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Topic: Why do Africans hate homosexuality
youngzberry's photo
Wed 05/04/16 10:11 AM
I am have an African background but been living in the states for years now . Just wondering and thinking Loud why do Africans have bad perceptions about gay people and think all gay people will go to hell . Last time I saw a documentary on gay in Africa country and how they were burnt alive . It was so pathetic and disheartening . Does god hate gay people as they say ? Please some one help me out here . I am African but Afriad to show up that am gay and I can't do that anytime I go back to for my charity work

CowboyGH's photo
Wed 05/04/16 05:01 PM
Edited by CowboyGH on Wed 05/04/16 05:02 PM

I am have an African background but been living in the states for years now . Just wondering and thinking Loud why do Africans have bad perceptions about gay people and think all gay people will go to hell . Last time I saw a documentary on gay in Africa country and how they were burnt alive . It was so pathetic and disheartening . Does god hate gay people as they say ? Please some one help me out here . I am African but Afriad to show up that am gay and I can't do that anytime I go back to for my charity work

It's not just an "african" thing that homosexuality is wrong in the eys of God.

1 Corinthians 6:9

9 Do you not know that the unrighteous will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived. Neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor homosexuals,[a] nor sodomites

And for your refrence too how in the Africa country they hate gays and even on your reference too them being burned alive,

Matthew 7:1-3

7 Judge not, that ye be not judged.

2 For with what judgment ye judge, ye shall be judged: and with what measure ye mete, it shall be measured to you again.

3 And why beholdest thou the mote that is in thy brother's eye, but considerest not the beam that is in thine own eye?

msharmony's photo
Wed 05/04/16 07:28 PM

I am have an African background but been living in the states for years now . Just wondering and thinking Loud why do Africans have bad perceptions about gay people and think all gay people will go to hell . Last time I saw a documentary on gay in Africa country and how they were burnt alive . It was so pathetic and disheartening . Does god hate gay people as they say ? Please some one help me out here . I am African but Afriad to show up that am gay and I can't do that anytime I go back to for my charity work

I don't live on the continent of Africa, but I can imagine there are people full of hate everywhere,,,,the reasons for hate vary as well

but disagreeing with a lifestyle and hating are not the same thing

Christians often disagree with the lifestyle , whatever country they reside in, because of their studies of the bible and Gods design

and no, nowhere does it say God hates anyone, just that he hates sin

Dodo_David's photo
Thu 05/05/16 05:02 AM
Edited by Dodo_David on Thu 05/05/16 05:02 AM

There is a difference between a person feeling sexual attracted to another of the same gender (which the New Testament doesn't condemn) and a person having sex with another of the same gender (which the New Testament does condemn).

People can feel the urge to do something sinful without giving in to the urge.

For example, a man with a wife may feel sexually attracted to a woman other than his wife, and yet he can resist the urge to make sexual contact with that woman.

UrMissingLib's photo
Thu 05/05/16 06:43 AM
Well put, Cowboy. The Bible is very clear on the subject of homosexuality. It is immoral and sinful. God hates sin, not sinners. However, the judgement will be on the sinner if they do not turn away from their sins.
Additionally for the question posed, Africans do not hate homosexuals. We hate the immoral act. The African culture has a very high standard of morality. Homosexuality was never heard of in the African culture and is seen as an evil from the West. Due to modernization, alot is borrowed from the West. Needless to say not everything that shines is gold. Some countries in Africa have no tolerance to homosexuals because the wave is destroying the youth who see the lifestyle on media and ignorantly copy. When any society feels its culture is threatened, there is intolerance that can even turn violent. Just look back at what happened to the blacks in America! However, with time the society accepts the cultural shock and embraces the changes. African continent will never accept homosexuality as a lifestyle but is slowly becoming tolerant to those living the lifestyle. It would be ignorant to expect every other country to be like the USA..... the FREE COUNTRY! That said, Africans are very hospitable people. Go do your charity work and forget about flaunting your homosexuality. There is no relationship between the two. Or is there? Welcome to richly cultured Africa. You will love it! My brother in diaspora, I doubt you would understand the African cultural fabric by simply having as African background. I hope I have been of help.

