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Topic: Genderqueer Teen Can't Open Bank Account
msharmony's photo
Sat 04/30/16 07:46 PM

Well she is trying to get it changed and I wish her the best of luck :-)

Mental illness has many faces .. It is sad young people take their life because they struggle with their identity and harsh judgement from others . . .

I agree it is sad so many young folks suffer mental illness

and that illness is stigmatized and/or enabled

ErotiDoug's photo
Sat 04/30/16 07:51 PM

** Focusing drinker
* The OP link is to the antiquated British Banking system. laugh

** What information is required in American Banks, to open an account ?

I don't remember it all really, I just filled it in with what was requested,,

I'm sure name, address, ssn, references, and contact information were required though

** I can understand SSN. The other info. I would think is for advertising and contact (phone ? bank survey/tel marketing) laugh

yellowrose10's photo
Sat 04/30/16 07:54 PM
A lot of this info is needed for collections (overdraft charges or for bank fraud)

When I opened a new account 6 mos ago...I needed a photo ID and 2 other forms of ID (I brought my SS card and a utility bill)

msharmony's photo
Sat 04/30/16 07:55 PM

** Focusing drinker
* The OP link is to the antiquated British Banking system. laugh

** What information is required in American Banks, to open an account ?

I don't remember it all really, I just filled it in with what was requested,,

I'm sure name, address, ssn, references, and contact information were required though

** I can understand SSN. The other info. I would think is for advertising and contact (phone ? bank survey/tel marketing) laugh

no doubt that is part of it,, money talks

mightymoe's photo
Sat 04/30/16 07:56 PM

Well she is trying to get it changed and I wish her the best of luck :-)

Mental illness has many faces .. It is sad young people take their life because they struggle with their identity and harsh judgement from others . . .

it's called nature... in any species on earth (and probably the rest of the universe) the weak, old, stupid and slow die off, left by the heard or eaten...if they can't handle life, then to bad... i have no sympathy for anyone who kills themselves,(even less for those who try and fail) but actually give them more respect...

msharmony's photo
Sat 04/30/16 07:57 PM

As a nurse . I only want what is best for each person .. Compassion and respect without judgement .. You can call that enabling . I prefer empowerment and autonomy :-) peace out .. Smiling :-)

it is compassionate to be honest with people,

calling someone 'queer' is not compassionate

explaining how biology works is not uncompassionate

mightymoe's photo
Sat 04/30/16 08:06 PM

As a nurse . I only want what is best for each person .. Compassion and respect without judgement .. You can call that enabling . I prefer empowerment and autonomy :-) peace out .. Smiling :-)

it is compassionate to be honest with people,

calling someone 'queer' is not compassionate

explaining how biology works is not uncompassionate

and neither is just agreeing with them...drinker

SitkaRains's photo
Sat 04/30/16 08:10 PM

A lot of this info is needed for collections (overdraft charges or for bank fraud)

When I opened a new account 6 mos ago...I needed a photo ID and 2 other forms of ID (I brought my SS card and a utility bill)

that is what I thought they need a lot of information yes, I know at one of my banks it takes 2 pieces of ID to deal with larger transactions.

But I honestly don't remember being asked what gender, faith, or nationality I was..

I don't think the states cares if you have all the ID to prove who you say you are.

yellowrose10's photo
Sat 04/30/16 08:13 PM

A lot of this info is needed for collections (overdraft charges or for bank fraud)

When I opened a new account 6 mos ago...I needed a photo ID and 2 other forms of ID (I brought my SS card and a utility bill)

that is what I thought they need a lot of information yes, I know at one of my banks it takes 2 pieces of ID to deal with larger transactions.

But I honestly don't remember being asked what gender, faith, or nationality I was..

I don't think the states cares if you have all the ID to prove who you say you are.

They don't ask for faith. Gender and race is something to ID you and to match up with the photo ID I guess

ErotiDoug's photo
Sat 04/30/16 08:16 PM

A lot of this info is needed for collections (overdraft charges or for bank fraud)

When I opened a new account 6 mos ago...I needed a photo ID and 2 other forms of ID (I brought my SS card and a utility bill)

* U.S. SS card should be all that is needed. As you know this links to everything about a person.
** Photo ID is it checked against SS card info (nope!
** Other forms of ID are unreliable. Are they checked (nope!
** Utility or Property tax bills ?? Ok haha

* I do love the FREE stuff U.S. banks give out ! Only get a free coffee here laugh ( lunch only if real business :banana:

no photo
Sat 04/30/16 08:20 PM
Well the banks better buy a whole lot more paper if they want to be exact.
Under "genderqueer", there are a helluva lot of sub identities....

