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Topic: When should Kids be taken seriously...?
Ontario's photo
Thu 11/09/06 10:29 AM
My 5 yrs nephew told his mom that he did,nt want her meatloaf last night
and that he,d prefer a bologny sandwich. She told him no and he had to
eat the meatloaf.

Well he went into his room, and packed up his little backpack and went
to the door and said he was leaving...yes he was serious...!

Should he get the Bologny Sandwich, and sent to bed with no dinner....?

Ontario's photo
Thu 11/09/06 10:40 AM
Sorry Typo....should he get the sandwich, or sent to bed with no dinner.

Solow's photo
Thu 11/09/06 10:41 AM
Nope.....he's 5 and at that age, no compromise should be made if it is a
decision made by the parent that is beneficial for the child. He still
would have gotten what he wanted.....that damn sandwich and he would
have considered that to be a dinner of contentment.

Solow's photo
Thu 11/09/06 10:42 AM
Ok....thanks for the clarification. He would have eaten the meatloaf or
ALL of his little privledges would have been removed. Can you say

CrazyJ's photo
Thu 11/09/06 10:47 AM
I belive that as parents what we say goes. When we are providing our
children with well balanced diets, good food, they should eat what is
given to them. If we are eating it and it is not a "strange" food they
should eat it, yes. I do not belive in sending a child to bed hungery
though, if they refuse to eat what they are given, they may not really
be hungery right then. Save the food for them and when they say that
they are hungery give them the food that was offered earlier. Next time
that food is made have the child help make the food and then they will
eat it because they helped make it. Now in the instance that they have
eaten everything else on there plate but the "meatloaf" then yes send
them to bed, they have had some food and that will get them through the
night. As for the child threating to leave ask the child who is going to
feed them when they leave?

Ontario's photo
Thu 11/09/06 10:49 AM
My mom says the boy got a natural rebellious him.

CrazyJ's photo
Thu 11/09/06 10:55 AM
Only the parents can fix that, strong arm discipline! Sounds to me that
the child needs to be reminded who the adult is.

Ontario's photo
Thu 11/09/06 11:00 AM mean the belt.........?

CrazyJ's photo
Thu 11/09/06 11:03 AM
No not the belt, not anything. If you chose to spank use your hand, if
you spank. I think the punishment needs to fit the crime. and if it is a
repeet "crime" and nothing else works then yes spank if you must, by
stong arm I mean tugh love, you know time outs corner time maybe a
spankin if needed

no photo
Thu 11/09/06 11:11 AM
I don't like meat loaf either. A bologny sandwich, or west virginia
steak, as my friend missy calls it is much more preferable to me

TxsGal3333's photo
Thu 11/09/06 01:13 PM
Humm what I did was when mine was little and did not want to eat what I
fixed I told them to either eat it or get away from the table and let
the rest of us eat in peace. If they got hunger later there choices
still remained the same what we ate. I never forced my kids to eat what
was on there plate. But did not fix them something special besides what
we all ate, well unless they were sick lol.

Kids even at an early age must learn that they don't always get things
there way. That is not how the world works and so they must start
learning that ASAP.

Ontario's photo
Thu 11/09/06 01:20 PM
Hummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm....when I was a kid...I hated seafood of any
kind...what about that situation...?

TxsGal3333's photo
Thu 11/09/06 02:10 PM
Ontario, I never made my kids eat something they hated now I would have
them take just one bite with the option that if they did not like it
they could spit it out. Which by surprise that only happen a few times.
But if there were things the kids hated those usually were things we
went out to eat and of course there was always a kids menu. Got to
rememeber I'm in Texas and we are pretty big on the meat and potatoes
meals lol home cooking so usually always something on the table the kids
like. Usually the meals I would prepare I took in consideration what
each liked and never made a full meal that anyone hated. For that is
kinda working against the whole situation.

Ontario's photo
Thu 11/09/06 02:19 PM
Okay...but a 5 year old...sez I don,t want your meatloaf, could
imply that your cooking is but... why not...that fact that he chose to
pack up and leave rather then eat her least deserves some

CrazyJ's photo
Thu 11/09/06 02:21 PM
Like I said b4 Ontario, have him help make it, and he will eat it
because he helped make it! kids love to be invloved!

lionsbrew's photo
Thu 11/09/06 02:25 PM
my mom always told us shes makes one coarse fo the hole family no
exceptions if we didnt like we didnt have to eat dinner but we werent
allowed any thing else that nite either she say if we didnt like it we
could always go to bed hungry

Ontario's photo
Thu 11/09/06 02:30 PM

lionsbrew's photo
Thu 11/09/06 02:31 PM
if we didnt like what was made and didnt want to eat it we would go to
bed hungry

Ontario's photo
Thu 11/09/06 02:33 PM
Wow....that was, a long, long, long, time ago.....huh...?

TxsGal3333's photo
Thu 11/09/06 02:38 PM
Ontario, packing the back pack thing is just a way for attention sorry
but if you ignore it he will go back and un-pack it if you think that is
just something your nephew has done WRONG my son did the same thing he
got tired of waiting at the door went back and unpacked his backpack
which was all toys and a few clothes. They are 5 hellllo who is the
adult here they don't get there way at 5 when they grow up and get a job
and pay there own way they can do what ever they want too but as long as
they are under my roof its my rules not theres.

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