While the Bible is far from complete, it still is our Gods book in my view ..and a helpful guide when viewed with the right set of eyes... . I may one day write a book entitled "The Holy Bible is full of Holes" which it truly is ..and yet it is adequate enough as a collection to give us some idea of man's spiritual plight.
You already know I've posted on here a couple years ago ..the true story of the burning bush and its true meaning.. To refresh you, the bush was not on fire,.. but was embraced and a glow by a formless light.., more than likely bluish white in color, ..God the light was simply telling Moses that God is this formless ocean of light ..and consciousness, holding inside the structured "Tree of Life" US! the creation...the inside it's being the light around the tree. In short we are all located inside of God's being.. made of Gods pure white light... stuff we call light.. which is how God's consciousness can be everywhere at once; as well as God's presence ,be every where at once. This is why e.g Jesus said; "I will never leave you or forsake you". It's impossible for Him to do. ! The Light's ultimate goal ...for companionship is to create another like itself ..and we are it.! Everyone is seeing bits and pieces of the god but can't put it all together.. I'm here connecting the dots ..i dontcwant ti be here but bc the fine mess everyone made all these years.... . ... so you can see it all more clearly with the hope these it discourses will give you peace. The groom, is the "Light" or God ..and the Bride is the structured "Tree of Life" us.. the tree, The bride is working its way to become like the light God. This is not just the Earth.., but the entire planets....and Universe/s; e.g as the Light ..creates another like its formless self..that we are suspended in space we call God.. Now The bride has its own memory, the cellular memory. However, the groom or formless ocean of light..God has it's own memory as well... So, the Bible reveals there are two memories in the being we call God; ..when you grasp the state God exists in; next to our structured forms we take on in life, when we are born.. onto a planet we have selected. ..The best way to see the creation all around you is to see it like an onion with many layers. ....All starts from the formless pure white light spirit of the creator who is also the creation.... .. That formless state is what God calls True Life:! Each structured state as it manifests, starting with the state of the ethereal realm we call God's heaven down to the gross physical forms is a limiting of the light by law into such forms of expression. Only the Light ..is true life: however, not the limited life forms in all their states inside the light. God's formless state ..is what God defines as Perfection as well. I was shown the entire Universe/s ..works on the basis of reincarnation. .. Given the light will not violate free will, this was its only other option it could offer, in love, ..The light can become anything or anyone.. it wants to become and has done so in the expression we see in the night sky as well as all that is beyond the physical with everything interlocking or interfacing with each other in the creation. The light is all things possible in its being. ...Just know that all you see and understand through your five senses is located in the light ..and made from the stuff of the light. The other interesting thing is that the cellular memory thing is the female aspect ..of the light while the formless pure white light's memory is the male aspect of the light Both memories are real. ... The bride is made of the formless pure white light of God, which is becoming like the light in every way and one day the whole universe/s.. will be Heaven, this is what God meant...which The result is the Bride or creation has its own memory, yet you learn the memory... of your past lives is really in the groom side of the equation, not the cellular memory side, ..as far as your spirit self is concerned versus your flesh body's memory, ..as part of the bride...The kids that are coming back who are remembering past life journeys ,are not learning this from their cellular memory ...They are getting it from their spirit side or the Spirit of God. There are some amazing stories that account for this reality. |
My Statement about God
So , what it Boils down to folks..
I am asking those of you to pull out and go about your lives.. it's time to change now.. It's not like 4000 years ago. Our World has evolved today ans you can now .. forget about helping anyone... ever again to. Thank you for helping all the people. I could of made a Better World... quite honestly... But the damage was done by everyone's mistakes..and the truth who could not see God ..what God wanted us to see God in the beginning. Quite frankly ...I blame God and the creation itself... But it is not God's fault entirely... Bc God is just an formless Light and God's body or being does not function like how we suppose to think... You see people... think..that God does Miracles... but that's not correct to... This is another thing thou..I'll explain in due time. |
My Statement about God
I am fine , what you see here is .. some folks trying to save a poor soul ..but I'm fine.