""Agender (non-gender): “not identifying with any gender, the feeling of having no gender.” (HTWG) “a term used to describe a person without gender. This person can be any physical sex, but their body does not necessarily correspond with their lack of gender identity” [*]
Androgyne: “1. A person whose biological sex is not readily apparent. 2. A person who is intermediate between the two traditional genders. 3. A person who rejects gender roles entirely.” (HTWG)
Bigender: Bigender people identify as two genders simultaneously, or move between them. This is not limited to man/woman and can include other genders. [*]
(Nonbinary) Butch: “Holding a nonbinary gender identity and a butch gender expression, or claiming Butch as an identity outside of the gender binary” [*]
Ceterosexual/Ceteroromantic : “Ceterosexual/romantic is sexual/romantic attraction to individuals who’s genders fall under the nonbinary umbrella. This term used to be called skoliosexual/romantic but was renamed because the prefix “skolio-” means “bent or crooked” which implies nonbinary individuals are abnormal or broken. The new prefix “cetero” means “other” This term is exclusive to trans and/or nonbinary individuals. This is because many nonbinary individuals thought that this term could be seen as fetishistic.” It is unclear whether this terminology will stick — and some folks are still using skoliosexual — or if something new or more specific to certain GQ/NB identity attraction will arise. [*]
Crossdresser: “A person who, regardless of motivation, wears clothes, makeup, etc. that are considered by the culture to be appropriate for another gender but no one’s own (preferred term to “transvestite”). This gender non-conforming behavior should not be conflated with queer sexualities. Many cross-dressers are heterosexual and conduct their cross-dressing on a part-time basis. Cross-dressing might also be termed gender non-conforming behavior.” (HTWG)
Demigender: Demi- identities encompass those who identify partially as a given gender. Some common terms are demigirl, demiboy, demienby, and demiflux. [*] [*] Some related terms are nanogirl/nanoboy and magigirl/magiboy to refer to a small amount of a given gender mixed with more of another/other genders, and a large amount of a given gender mixed with more of another/other genders, respectively.
Enby: Derived from abbreviation NB for non-binary. Enbyfriend can be used as a neutral romantic or sexual partner term. [*] [*]
Epicene: “The term epicene literally means “common to both sexes.” It sometimes refers to individuals who have characteristics of both genders or someone who cannot be classified as one sex or the other. Most often, it refers to effeminate males.” [*]
(Nonbinary) Femme: “ Holding a nonbinary gender identity and a femme gender expression, or claiming Femme as an identity outside of the gender binary.” [*]
Gender fluid : “Referring to a gender identity that changes with time and/or situation as opposed to a fix sex-role or gender queer expression” [10]
Genderflux : Similar to gender fluid, but involving a shift in gender “intensity”. [*] [*]
GenderFuck : “The idea of playing with gender cues to purposely confuse, mix, or combine a culture’s standard or stereotypical gender expressions.” (HTWG)
Genderless: “Someone who does not have a gender at all. Some people just don’t “get” gender or feel like they have no gender, or a lack of gender, or an absence of gender.” [*]
Gender neutral: May refer to identities, clothing, or behavior that are not easily categorized as masculine or feminine or a blend of the two (androgyny). See also neutrois.
Girlfag: “A woman who is very attracted to gay/bi men. She may (or may not) also feel she is (fully or partly) a “gay man in a woman’s body”. Girlfags may identify primarily as bi or straight or lesbian, and are often attracted to more types of people than just gay/bi men.” [11]
Graygender: "a person who identifies as (at least partially) outside the gender binary and has a strong natural ambivalence about their gender identity or gender expression. They feel they have a gender(s), as well as a natural inclination or desire to express it, but it’s weak and/or somewhat indeterminate/indefinable, or they don’t feel it most of the time, or they’re just not that invested in it.“ [*]
Guydyke : “A man who is very attracted to lesbian/bi women. He may (or may not) also feel he is (fully or partly) a “lesbian in a man’s body”. Guydykes may identify primarily as bi or straight or gay, and are often attracted to more types of people than just lesbian/bi women.” [11]
Intergender: “A person whose gender identity is between genders or a combination of genders.” (HTWG)
Neutrois: “There is no one definition of Neutrois, since each person that self-identifies as such experiences their gender differently. The most common ones are: neutral-gender, null-gender, neither male nor female ,genderless, agender.” [12]
Pangender : “A person whose gender identity is comprised of many gender expressions.” (HTWG)
Pomosexual : “The queer erotic reality beyond the boundaries of gender, separatism, and essentialist notions of sexual orientation”. Generally used conceptually rather than a stand-alone identity term. See also
PoMoSexuals: Challenging Assumptions About Gender and Sexuality (1997).
Third Gender: Term often used in anthropological studies to set apart identities other than man or woman that appear across different cultures. Can have colonial connotations, use with caution. See also Gilbert H. Herdt’s Third Sex, Third Gender: Beyond Sexual Dimorphism in Culture and History (1996) and Serena Nanda’s Gender Diversity: Crosscultural Variations (2000).
Trigender : “People who feel they are neither male nor female, but not androgynous either and construct their own gender.” (HTWG) Trigender may also be used to refer to one who moves between three genders, as bigender is used to refer to those who move between two genders.
Transmasculine: “Transmasculine is a term used to describe transgender people who were assigned female at birth, but identify with masculinity to a greater extent than with femininity. This includes trans men, but transmasculine can also describe someone with a non-binary gender who views themselves as significantly masculine, such as demiguys. Transmasculine can also be used as a gender identity in its own right. Although they have masculine gender identities, transmasculine people may prefer not to conform to stereotypical masculine gender expression or gender roles.” [*]
Transfeminine: “Transfeminine is a term used to describe transgender people who were assigned male at birth, but identify with femininity to a greater extent than with masculinity. This includes trans women, but transfeminine can also describe someone with a non-binary gender who views themselves as significantly feminine, such as demigirls. Transfeminine can also be used as a gender identity in its own right. Although they have feminine gender identities, transfeminine people may prefer not to conform to stereotypical feminine gender expression or gender roles.” [*]
Transmedicalist/“Truscum” and Tucute/“Tupuke”/“Transtrender”: There is an ongoing debate between people who believe that dysphoria and desire to medical transition are essential to identifying as transgender, and those who do not find these aspects to be requirements for transgender identity, associated with the above words and corresponding slang. Some people who do not experience dysphoria are thought to be trying on a gender identity as a “trend”.

