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Topic: Who loves Belly Button Rings??????
BreakingGood's photo
Thu 06/30/16 05:13 PM
These are soooo Hot!!!!

Well, on women.

Does anybody have any favorite types?

Sometimes a nice little dot or dash is perfect.

Sometimes too big is just well..... too big.

no photo
Thu 06/30/16 05:16 PM
They can be hot on some body types... Like the one you show.

BreakingGood's photo
Thu 06/30/16 05:22 PM

They can be hot on some body types... Like the one you show.

Well, you can always just focus on the ring. That takes your focus away from the wrapper. :wink:

soufiehere's photo
Thu 06/30/16 05:27 PM

They can be hot on some body types... Like the one you show.

Looks ..painful :-(
(Just saw you are from Orem, I went to BYU :-)

BreakingGood's photo
Thu 06/30/16 05:31 PM

They can be hot on some body types... Like the one you show.

Looks ..painful :-(
(Just saw you are from Orem, I went to BYU :-)

Hey BYU Nice! I put a BYU sticker on my truck whenever I go wheeling in Utah. It helps NOT to get messed with.

soufiehere's photo
Thu 06/30/16 05:40 PM

They can be hot on some body types... Like the one you show.

Looks ..painful :-(
(Just saw you are from Orem, I went to BYU :-)

Hey BYU Nice! I put a BYU sticker on my truck whenever I go wheeling in Utah. It helps NOT to get messed with.

hahaha not sure why :-)
We used to have a saying there 'We all go to BYU,
where the girls are girls and the boys are too' :-)

Good 'wheeling' places there I am sure..those rock formations.

Wondering how a belly-button ring would feel bouncing around 'wheeling' ?

BreakingGood's photo
Thu 06/30/16 07:09 PM

Wondering how a belly-button ring would feel bouncing around 'wheeling' ?


motowndowntown's photo
Thu 06/30/16 08:00 PM
Nah, it's a PITA when I get my mustache caught in em.

no photo
Thu 06/30/16 08:35 PM

Hey BYU Nice! I put a BYU sticker on my truck whenever I go wheeling in Utah. It helps NOT to get messed with.

That's good unless you are by UofU fans... Then it might start an issue...

hahaha not sure why :-)
We used to have a saying there 'We all go to BYU,
where the girls are girls and the boys are too' :-)

Some sayings are still true today...
rofl rofl rofl

I am an Oregon Duck man myself.

SitkaRains's photo
Thu 06/30/16 08:36 PM
I have had mine done for years way before it became popular in the states.

soufiehere's photo
Thu 06/30/16 09:06 PM

Some sayings are still true today...
rofl rofl rofl

I am an Oregon Duck man myself.

Another Quacker!!!!!

no photo
Thu 06/30/16 09:42 PM

Some sayings are still true today...
rofl rofl rofl

I am an Oregon Duck man myself.

Another Quacker!!!!!

Proud of it!! lol

no photo
Thu 06/30/16 09:43 PM

I have had mine done for years way before it became popular in the states.

So you are the trendsetter??? I see... What else are you trending???

msmyka's photo
Thu 06/30/16 10:02 PM
Nope, I prefer to keep my piercings above the neck

no photo
Thu 06/30/16 10:54 PM
Hi guys

no photo
Thu 06/30/16 11:49 PM

While we are On the subject of body adornment wonder what minglers think about vajazzling .. .. Hot or not ????

As soon as I pierce my vagina I will let you know... rofl

no photo
Fri 07/01/16 12:16 AM

While we are On the subject of body adornment wonder what minglers think about vajazzling .. .. Hot or not ????

As soon as I pierce my vagina I will let you know... rofl
wow .. Can you post a pic .. Laughing .. You know you can just use glue for vajazzling .. Right .. Perhaps some pretty jewels to match your eyes :-)

Alas, no photo of that on this site... lol

Gluing doesn't work that well, the jewels seem to come off during the friction stage... :angel:
rofl rofl rofl

no photo
Fri 07/01/16 07:22 AM

making me laugh .. Dangerous liaisons .... For safety .. i I don't use jewels just little butterflies cut out of bacon ...

Actually ... two ... you may not know this but the latest trend is penazzled.. ... I think super elephant glue might be in order :-)

Well of course you would need super elephant glue to make a "trunk" look pretty... But why the hell would you ever do that! Just so many issues when it comes to friction...

vajazzling and penazzled sound like ways to get on the TV show "Sex sent me to the ER"
rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl

Rooster35's photo
Fri 07/01/16 08:13 AM
They can put whatever they want on their bodies, piercings, tattoos, makeup, big earnings that look like bracelets, fake eyebrows, hair extensions, rings and the bling-bling they strut around with. I couldn't care less, it doesn't move me one way or the other, it's all superficial and, to me, meaningless. It doesn't add to beauty or take away from ugliness when words followed by action are what really matters in day-to-day life.

BreakingGood's photo
Fri 07/01/16 08:35 AM
I don't know. IMO, You can put average in a pretty box and make it hot.

Obviously, slippery gription is the most important thing.

But, why not transform an average box into a pretty box.

Bedazzle it up! Hell, drop some mini fluorescent tubes down there. Put on a show. Hit the music! Let's go!!! Woohoo!!!!!!

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