They are correct ! Though.. and they are needed to help the lesser folks in this world for God. But as for myself .. I don't need God. bc I .. well I don't know really ... I was born almost perfect... you see folks I can compare what's right ..and wrong in life pretty good to. To that fellow .. I know God quite well. I have seen God many times and quite Qualified to give details today who or what God really is. And.. their is NO Satan ...their never was ..it was a story made up by God to keep you all alive.! Their is no angels!...no heaven... no nothing... it's just God.! ..Who is this formless light ..that we are suspended in we call Space. What bothers me is ...that I had to watch you all fight over God all these years..and not just god, you went as far as.. fighting with each other. God had to make story's up... And you would not listen. You see.. As for the Christians who brought into it..and feel USED by God in all this... well ..you should be the one ,who decided to buy into God's fake idea anyway...! Silly enough ..could not see what God was really saying ever since Genesis 1. |
My Statement about God
It's not Evil.. your just guys straightening out ..the people who cannot control Their lives.
Excuse me folks, while I have a fine Cigar and sit back and enjoy life right now...bc that's what God wanted. Please folks think about what I said all to the top of this thread. If you have any ounce to understanding my point view ,GO...! enjoy life and don't worry about Helping these people who cannot control. |
My Statement about God
Excuse me .. It Has Nothing To Do With Racism. That is your mind thinking and anyone else using that word as an excuse for other people's problems.
IT is about doing what we ALL should be doing ourselves! And leaving God alone in all this.! |
My Statement about God
This is the Truth in my Heart! Folks.
Nothing more to say. |
My Statement about God
I don't trust God. I believe ... we should return back to our old self. I still feel.. this way.. guys. I really do.
Here is why.. Kevin came from a family of hurts and pain... for many years. Then he meets God.. older enough to know God. God then shows Kevin what life is all about. Then Kevin is put through a depression for many years.. it has crippled his soul! Literally. You'll find this has happen... to everyone who choosed to listen to my statment. We have never seen God ...only in dreams and all around us here ,on this world. and the stars at night. The problem is.... we are put through more and more pain......! The more we connect with God. This God is Useless! Folks!!! You know what I am saying... It wants us to like it.... as we do this.. all the misery!!!! From allll.... the people around us in general... follow us... but their only concern is to help themselves ...in the long run. The main problem is ... we are suffocating with this God.. I understand to... it is the RIGHT THING TO DO...to follow a God ,who REALLY DOES NOT EXSIST! The moor we follow God... the more misery we have to help these people all around!!!! And I am afraid to say.... I don't want to be put in a position all my life.... helping these people ..WHEN THE RICH PEOPLE CAN PUT THEIR MONEY INTO THIS MESS...CAN DO IT THEMSELVES...OR...THESE MISERY... NO HOPERS IN LIFE!!!! Can do it themselves. I don't want to meet poor africans....!! Or people born into problems??? That is not even ours!!! It's not our fault...that someone is born into a messed up family. If we continue...to follow God... God may USE us...everywere we incarnate.. into a world! This will make our souls muddy...and sloppy... been used by the broken creation ...that God created in the first place. |
Who we are
When GOD created us all , God selected us all from different star systems. The white people with green or blue or both color eyes ,are the descendants of the Reptilian race which came from the draconian star system, They are the most intelligent race here on this world they are suitable to God to create here.
More info here http://www.orionmindproject.com/reptilians.html The white people with brown eyes, are the Pleiadians ,who are from the Taygeta star system. The Pleiadians originate from the planet Erra which orbits the star 10-Tauri (also known as Taygeta). This is how we all formed a human body ,from the pleiads. They are nature. Info here http://arcturi.com/PleiadianAliens.html The Asians originated from the same Draconian star system they were created by the Reptilians to manufacturer everything. The are suitable to God they can create build just about anything. The Africans ,aborigines are naturally home grown here on this earth. They were the first Pharoah 's and all the known queens from Ancient Egypt. |
My Journey with God
I think I came here few years ago to post here my version about God and now again I wanted to explain in detail who or what God is. Perhaps in your next lives you will all become as kings or queens, and born into a Royal family then you create others Worlds, and train them to know God ,Some of you may return to God, or if you have any interest concerning universe/s you can pursue other incarnations. Whatever your Goals are, my spiritual story with God may differ but hopefully will give some peace of mind. So without further a do.