And WE'RE the crazy ones laugh

yellowrose10's photo
Sat 04/30/16 08:23 PM

A lot of this info is needed for collections (overdraft charges or for bank fraud)

When I opened a new account 6 mos ago...I needed a photo ID and 2 other forms of ID (I brought my SS card and a utility bill)

* U.S. SS card should be all that is needed. As you know this links to everything about a person.
** Photo ID is it checked against SS card info (nope!
** Other forms of ID are unreliable. Are they checked (nope!
** Utility or Property tax bills ?? Ok haha

* I do love the FREE stuff U.S. banks give out ! Only get a free coffee here laugh ( lunch only if real business :banana:

Anyone can steal someone's SS card. That is why a photo ID is needed and the other forms of ID are to check that the person opening the account is able to provide other things. My utility bill is sent by the company to my home address (same as on my driver's license)

SitkaRains's photo
Sat 04/30/16 08:30 PM

A lot of this info is needed for collections (overdraft charges or for bank fraud)

When I opened a new account 6 mos ago...I needed a photo ID and 2 other forms of ID (I brought my SS card and a utility bill)

* U.S. SS card should be all that is needed. As you know this links to everything about a person.
** Photo ID is it checked against SS card info (nope!
** Other forms of ID are unreliable. Are they checked (nope!
** Utility or Property tax bills ?? Ok haha

* I do love the FREE stuff U.S. banks give out ! Only get a free coffee here laugh ( lunch only if real business :banana:

The SS is used to verify but that can be stolen so easy that the other forms of ID is vital here. I know that for a fact. I also know that if something blips you aren't going to get an account or anything..

A few years ago I had my identity stolen and it created hell for me..
I now have lifelock and if anything looks suspicious I am notified immediately..
This last month when I was in OKC.. I tried to use one of my credit cards and it was denied since I hadn't told them I was traveling..

I would rather be safe than sorry.. It only took a phone call to get things squared away

mightymoe's photo
Tue 05/10/16 08:56 AM
maybe it should fill this form...

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