Topic: Some Properties functions about God | |
While the Bible is far from complete, it still is our Gods book in my view ..and a helpful guide when viewed with the right set of eyes... . I may one day write a book entitled "The Holy Bible is full of Holes" which it truly is ..and yet it is adequate enough as a collection to give us some idea of man's spiritual plight.
You already know I've posted on here a couple years ago ..the true story of the burning bush and its true meaning.. To refresh you, the bush was not on fire,.. but was embraced and a glow by a formless light.., more than likely bluish white in color, ..God the light was simply telling Moses that God is this formless ocean of light ..and consciousness, holding inside the structured "Tree of Life" US! the creation...the inside it's being the light around the tree. In short we are all located inside of God's being.. made of Gods pure white light... stuff we call light.. which is how God's consciousness can be everywhere at once; as well as God's presence ,be every where at once. This is why e.g Jesus said; "I will never leave you or forsake you". It's impossible for Him to do. ! The Light's ultimate goal ...for companionship is to create another like itself ..and we are it.! Everyone is seeing bits and pieces of the god but can't put it all together.. I'm here connecting the dots ..i dontcwant ti be here but bc the fine mess everyone made all these years.... . ... so you can see it all more clearly with the hope these it discourses will give you peace. The groom, is the "Light" or God ..and the Bride is the structured "Tree of Life" us.. the tree, The bride is working its way to become like the light God. This is not just the Earth.., but the entire planets....and Universe/s; e.g as the Light ..creates another like its formless self..that we are suspended in space we call God.. Now The bride has its own memory, the cellular memory. However, the groom or formless ocean of light..God has it's own memory as well... So, the Bible reveals there are two memories in the being we call God; ..when you grasp the state God exists in; next to our structured forms we take on in life, when we are born.. onto a planet we have selected. ..The best way to see the creation all around you is to see it like an onion with many layers. ....All starts from the formless pure white light spirit of the creator who is also the creation.... .. That formless state is what God calls True Life:! Each structured state as it manifests, starting with the state of the ethereal realm we call God's heaven down to the gross physical forms is a limiting of the light by law into such forms of expression. Only the Light true life: however, not the limited life forms in all their states inside the light. God's formless state what God defines as Perfection as well. I was shown the entire Universe/s on the basis of reincarnation. .. Given the light will not violate free will, this was its only other option it could offer, in love, ..The light can become anything or anyone.. it wants to become and has done so in the expression we see in the night sky as well as all that is beyond the physical with everything interlocking or interfacing with each other in the creation. The light is all things possible in its being. ...Just know that all you see and understand through your five senses is located in the light ..and made from the stuff of the light. The other interesting thing is that the cellular memory thing is the female aspect ..of the light while the formless pure white light's memory is the male aspect of the light Both memories are real. ... The bride is made of the formless pure white light of God, which is becoming like the light in every way and one day the whole universe/s.. will be Heaven, this is what God meant...which The result is the Bride or creation has its own memory, yet you learn the memory... of your past lives is really in the groom side of the equation, not the cellular memory side, far as your spirit self is concerned versus your flesh body's memory, part of the bride...The kids that are coming back who are remembering past life journeys ,are not learning this from their cellular memory ...They are getting it from their spirit side or the Spirit of God. There are some amazing stories that account for this reality. |
AND THE POINT IS..????????????? |