LittleLeftofRight's photo
Wed 11/09/16 10:15 PM
'why' proposes a question the answer to 'why' may be fact or opinion.

msharmony's photo
Wed 11/09/16 10:18 PM
why, with youtube snippets of people talking, is a subjective opinion/interpretation of the snippets

but mingle isn't a grammar class,

LittleLeftofRight's photo
Wed 11/09/16 10:28 PM
not 'talking', sthat is mischaracterization, they are statements, for the record, the very thing that sunk hillary as there are obviously more positivists in america than antirealist subjectivists.

msharmony's photo
Wed 11/09/16 10:49 PM
there are more that find net worth a character trait that forgives any other character flaw

LittleLeftofRight's photo
Thu 11/10/16 05:07 AM
so now the subject has changed to character? Hilary lost because she has not so much as a scintilla of a moral compass.

mightymoe's photo
Thu 11/10/16 05:31 AM

OK. We have a new President. Let's get together as Americans and move on together. I'm going along.

great attitude,, I can relate and agree, unless he continues his buffoonery in the white house, with which I cannot 'go along' at all

you cannot? so whats your plan?
"All I know is what’s on the Internet."

to campaign to get him out in 2020, to take action to uplift any of those he tries to oppress , berate, or alienate

to research and shout from the hills every crooked and vile thing he says or does,,,,

to organize, to educate,,,,basically, whatever tools of change are at my disposal

2020 is a long ways away, you might actually like trump by then...

no photo
Thu 11/10/16 10:54 AM


I'm in California where the universities indoctrinate the youth into insane, fascist perversions of liberalism. Most people here believe the media's lies, and they despise Trump with a passion.

So I was hugely relieved to see large swaths of America making the right decision on Tuesday night!

Thank you, thank you, thank you to all of the independents, conservatives, libertarians, and rationally-minded liberals across the country who voted for Trump and saved our country from a Hillary Presidency!

Wikileaks deserves props for this also. I think she would have won, if we didn't have all that concrete evidence for how terrible she, and the people close to her, really are.

Rock's photo
Thu 11/10/16 12:17 PM
President Trump 306 vs. Loser Clinton 232

It's a damn good week, to be alive!

msharmony's photo
Thu 11/10/16 05:51 PM

so now the subject has changed to character? Hilary lost because she has not so much as a scintilla of a moral compass.

according to media and internet at least

but according to my own eyes and ears,,,I have never seen or heard her

talk about grabbing the opposite sex without permission
or imposing religious restrictions on people
or restricting the press
or paying legal fees to punch people
or missing when people were carried on stretchers
or a disabled person looking funny
or a woman having her period,,,
or only being able to 'assume' that 'some' mexicans are decent
or talking about how 'fun' violent outbursts are

I believe my own eyes and ears,, so does most of the sane world

msharmony's photo
Thu 11/10/16 05:54 PM

OK. We have a new President. Let's get together as Americans and move on together. I'm going along.

great attitude,, I can relate and agree, unless he continues his buffoonery in the white house, with which I cannot 'go along' at all

you cannot? so whats your plan?
"All I know is what’s on the Internet."

to campaign to get him out in 2020, to take action to uplift any of those he tries to oppress , berate, or alienate

to research and shout from the hills every crooked and vile thing he says or does,,,,

to organize, to educate,,,,basically, whatever tools of change are at my disposal

2020 is a long ways away, you might actually like trump by then...

Im open to the possibility of him just being a fake instead of an actual *******

msharmony's photo
Thu 11/10/16 06:01 PM
Im patient

he has presented himself like an *******

if he isnt an ******* , that makes him a fake who understood more people would support an *******

Im hoping the latter is the case

no photo
Thu 11/10/16 06:02 PM
Be patient ms. We haven't even given the man a chance.

no photo
Fri 11/11/16 01:48 AM

General Motors has been spotted testing what appears to be the presidential limousine -- replete with an exterior to camouflage key details -- that will REPLACE the “BEAST” that protects President Obama.

