenever they step out of line bigsmile bigsmile

No pardons allowed, either :tongue:

Snugglesbyfire's photo
Mon 12/03/07 04:22 AM
Edited by Snugglesbyfire on Mon 12/03/07 04:23 AM
hmmmmmmmm wonder what I can do...............besides being Suz's stalkerlaugh laugh laugh laugh

how about if I get to reform the prison system............I can promise you one thing it will cut down on crimebigsmile

no photo
Mon 12/03/07 04:30 AM
Nope Snuggles, you get to reform the education system bigsmile bigsmile

scttrbrain's photo
Mon 12/03/07 08:05 AM
First; I would like to see the "White House" either burned down or turned into a homeless shelter.
If we burn will save countless tax dollars.

Sell all the furniture and put it into an account, (if we are to make it into (shelter) because what would happen there,would be we need money to house them for free for three months. This would give them time to get it together and begin to pay their own way. Everyone would have as "chores" to clean the yards, and windows, and handy work. After six months move them out into an apartment and begin again. Same with many of the government buildings.

Sell off many assets that are just "a big waste to us".

Now: I saw taxes amongst "middle class" people mentioned here...what about the lower class and lower than lower class?? That my friend got my attention emediately. We vote too. We work too! We pay taxes too!

For now....

scttrbrain's photo
Mon 12/03/07 08:10 AM
*&^%#$%%& "immediately".