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Topic: Black Dallas Cop Files Suit Against...Everybody ...Lol
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Sun 09/18/16 03:27 PM
Edited by SassyEuro2 on Sun 09/18/16 03:21 PM
Dallas Cop Files Lawsuit Against Black Lives Matter, Obama

A Dallas Police sergeant filed a lawsuit on Friday against Black Lives Matter and its supporters, alleging the group is inciting a race war.

Sgt. Demetrick Pennie, a 17-year veteran of the force, is seeking between $500 million and $1.5 billion in the complaint filed in federal court, the Dallas Morning News reported.

The defendants in the class-action suit include Black Lives Matter; President Obama; Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton; the Rev. Al Sharpton; Nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan and billionaire activist George Soros.

“Defendants incite people to violence and cause violence by telling those people that they are under attack. Defendants are encouraging disaffected blacks, Black Muslims, Muslims and others allied with them including certain whites to ignore, disrespect, and assault law enforcement officials, and commit violence and lethal force,” the lawsuit states, according to the paper.

The lawsuit alleges the defendants "have repeatedly incited their supporters and others to engage in threats of and attacks to cause serious bodily injury or death upon police officers and other law enforcement persons of all races and ethnicities."

The lawsuit was filed hours before two Texas police officers were injured in a shooting while responding to a suicide call.

Pennie, who is black, is being represented by Larry Klayman, founder of the organization Freedom Watch.

“The defendants, if not legally reined in, are allegedly responsible, along with others, for igniting a race war that will ultimately totally destroy the freedoms that our Founding Fathers bequeathed to us,” Klayman said in a press release.

Dallas police sergeant files federal suit accusing Black Lives Matter leaders of inciting anti-cop violence

Sergeant Demetrick Pennie of Dallas Police Department becomes plaintiff in class action suit against Black Lives Matter, Farrakhan, Nation of Islam, Sharpton, Eric Holder, Obama, Clinton, Soros and others over allegedly inciting and financing threats and violence against law enforcement.
Klayman Amends Complaint to Include Brave Dallas Police Officer and Those Similarly Situated

Conrad_73's photo
Sun 09/18/16 03:34 PM
hope he names George Soros as a co-Defendant!

no photo
Sun 09/18/16 04:06 PM
Edited by SassyEuro2 on Sun 09/18/16 04:06 PM

hope he names George Soros as a co-Defendant!

He did..he were dancing so much, you missed it

msharmony's photo
Sun 09/18/16 04:28 PM
Edited by msharmony on Sun 09/18/16 04:30 PM
this is beyond freedom to speak

people speak against BLM all the time, and as BLM supporter I dont personally ever imply they dont have a right, although I may debate whether they make valid points

but also, as a BLM supporter, I can guarantee we have many many different opinions about this guy

in terms of having a successful lawsuit, I see no way he can validate or prove his case against this vague of a defendant,,,,

personally, as stated before, BLM Being a movement open to literally everyone , there is no evidence of his claims against the movement as a whole,

he could find different BLM individuals who may say things that incite, but he would have to name them directly

Rock's photo
Sun 09/18/16 04:40 PM
The officer's civil suit speaks volumes
about libtards, AND blm.

Truth about them,
will be exposed.

msharmony's photo
Sun 09/18/16 04:41 PM
is the officer a libtard?

seriously> I Cant always follow the name calling and what the names are supposed to imply,,,,,

yellowrose10's photo
Sun 09/18/16 04:43 PM
Good for him for taking a stand. :thumbsup:

msharmony's photo
Sun 09/18/16 04:45 PM
Edited by msharmony on Sun 09/18/16 04:45 PM
I Actually agree

if thats how he feels, he should follow up by legal and non violent means

but he really doesnt have a leg to stand on legally

msharmony's photo
Sun 09/18/16 05:29 PM
my mind just puts the two together

legal goes with non violent

because some non violent things are illegal, and some violent things are legal

this guy I can respect for being legal AND non violent

msharmony's photo
Sun 09/18/16 05:29 PM
my mind just puts the two together

legal goes with non violent

because some non violent things are illegal, and some violent things are legal

this guy I can respect for being legal AND non violent

Manturkey1's photo
Sun 09/18/16 06:38 PM

my mind just puts the two together

legal goes with non violent

because some non violent things are illegal, and some violent things are legal

this guy I can respect for being legal AND non violent

If you can elaborate on the tax code. ... Que us in .

no photo
Sun 09/18/16 06:43 PM
legal goes with non violent

This is probably the most hilarious thing I've ever read.
Law is simply determining what level of sanctioned violence to apply.

