Topic: how do you make them understand
adivorcedone's photo
Wed 03/30/16 03:40 PM
Nah! no point beating around the bush....if you are in a relationship, skip the dating sites altogether ...there are way to many temptations on them, and that includes the lovely women too. And she is only a girlfriend if you are sleeping with her...otherwise lady friend is I was informed by a lady friend ,who I am trying, to get to cross over to the dark side...just saying...

"If the grass is greener on the other side, it could be artificial turf".

no photo
Wed 03/30/16 03:41 PM

no1phD announces that he has a gf so stay away girls laugh
..i never said
And I prefer to think of them as lady friends as opposed to girlfriend...
Girlfriend just screams commitment..

life is tough, even tougher for you.
i will pray for you tonight :'(

SparklingCrystal πŸ’–πŸ’Ž's photo
Wed 03/30/16 03:43 PM

How do you make your new partner understand.. that you're still on M2..
Because you enjoy the forums

I wouldn't be on M2.

If anything that would be disrespectful.

I also wouldn't hang out in brothels because I enjoyed talking to the girls, or hang out in strip clubs because I enjoyed the music, or go to the happy ending asian massage parlor because I enjoyed small hands touching me.
I also wouldn't just keep seeing a FWB because we enjoyed hanging out together.
Nor would I masturbate all day knowing we were having sex that night just because I 'enjoyed' it.

I have a lot of other things I can enjoy, I do enjoy, and my partner would simply be more important to me than even the potential possibility of the barest whisper of something improper.

Personally, it would hurt me if something happened like someone she worked with went up to her and said "hey, aren't you dating/partnered with this guy? I saw him on the internet dating site...blah blah blah...and/or I started emailing him...blah blah blah"
Why would I want to potentially threaten her with that?

I can't help her avoid every stupid thing I do, but that drama is easily avoided by avoiding stupid situations like hanging around a dating site while in a relationship.

don't really believe you..
They shoot you a dirty look every time you log on
constantly roll there eyes at you... making snide little comments

You know what that's called?
You really need to pay attention to that.
And when it's the indirect kind like that, it sometimes helps to bring it into the direct kind by talking about it rather than just trying to placate them to stop bugging you about it so you can keep doing it.

What's really important to you?
The mingle forums? Your partner? Or you trying to make sure she knows her place and you won't change anything at all no matter how small in any fashion whatsoever for the sake of the relationship and this is going to become a passive aggressive indirectly communicated war of control?

Personally, I would ask myself "what do I gain by continuing to do this? What will I lose or potentially lose by continuing to do this?
If I give something up now, will I have lost it forever even if circumstances change? What is more important to me?

Not entirely convinced you actually are in some kind of relationship -sorry, but it's your own behaviour here that makes me question that, the same behaviour I spose that makes you not want her on Mingle and read it all.

If you are in some sort of relationship, then all what Ciretom said.
What is more important: Mingle or a partner? If the answer is Mingle, you should end the relationship. Or at least tell her, and in that case take your pictures the hell off of Mingle, provided it is really you.
If she doesn't know your username and there's no photos of you, chances of her finding you are slim.
But in all honesty ... read Ciretom's post.
Just very disrespectful.

no photo
Wed 03/30/16 03:50 PM
Edited by RebelArcher on Wed 03/30/16 03:50 PM

My last boyfriend was very insecure.

First it started off with him wanting to give up my dance partner of 2 years , which I did.

And then he didn't want me hanging with my best guy friend, which I did.

And then it came down to him wanting me to cut all connection with my best friend altogether which I refused to do.

Since then, if I have just started going out with a person , and they are that suspicious from that early on, I'm running in the opposite direction.
I agree 100% on running from the is very unattractive to me.
In a situation like this I think I would be honest from the start and let her know if...and why I wanted to stay...maybe even offer my password so she could see what I do...and how its no different than how I am IRL...out it out tjere first so Im open about it. And if that wasnt gopd enough for her...that whole running in the opposite direction thing would probably take place.

mzrosie's photo
Wed 03/30/16 04:34 PM
Edited by mzrosie on Wed 03/30/16 05:06 PM

How do you make your new partner understand.. that you're still on M2..
Because you enjoy the forums

I wouldn't be on M2.

If anything that would be disrespectful.

I also wouldn't hang out in brothels because I enjoyed talking to the girls, or hang out in strip clubs because I enjoyed the music, or go to the happy ending asian massage parlor because I enjoyed small hands touching me.
I also wouldn't just keep seeing a FWB because we enjoyed hanging out together.
Nor would I masturbate all day knowing we were having sex that night just because I 'enjoyed' it.

I have a lot of other things I can enjoy, I do enjoy, and my partner would simply be more important to me than even the potential possibility of the barest whisper of something improper.

Personally, it would hurt me if something happened like someone she worked with went up to her and said "hey, aren't you dating/partnered with this guy? I saw him on the internet dating site...blah blah blah...and/or I started emailing him...blah blah blah"
Why would I want to potentially threaten her with that?

I can't help her avoid every stupid thing I do, but that drama is easily avoided by avoiding stupid situations like hanging around a dating site while in a relationship.

don't really believe you..
They shoot you a dirty look every time you log on
constantly roll there eyes at you... making snide little comments

You know what that's called?
You really need to pay attention to that.
And when it's the indirect kind like that, it sometimes helps to bring it into the direct kind by talking about it rather than just trying to placate them to stop bugging you about it so you can keep doing it.

What's really important to you?
The mingle forums? Your partner? Or you trying to make sure she knows her place and you won't change anything at all no matter how small in any fashion whatsoever for the sake of the relationship and this is going to become a passive aggressive indirectly communicated war of control?