Sojourning_Soul's photo
Sun 11/13/16 01:25 PM

Here is a list of potential members of the Trump cabinet:

Chief of Staff

Steve Bannon: Trump campaign CEO
Jared Kushner: Trump's son-in-law
Reince Preibus: RNC chair

Possible Contenders:
Corey Lewandowski: former Trump campaign manager and CNN contributor

Secretary of State

Former Amb. John Bolton
Former Speaker of the House Newt Gingrich
Former New York Mayor Rudy Giuliani

Possible Contenders:
Sen. Bob Corker, R-Tenn.
Richard Haass, president of the Council on Foreign Relations

Secretary of the Treasury

Steven Mnuchin, Trump campaign finance chair

Possible Contenders:
Tom Barrack, CEO of Colony Capital
Jamie Dimon, CEO of JPMorgan Chase
Rep. Jeb Hensarling, R-Texas
Carl Icahn, Trump friend and financier

Secretary of Defense

Sen. Jeff Sessions, R-Ala.

Possible Contenders:
Rep. Duncan Hunter, R-Calif.
Former Sen. Jim Talent

Attorney General

Former Mayor Rudy Giuliani
Rep. Trey Gowdy, R-SC
Sen. Jeff Sessions, R-Ala.

Possible Contenders:
NJ Gov. Chris Christie
Milwaukee Sheriff David Clarke

Secretary of the Interior
Possible Contenders:

Former Speaker of the House Newt Gingrich
Forrest Lucas, oil executive
Former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin

Secretary of Agriculture
Possible Contenders:

Sid Miller, Texas agriculture commissioner

Secretary of Commerce
Possible Contenders:

Lew Eisenberg, RNC finance chair
Carl Paladino, NY businessman
Anthony Scaramucci, financier and Trump adviser
Ray Washburne, Texas investor
Jack Welch, former GE CEO

Secretary of Health and Human Services

Dr. Ben Carson

Possible Contenders:
Rep. Renee Ellmers, R-NC
Former Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal
Former New York Lt. Gov. Betsy McCaughey

Secretary of Energy
Possible Contenders:

Harold Hamm, oil and gas businessman
Former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin
Kathleen Hartnett White, former chair of the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality

Secretary of Veterans Affairs
Possible Contenders:

Sam Clovis, Trump policy adviser
Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn
Rep. Duncan Hunter, R-Calif.
Lt. Gen. Keith Kellogg
Gen. David Petraeus

Secretary of Homeland Security
Possible Contenders:

Maricopa County, Ariz. Sheriff Joe Arpaio
Sen. Richard Burr, R-NC
Milwaukee Sheriff David Clarke
Former NYC Mayor Rudy Giuliani
Rep. Michael McCaul, R-Texas

National Security Adviser

Gen. Michael Flynn

Possible Contenders:
Former Rep. Mike Rogers

CIA Director
Possible Contenders:

Former Rep. Mike Rogers

isaac_dede's photo
Mon 11/14/16 01:31 AM
Expecting a liberal to look at facts and think for themselves is a lot like asking a 4-yr old who they are going to marry.....they will give you an answer, annd they are convinced they are right no matter how much logic you throw at them....they won't understand it.

no photo
Mon 11/14/16 02:34 AM
"SR 1343 – Can the Crooked Clintons Bribe the Electoral College?

Nov 13, 2016 - Transcript -

Can the Crooked Clintons Bribe the Electoral College?
I get emails almost every day – can the Clintons bribe or otherwise coerce sufficient Electoral College electors to actually steal the White House from Donald Trump?