Legal is controlled violence as opposed to the chaotic arbitrary anarchy of vigilantism.

this guy I can respect for being legal AND non violent

He's simply asking for violence to be applied to someone else.
"I feel harmed. Here's proof. If you agree, you go in and get restitution for me."

What happens if he goes to court, found entitled to 500 million, and the people liable said "no, we're not going to pay up?"


Would you really pay taxes if the only thing that happened to you if you didn't was getting a letter, once a year (to make sure it wasn't a "violent" harassment), reading "please pay taxes..."

The law would not work, would be effective in no way whatsoever, if it wasn't based on violence.

Just because people don't want to acknowledge it and take it for granted doesn't mean it's not there.

Legal goes with a threat of violence so overwhelming no individual could hope to stand up to it or fight it.

this guy I can respect for being legal AND non violent

Legal and non violent would be starting his own movement that draws away BLM followers to a better idea.

That is the only legal non violent means available to human beings.
Better ideas changing minds.

msharmony's photo
Sun 09/18/16 07:20 PM
I disagree with the stretch in logic

and explained in another post why I place legal and non violent together

becuase, something merely being legal doesnt mean it wont be violent, and something being non violent doesnt mean it will be legal

I respect those who can manage both simultaneously

suing people isnt asking anyone to be 'violent' against anyone either,,,,

Lpdon's photo
Mon 09/19/16 06:49 AM

I Actually agree

if thats how he feels, he should follow up by legal and non violent means

but he really doesnt have a leg to stand on legally

Doesn't have a leg to stand on... Really? A person sued McDonald's and was awarded $2 million dollars because she spilled coffee on herself. You never know how a jury will side.

no photo
Mon 09/19/16 08:55 AM
He should really take BLM outta that lawsuit...not because they aren't liable... because they are....but because he'll never get a dime outta those ebt card carrying sheeple hacks.....

Conrad_73's photo
Mon 09/19/16 12:33 PM

I Actually agree

if thats how he feels, he should follow up by legal and non violent means

but he really doesnt have a leg to stand on legally

If only BLM would use Legal non-Violent means!

yellowrose10's photo
Mon 09/19/16 12:36 PM
BLM protests all cops for a few bad. It incites people against even the good cops, which makes their job harder and more dangerous

msharmony's photo
Mon 09/19/16 09:40 PM
Edited by msharmony on Mon 09/19/16 09:34 PM
BLM doesn't protest,, BLM is thousands of individuals, some individuals protest

some may protest cops, BLM supporters like myself protest unequal justice for black victims,,,,,,,

people who call for justice for battered wives are rarely called hypocrites because they are married

we need GOOD cops, we need to weed out BAD cops and hold them accountable,,,,that is not a hypocritical view

msharmony's photo
Tue 09/20/16 07:28 AM
Edited by msharmony on Tue 09/20/16 07:29 AM
how can you stop people from protesting? good grief!

BLM doesn't have an official 'membership' , they have supporters

yes, we need fewer criminals, that's not brain surgeon but its also not likely since CRIME HAPPENS< or we wouldnt have or need a justice system at all

so until we have the utopia with no crime, and as long as we have a justice system, we NEED to ensure its working to get justice for VICTIMS,,,,in or out of uniform,, regardless of the job or race of their assailants (in or out of uniform)

when the 'white community' shows us how they stop crimes from happening, we will take 'accountability' for having crime happen to us

until then people can stop diverting from the issue of justice when an assailant is a cop, by going on and on about 'black on black' crime as if crime is something blacks have some monopoly on

and accountability isn't novel at all, that's why people want the justice system to demand it from cops who are paid and trained,,,,

is THAT a novel concept?

no photo
Tue 09/20/16 08:19 AM

how can you stop people from protesting? good grief!

BLM doesn't have an official 'membership' , they have supporters

yes, we need fewer criminals, that's not brain surgeon but its also not likely since CRIME HAPPENS< or we wouldnt have or need a justice system at all

so until we have the utopia with no crime, and as long as we have a justice system, we NEED to ensure its working to get justice for VICTIMS,,,,in or out of uniform,, regardless of the job or race of their assailants (in or out of uniform)

when the 'white community' shows us how they stop crimes from happening, we will take 'accountability' for having crime happen to us

until then people can stop diverting from the issue of justice when an assailant is a cop, by going on and on about 'black on black' crime as if crime is something blacks have some monopoly on

and accountability isn't novel at all, that's why people want the justice system to demand it from cops who are paid and trained,,,,

is THAT a novel concept?

slaphead laugh

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