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Topic: Black Dallas Cop Files Suit Against...Everybody ...Lol
Conrad_73's photo
Tue 09/20/16 08:26 AM

how can you stop people from protesting? good grief!

BLM doesn't have an official 'membership' , they have supporters

yes, we need fewer criminals, that's not brain surgeon but its also not likely since CRIME HAPPENS< or we wouldnt have or need a justice system at all

so until we have the utopia with no crime, and as long as we have a justice system, we NEED to ensure its working to get justice for VICTIMS,,,,in or out of uniform,, regardless of the job or race of their assailants (in or out of uniform)

when the 'white community' shows us how they stop crimes from happening, we will take 'accountability' for having crime happen to us

until then people can stop diverting from the issue of justice when an assailant is a cop, by going on and on about 'black on black' crime as if crime is something blacks have some monopoly on

and accountability isn't novel at all, that's why people want the justice system to demand it from cops who are paid and trained,,,,

is THAT a novel concept?

so,who then received all that Money from Soros?

msharmony's photo
Tue 09/20/16 04:08 PM
whomever he donated it to,,,

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