– Nov. 9th - the New York Post ran this headline – “The one scenario that could still get Hillary into the White House.”
If you have followed the crime careers of Clintons – as I have since they came to town - you know that you can put nothing past them – including threats of Arkansas-cide towards anyone that gets in their way.
I’m sorry to be so bold, but there has never been a political couple in the history of the United States that has been this crime-prone – and yet never held fully accountable for any of it.
This is exactly why impeachment proceedings are part of the law – to go after politicians who are lawyers, who use their knowledge of the law to skirt criminal prosecution – and the Clintons were even able to skirt conviction upon impeachment.
I mean, these two are the world record holders in getting away with stuff. But no longer!
With the announcement this week of the Arizona vote count becoming final, Donald Trump gets an extra 11-Electoral-College-vote boost.
Once Michigan’s count is complete, Trump will finish the contest at 305 Electoral College votes – 35 more than necessary for victory when electors meet in their respective state capitals on Dec. 19th.
In 29 states, it is illegal for an elector to ignore the will of the voters of their state. However the penalties are light – for example, a fine of $1,000. But what’s a thousand dollar fine in a world where George Soros is paying millions of dollars to fund the current rioting around the nation?
According to an analysis by the now-frequently-unreliable New York Times; well over 99% of electors throughout American history have voted as pledged.
However, it is sort of scary that the actual fate of this election hangs on the electors who want to uphold their reputations as honorable citizens of their states.
But theoretically, there is nothing to prevent any elector of the Electoral College from going rogue and voting for Satan himself. Folks who do that are forever branded as a “faithless elector”.
Worse still, here is a map showing the 29 states that have no laws against being a faithless elector – 25 of these were states in which Trump won the popular vote!
In a New York Post article on Wednesday, one Republican elector from Texas - firefighter Chris Suprun - no-doubt a former Ted Cruz supporter - was quoted as saying back in August that if Trump won the election, he would consider voting for Clinton at the Texas meeting of the Electoral College on Dec. 19th.
Another Georgia elector, also said in August that he couldn’t vote for Trump either, and so was quietly urged to resign as an elector by local GOP leaders.
So that’s how it works. The Clintons would have to convince 33 electors to commit societal suicide to steal this election.
Now with the Clintons this is still possible, but there is one last safeguard in place that – in this case – makes this – the greatest theft of the entire Clinton crime career – and that’s saying something - a virtual impossibility.
Yes, the Electoral College votes on Dec. 19, but that vote has to be approved by Congress on Jan. 6th. Congress has never disapproved of a vote of the Electoral College, but they could.
So, with both the House of Representatives and the Senate firmly in Republican hands - in this case –this theft isn’t going to happen.
So, you Soros folks, go ahead and waste your time and resources. Go ahead and bus a million people to Washington for a freezing protest march down the windswept National Mall on January 6th.

We don’t care. drinker

carefulwisher's photo
Mon 11/14/16 07:34 PM
I, for one, am delighted that Trump won. But won't feel totally vindicated until I see H1B visa holders forced to train their American replacements prior to being deported. I don't really expect to see Hillary get shot for treason, but I do think that the wall will get built.

no photo
Mon 11/14/16 07:38 PM
I saw an animated video of him already laying the bricks
Build that wall Trump

no photo
Tue 11/15/16 02:28 AM

I saw an animated video of him already laying the bricks
Build that wall Trump

Where there is a will, there is a way

How many Presidents have promised to do it? The last FOUR slaphead
And Presidential candidates.
HRC said "Fence", on her first attempt laugh
All as part of their campaign promises.

Texas Rep. Louie Gohmert says Congress should be able to find the money to pay for Donald Trump's proposed wall along Mexico border

VIDEO & Article

Congress should have no problem finding the money to pay for Donald Trump’s proposed border wall once the president-elect is sworn in, Rep. Louie Gohmert said Friday morning.

The Texas Republican said Congress has already appropriated money for similar projects in the past, only to have them thwarted by uncooperative officials in the administration of President Barack Obama. Under Trump’s administration, Gohmert said he Congress to work more or less in tandem with the White House to fund and build the wall that Trump has proposed since day one of his presidential campaign.

ehsanbaig54321's photo
Tue 11/15/16 08:42 AM
You did have rite thing:thumbsup::thumbsup::thumbsup: