Topic: Mike, I have a concern to address | |
<<agreeing with Lulu also
Thats my point about being is personal choice to post your kids pics on your site or even their site (older kids) I think you just gotta be as cautious as walking down the street or out shopping or even in church nowadays! Incidently I do have a pic of my son on my profile....even though I stuffed his face behind a downed weeping willow tree first. ![]() |
we all care about our children mine is the best that ever happened to me. but i am still protective of her and she is todays times theres to many sickos so a little caution with your children where ever you maybe is a good thing, good call sin.
i think there is a lot of paranoia on the internet...people who don't really understand how it works...that sort of thing.
my pics being posted in no way invites strangers into my home...i could care less how many sickos are drooling over my babes. my kids are NOT affected by that...i'd be MUCH more concerned with public schools posting pictures of their children, as many do. i could be anywhere in the aren't going to find me by my kids' pics. methinks a serious molester is going to pick someone a bit more accessible. to not post pics out of protectiveness...well, that's fine. don't post yours. but know that mine are JUST as safe...even WITH said pics posted. i'm not covering their heads when we leave, either...nor am i going to avoid wal-mart for fear of people "looking" at them. um, they are MORE in danger at wal-mart, i assure you. |
I agree w/ is not your or anyone elses decision where I display my children's photos. I don not believe that anyone is going to jump through the computer screen and attack them! If somebody goes through the trouble of hunting us down they will meet the end of my shotgun! I am very protective of my a matter of fact I get accused of being over protective! It is my job to keep them safe and I take that job very seriously. I don't feel like they are threatend by me displaying them.......and why would I want to hide such a beautiful face...
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to each his/her own. i just cant see my boys puting me up on their myspace page.....ooohhhhh gross!!!!!!!!!! and come on, if you look at my age, you gotta assume i have kids. THINK ABOUT IT!!! but i dont need to plaster them on here, i love them but this is MY thing, just like myspace is their thing.
I am far from a paranoia, heck I am one open-minded person.
An example, would you drag your kids to a pub where there's drunks galore? I don't think so. I have seen it happen regularly where selfish parents have their fun while the kids look on from the dining area. Is that cool, no. "i could care less how many sickos are drooling over my babes." lulu, I would think twice what you are saying there, law enforcement or welfare services will see that as not cool. Even men who reads that will think negatively of you. I don't care about other exposure of children on other sites, I am talking about this particular site where it is supposed to be an adult site and anyone under 18 are not allowed to participate yet it seems parents expose their children on their main pics and its ok. Now that is my concern in question and not what is right for each individual blah. I am not stupid tot he rest that goes.....sheesh! |
I think my last posting was clear but I'm interested to take it a step further.
Yes Yes we hear you have a shotgun... This is what I call iposturing. 1. It is, in a way exploitive. We know they are a part of you regardless of you "showing" them. We hope that goes without saying for all of us with children. So your point really is mute in my opinion. 2. We are looking at the bigger picture of protection...that collectively we are here discussing various topics and that really our children have nothing to do with this. 3. Just the mear fact that your childs picture is there provides the "creep" the ability to look and "think" of the probabilities. Take the picture out and there is no probability because they will go elsewhere. We know the likelihood is likely "nill". And yes, if the owners of the site agree they can put a ban on having childrens pictures. It is possible. I realize there are more important issues we could discuss but it is an important topic nonetheless. Respectfully, John |
BTW: I find it offensive and completely disrespectful that you have placed your kids pictures in Sins posts when you know she has said that she believes it is not right.
You can start your own thread against this and place your kids picture elsewhere. Not right and you know it. |
I don't care what you think......after your previous posts and attacks on other people on this site all I hear from you is blah blah blah....
You express it better than me in both your posts UWannaBSpontaneous, thanks.
![]() And, its okay it shows what these individuals are really like, I am not gonna lose any sleep over that. To anyone who is going through divorce and custody battles right now, think twice where you expose your children, it might haunt you in your court case. |
Sin.....I respect your opinion on this. Mine just happens to differ from yous! I actually post my girls pictures quite often I am sorry if it offends you!
"lulu, I would think twice what you are saying there, law enforcement or welfare services will see that as not cool. Even men who reads that will think negatively of you."
i could care less who thinks what of me. period. i don't define myself from the views of strangers. second...i doubt law enforcement would care. i'm not posting naked pics of my babes, and i'm not objectifying them...and i flat-out refuse to take responsibility for the psychoses of others. to suggest so is co-dependent. as long as my children aren't harmed by those what? -------------- "BTW: I find it offensive and completely disrespectful that you have placed your kids pictures in Sins posts when you know she has said that she believes it is not right. You can start your own thread against this and place your kids picture elsewhere. Not right and you know it." i know no such thing. differences of opinion are not necessarily disrespectful. how is it "not right"? to be ethically wrong, someone has to be harmed. that's just not the case here. not to mention, i find it highly amusing that YOU are complaining about ME being offensive and disrespectful. |
There has been a few times on here looking at profiles & the person had pictures with just their small child & their name & age . I sent them a note advising that it wasn't a good idea & why I felt that.
We all feel like we are safe in our own little worlds in reality were not! ![]() Some are bands. A lot of the boys have their ages at 20ish. All the girls have theirs set to private for friends only to view. There was a thing in the paper the other day about those sticker people have on their car windows of the stick family with each members name under it even the pets. Talk about exposing your children. That gives the monsters something to use as they roll up on kids playing & say dog you have a dog "Brutis" I just saw him blah blah Have you ever asked your kid what or who a stranger is?? My daughter opened the door to a guy that she thought was a friend of mine Rich when she looked out the window. Not that the guy was bad or anything, I just asked her why did you answer the door & that's what she said. To a child a stranger is somebody "Strange looking" |
IMO it is up to the parent of the child where to "expose" their likeness, we already live in a society that wants to run our lives for us and takes our freedoms from us on a daily basis this is just another example of how it gets started and we lose more freedom of speech and rights.
very good points catch.
I think all of you have your points too though. If i had children, I would not expose them to the internet, but at the same time, I would do my best to protect them at home too. You never know who is out there and what their intentions are. I met a guy a few months back, talked to him for quite a while, finally met him, even after meeting him, i still thought he was a good guy. we parted ways for personal reason, then i found out a month later that he was in jail for kidnapping a woman and her child that he was then seeing. it could have been me... it could have been anyone. We all need to be safe, no matter what our ages are. |
This is one perfect example. This sounds mean but.... Maybe if a person saw a pic of your kid he is only making a relationship with you for other motives down the road.
Fresh, I apologized for the manner in which I was understood and thoroughly explained myself. I stand by my position that you changed your picture to ebroil this post beyond its very innocent scope. Waiting John |
I have nothing to say to you.....
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oopps wasn't thinking.....and drawn into the drama
I apologize to Sin for writing back on what was Frsh personal attack/post to me. It has nothing to do with this post and she is known for saying unrelated things in other posts. I apologize and won't do it again, John |
"This is one perfect example. This sounds mean but.... Maybe if a person saw a pic of your kid he is only making a relationship with you for other motives down the road."
this is absolutely correct. it happens in our daily lives, as well. there are predators that ask out single parents to gain access to their kids... i received an email from one gentleman who was specifically looking for little girls to raise...and he felt his nudist lifestyle was especially conducive to raising children that didn't feel sexual pressures from peers quite as strong... this doesn't, however, apply to i'm not on here to find a man. |
Does anyone see that he is specifically trying to stir the shiot w/ me here?.....For that reason I will step away from this thread and will not return! It is not the first time he has caught into attack mode on JSH and specifically tried to ryle and attack somebody. Today it is me ....who will be next?
Hope everyone else has a fabulous day ![]() |