Jacksonne's photo
Sat 05/07/16 07:27 PM
Not only is it the exhibition of a rich culture and moral rectitude a part of the African people but also, the fear of the LORD.
America must understand that cultism is a matter of choice and not a tradition as they see it.
What degree of madness, insanity will make a man to walk up to another man and confess such an act condemned in HIS word?
The FATHER loves HIS children even beyond their imagination, but not the reason why you have to keep putting HIM to the test.

hopelady's photo
Sun 05/08/16 11:01 PM

Not only is it the exhibition of a rich culture and moral rectitude a part of the African people but also, the fear of the LORD.
America must understand that cultism is a matter of choice and not a tradition as they see it.
What degree of madness, insanity will make a man to walk up to another man and confess such an act condemned in HIS word?
The FATHER loves HIS children even beyond their imagination, but not the reason why you have to keep putting HIM to the test.
well said indeed, no need to answer this further, homosexual is wrong in the eyes if The Lord and Christians, we do not hate sinners but sin, someone has already quoted the references in the bible, we all responsible for our action, as Christians, it is not our place to judge, but as an individual, you must prepare for your soul when you depart from this world

Robxbox73's photo
Mon 05/09/16 01:13 AM
Great posts everybody. Agreed, the Word is clear. Homosexuality is against the Creator's Word. There can be no compromise. This is an unpopular stand in the world we live in. None the less, we must stand stronge. I was having breakfast at an old breakfast place with a friend. We were talking about the person of Bruce Jenner. He has gone transexual. My friend a female 56 years was letting her point known loudly. The waitress came over to tell us that many patrons were being offended by our conversation. I looked around, young folks, sorta hipster duffusez. I'm 52. So I gave my friend the high sign and motioned we should leave. The manager a friend, said sorry Rob, people didn't like your religious convo on Jenner. I realized then that people were clapping that we were leaving. I grabbed my friends hand and took her back to our table. I said "We're gonna have more coffee, we still got things to talk about!"
I realized this is what the world wants us to do. Shut up, play along. Let us say that homosexuality is ok. Stop being a pain in the ***, so we can ALL get along.
Christians are meant to stand out. We won't be the popular ones. We must take a stand. We must let the world know that politically correct is not the new standard. Christians that say it's ok to be Christian and a homosexual, are endangering their very own faith.

OP, Welcome to the United States. You won't have to worry about being burned alive like in Africa. The scripture is clear for you to change your life and remove your confusion.

UrMissingLib's photo
Mon 05/09/16 05:00 AM

Great posts everybody. Agreed, the Word is clear. Homosexuality is against the Creator's Word. There can be no compromise. This is an unpopular stand in the world we live in. None the less, we must stand stronge. I was having breakfast at an old breakfast place with a friend. We were talking about the person of Bruce Jenner. He has gone transexual. My friend a female 56 years was letting her point known loudly. The waitress came over to tell us that many patrons were being offended by our conversation. I looked around, young folks, sorta hipster duffusez. I'm 52. So I gave my friend the high sign and motioned we should leave. The manager a friend, said sorry Rob, people didn't like your religious convo on Jenner. I realized then that people were clapping that we were leaving. I grabbed my friends hand and took her back to our table. I said "We're gonna have more coffee, we still got things to talk about!"
I realized this is what the world wants us to do. Shut up, play along. Let us say that homosexuality is ok. Stop being a pain in the ***, so we can ALL get along.
Christians are meant to stand out. We won't be the popular ones. We must take a stand. We must let the world know that politically correct is not the new standard. Christians that say it's ok to be Christian and a homosexual, are endangering their very own faith.

OP, Welcome to the United States. You won't have to worry about being burned alive like in Africa. The scripture is clear for you to change your life and remove your confusion.

Well put, Thank you. There is a clear divide biblically. Not a popular opinion the world would want us to flow with. The Christians worth their salt will make a stand, even in a small podium like Mingle.

If you don't stand for something you will fall for anything! In this case, I am proud if Africa was seen as a hater. Yes, a hater of what God hates is a great label.

no photo
Thu 05/19/16 10:25 AM
We africans hate gay because it is not a plan of god for a man to marry a man but a plan of god is for a man to marry a woman or I can say a male to marry a female this is only the plan of god for marriage so don't contradict the plan of god for marriage it is wrong to god and those who are doing these are sinners yes they will go to hell.

CowboyGH's photo
Thu 05/19/16 12:23 PM
Edited by CowboyGH on Thu 05/19/16 12:26 PM

We africans hate gay because it is not a plan of god for a man to marry a man but a plan of god is for a man to marry a woman or I can say a male to marry a female this is only the plan of god for marriage so don't contradict the plan of god for marriage it is wrong to god and those who are doing these are sinners yes they will go to hell.

edit, as I realized I already said the scriptures prior too this and didn't wanna repeat. My apologies.

no photo
Mon 08/29/16 09:37 AM
Gay marriage is not from god and it is not a plan of god we africans we follow the plan of god for marriage not man made plan for marriage and we use bible as our guidance book for marriage yes those people who do gay marriage are sinners they will be punished by god bcoz they are cotradicting god.

TxsGal3333's photo
Mon 08/29/16 10:18 AM

Gay marriage is not from god and it is not a plan of god we africans we follow the plan of god for marriage not man made plan for marriage and we use bible as our guidance book for marriage yes those people who do gay marriage are sinners they will be punished by god bcoz they are cotradicting god.

Seems that it is a sin to be looking for someone else while married in Gods Eyes as well!~~~~

Guess some need to check their own sins before condemning others...

No one has the high hand when judging~~ When that times comes God may leave those at the pearly gates as well for condemning those due to their lifestyle instead of opening their arms, for we all have sinned...

no photo
Fri 09/09/16 01:10 PM
Remember God didn't create Adam and Steve. He fashioned out a woman Eve to be a companion to man. A penis should go into a vagina and not a ********... If you wanna be gay, fine, but keep it in your bedroom as your damn secret.

no photo
Fri 11/11/16 11:31 AM
A lot of these African gay haters have no qualms about having sex with married women. Homophobia was introduced to Africa by Christian and Muslim fundamentalists. Before then, Africa had no concept of homosexuality. It was just sex.

CowboyGH's photo
Fri 11/11/16 12:45 PM

Gay marriage is not from god and it is not a plan of god we africans we follow the plan of god for marriage not man made plan for marriage and we use bible as our guidance book for marriage yes those people who do gay marriage are sinners they will be punished by god bcoz they are cotradicting god.

Seems that it is a sin to be looking for someone else while married in Gods Eyes as well!~~~~

Guess some need to check their own sins before condemning others...

No one has the high hand when judging~~ When that times comes God may leave those at the pearly gates as well for condemning those due to their lifestyle instead of opening their arms, for we all have sinned...

I give sympathy for you or a relative/friend as it seems TxsGal you've taken this post a little personal in one sorts or other. It is a sin for "looking for someone else while married in Gods Eyes as well, actually included in the same verse

9 Know ye not that the unrighteous shall not inherit the kingdom of God? Be not deceived: neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor effeminate, nor abusers of themselves with mankind,

Fornicators = obviously someone who fornicates, and fornication is one having a sexual spouse that is married, or a married someone that has another sexual partner.

Nobody is condemning anyone Txsgal, just expressing the information/beliefs there of.

Homosexuality would actually be at the same "level" as "fornication" having sex with someone outside of your marriage responsibilities.

CowboyGH's photo
Fri 11/11/16 12:48 PM

A lot of these African gay haters have no qualms about having sex with married women. Homophobia was introduced to Africa by Christian and Muslim fundamentalists. Before then, Africa had no concept of homosexuality. It was just sex.

It's not a homophobia my friend. What could be a "fear" in someone wanting too be with you regardless of the gender? It's about the purpose of "sex"... God said "fill the Earth" this can not be done through homosexuality. And that is purely what sex is for. Reproduction. Yes it joins two on a personal level as well, but the focal point of sex in itself is for reproduction and "filling the Earth"

no photo
Sun 11/13/16 08:00 AM
If homosexuality or bisexuality is un-African, why in Europe from Spain to Scandinavia, does one encounter so many gay or bi Africans? Anywhere in the world there is the same proportion of LGBT peeps.

Lets have a serious answer please.

no photo
Sun 11/13/16 05:59 PM
Edited by Unknow on Sun 11/13/16 06:00 PM
There are many areas the bible is not explicit about. Some are the issue of masturbation and drinking. Hence, some Christians don't see indulging in them as sinning.
On the issue of homosexuality and bestially, it was explicitly stated in the bible. Suffice to add that the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah were destroyed because of the act. God is just being merciful now.
Talking about the African culture, the average African is dogmatic when it comes to his culture. He's also a deontologist (non-consequentialist) unlike the Whites who're liberal and consequentialists. The former would say "this is how we know it and have been doing it, while the latter would want to know how it affects the persons involved.
Today, we say we're Christians, but before Christianity came to stay was war. We're Africans.

no photo
Mon 11/14/16 01:59 PM
'Let he that is without sin, cast the first stone'.

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