Personally, I would ask myself "what do I gain by continuing to do this? What will I lose or potentially lose by continuing to do this?
If I give something up now, will I have lost it forever even if circumstances change? What is more important to me?

Not entirely convinced you actually are in some kind of relationship -sorry, but it's your own behaviour here that makes me question that, the same behaviour I spose that makes you not want her on Mingle and read it all.

If you are in some sort of relationship, then all what Ciretom said.
What is more important: Mingle or a partner? If the answer is Mingle, you should end the relationship. Or at least tell her, and in that case take your pictures the hell off of Mingle, provided it is really you.
If she doesn't know your username and there's no photos of you, chances of her finding you are slim.
But in all honesty ... read Ciretom's post.
Just very disrespectful.

I agree with ciretom and CrytalFairy. Your behavior is very disrespectful.

If you already found your lady friend, you should give up dating sites. Mingle2 is a dating site... the site describes itself as a "dating site." so it is a dating site. Get outta here. Give your new relationship a chance to flourish.

You mentioned in one of your posts that you were lonely. So, you're not lonely anymore. Consider yourself lucky.

So, congratulations!

mzrosie's photo
Wed 03/30/16 04:34 PM
Edited by mzrosie on Wed 03/30/16 05:18 PM

mzrosie's photo
Wed 03/30/16 04:58 PM
Edited by mzrosie on Wed 03/30/16 05:13 PM

mzrosie's photo
Wed 03/30/16 05:15 PM

no1phD's photo
Wed 03/30/16 05:26 PM happened to being on here just for the .funny.good hearted people.on here..hmmm..the
Intresting chit chat.....that's what keeps me coming

no1phD's photo
Wed 03/30/16 05:28 PM
I see this the same as Facebook..a

mzrosie's photo
Wed 03/30/16 05:35 PM
Edited by mzrosie on Wed 03/30/16 05:44 PM

I see this the same as Facebook..a

Well, it is not. Mingle2 is a dating site.

no photo
Wed 03/30/16 05:46 PM

no1phD's photo
Wed 03/30/16 05:49 PM

I see this the same as Facebook..a

Well, it is not. Mingle2 is a dating site.

..well.that might be!!..but I use it as a source of entertainment....

no1phD's photo
Wed 03/30/16 05:50 PM

..ohh !!..your just ..loving this aren't

no photo
Wed 03/30/16 05:51 PM

..ohh !!..your just ..loving this aren't

when i catch a funny humour, i cannot stop myself

no photo
Wed 03/30/16 06:13 PM
The respondents in this thread are assuming that you are in a committed relationship Doc , which doesn't seem to be the case on YOUR end.

But does the lady of the hour know that you have placed her in the generic category of lady friend?:angel:

I don't think there is a right or wrong when it comes to you talking to people on mingles while dating your "friend"

All it comes down to is what you can mutually cope with from each other.

Whether you choose to stay on mingle or not will not change the fact that you are a shameless flirt . If you are not flirting here, you are likely to be flirting elsewhere. :laughing:

If she makes the decision to be with you, she ultimately has to make a decision to accept that part of your personality or you have to make a decision to shut that part of your personality down.

If neither of you can do that, then the writing is already on the wall from what I see.

But first things first.

Does anybody intend to inform this woman that she is not in a committed relationship as she assumes ? whoa

mzrosie's photo
Wed 03/30/16 06:49 PM

I see this the same as Facebook..a

Well, it is not. Mingle2 is a dating site.

..well.that might be!!..but I use it as a source of entertainment....

Watching your neighbors not enough?

Get a hobby like knitting mittens for your future babies.

mzrosie's photo
Wed 03/30/16 07:06 PM

The respondents in this thread are assuming that you are in a committed relationship Doc , which doesn't seem to be the case on YOUR end.

But does the lady of the hour know that you have placed her in the generic category of lady friend?:angel:

I don't think there is a right or wrong when it comes to you talking to people on mingles while dating your "friend"

All it comes down to is what you can mutually cope with from each other.

Whether you choose to stay on mingle or not will not change the fact that you are a shameless flirt . If you are not flirting here, you are likely to be flirting elsewhere. :laughing:

If she makes the decision to be with you, she ultimately has to make a decision to accept that part of your personality or you have to make a decision to shut that part of your personality down.

If neither of you can do that, then the writing is already on the wall from what I see.

But first things first.

Does anybody intend to inform this woman that she is not in a committed relationship as she assumes ? whoa

I would if I could. I just hate it when a man is treating a woman badly. mad

no1phD's photo
Wed 03/30/16 07:58 PM
Nobody is treating any one badly....
If any thing! I am being.. right to express my self..I should not be made to feel bad ..about wanting to socialize online...just because.someone else's.. insecurity..
You ether trust me our you don’t....
.I do not hide the fact that i am online..
.chatting on the's just like being on Facebook.... it's all harmless fun...yes we flirt..I flirt...but it goes if I was chatting with someone.. in privatemessage..that would be different! but this is all the open...and when did this get so personal about me...?.. it's just a topic in

Kindlightheart's photo
Wed 03/30/16 11:13 PM

I see this the same as Facebook..a

Well, it is not. Mingle2 is a dating site.

..well.that might be!!..but I use it as a source of entertainment....
...there are a lot of people who are in relationships that hang out in the forums...and honestly...I use the forums to understand a lot going on in the world...and I have gotten to know a lot of random people I do consider friends...I may never meet them in this lifetime..and if they deactivate...I really miss them...but I do just luv coming in's kinda like a nightclub...just cause I came out doesn't mean I am going home with someone...and I hope to see as many frequent flyers as I can...drinker flowerforyou