Note: Please Do not reply to me..,I will not respond to anyone and no offence to anyone. .Each to their own. What you see all here is...My journey with God is my kettle of fish. Read carefully Begin.. God is a formless ,also a What ..as well as a Who ,as I looked back at all of you through a portal in the light, while I look upon the Earth,..The light / God ..keeps all our memories for us. . We are all a part of that endless ocean of light at all times, yet separate from it in consciousness.. this is called a fractal, separate, but one with the whole. and Given there is no other like God as spoken of in the Bible, God has taken a portion of its consciousness, God made into all of us, ..as we all become the members of a New consciousness, Suspended ...inside Gods being. God will call a bride, separate from Gods consciousness... God longs for another like its being, but it doesn't exist Einstein found in the Bible codes in the 1940's the equation E=mc2... To understand it from our point of view, I will explain this best way as a human. it has to be re-written as m=E/C2. E is God's formless ocean of light and when that light is slowed down by the speed of light squared, it becomes the black void of space you see all around you. God then injects part of its stuff into the void which is supercooled.. and becomes the planets, suns, nebula's, dark matter and so forth. This explains the recently discovered "white holes" where this light or white stuff is entering into the Universe. The black holes then take all of it out to be re-energized and recycled again. It's an endless process. and a closed system..meaning closed like a jar of liquid you shack ,closed. nothing is left out. Everything has living consciousness in it all the way down to the cell, the atom and the basic particles of the Universe. Everything is, in a sense, alive, but passive, until it is brought together as animated life forms. assumes that all objects have consciousness in them, even stones. Well, a stone is not conscious like you and I are, but its particles are made of God's pure white light stuff which is consciousness itself. Still, you shouldn't be worshiping a stone The issue of reincarnation is real. It operates from a simple premise where all of us as souls, entities, atoms..God's formless light,.... leave the light, to partake of the planets. We are born, we live, ..we die and we get a life's review which is subject to karmic law on all the Worlds. their is trillions of planets.. every alien, civilizations. Point is, you can not compare this world to other worlds. They don't compare. God judges each inhabitable planet separately. God is a formless ocean of light, consciousness and love. God is not a "guy" in other words, for instance Jesus ,ufos ,Muhammad ,hindu ,buddha burning bush and many other objects ,and forms are mere avatars..out of that light/God, for different country's It is a form of multiplexing, to put it in engineering terms. You can look up the term "multiplexing" on Wikipedia if you like to help you embrace the concept better..example ,the Christ will take on a different form for each world akin to ruling species of that planet ..here as humans ..God has masked itself as Jesus in a form we can all understand Time and space are obliterated in death anyway, so you can see your future if you wish when you die. If you have become accustomed to time and space in your current flesh existence, then when you die, the sudden release from this reality can be un-nerving when you leave your body, to say the least. Souls who are having karmic problems with souls who have been family members can result in many incarnations among those souls into the same family all the time until they work out their differences. All the more reason why it is important to resolve all hurts and issues before you die, so that you don't get stuck into a karmic trap that leads to one incarnation after the next with the same souls who have issues with you. Forgiving those who have hurt you is the key to releasing yourself from that kind of karmic cycle or trap. This is covered in the Hall of Records in heaven. Again, on all the other worlds, reincarnation is not forced. The gift of life is given as an act of love from God. Just know you were not created with just this life you are traveling. While you said you did not ask to be born, the truth is, you will find in death, you did ask. You will also be reminded why you asked, if you get as far as your life's review. God forces nothing folks We make the choices. God simply disposes the answers to our choices out of love for each of us. God who is this formless ocean of Light who can keep track of everyone and everything as if they were the only person existed and ..in detail. The Light sends to you what you can handle.. when you die. ..You might be greeted by a dead relative, or a famous person you loved ,or someone great on the Earth who inspired you. You might travel alone back to the light, like I did , Some of us don't need the tunnel when we die. Others do... It depends how advanced you are ,when you die ..and what you are focused on when death comes...The universe works much like a random generator. It has to for free will to work. Because it is structured, its patterns are predictable though. The tree of life or the creation is the bride.. being formed by the groom.. or the light to become a companion to the light like a cell dividing. Every Alien created civilization, The "Michelin man" "Ronald McDonald", all of these logos characters every character ever known ,from films ,comic books are all quite Authentic Real. ; These characters.. have families ,and live in Real civilizations worlds. ;point is ,We are all born into this Planet ...and we have created all of these Heroes, villains. If you Look above the dark sky ..the universe.. Everything we thought of in our minds. God already knows all of this..God is still excited about humans. We choose a life experience based on our interests.. and loves and we have one long eternal life ..with many chapters in it .;or many incarnations. The entire Universe will become like heaven itself. that will meet Gods standards. For now, we are all in process towards that goal of Gods. To the Light all of this is happening instantaneously., for the Light knows no time..Time and space ,are located inside the light, but for us, it is a progressive experience of consciousness in our becoming. |