Topic: Preganancy | |
Years ago, I was dead against abortion, now if I have to for medical reasons or a victim of abuse, its my choice.
But, I do not support those who are a repetitive case, now they should be fined or get fixed |
I have the 2 most amazing daughters who I would die for, but just didn't realise their Dad was only a sperm donor nothing more but his loss. End of day do whats right for both of you.
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for me it has to do with quality of life
a child needs balance and real love, and is not some substitute for affection lacking in one's life. first off i don't feel many people actually are able to love in a healthy with that, it is a given ,that most people get together for the wrong reasons anyway...then try to hold on to something they never needed to begin with, they get pregnant.. someone once told me when i asked them why they wanted that child..."i think it will give meaning to my life...." i choked. they said it with complete candor and sincerity..... do any of you see what is wrong with that statement??? i wonder ![]() |
IF they old enough to do the dirty,they old enough to take repsonsability for thier actions!!I disagree with abortion and its not their right to have another life taken away,just because they didnt use protection!!!
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I believe that God knows you at the momment of conception.
so the child gets to suffer and perpetuate the pattern as it grows...right...
something wrong with this picture....has been so for what...4000 years now??? patriarchy ....yea yea what! you say! well women have to take their power back.... and that means unfortunately for you men.....that we start being alot ALOT ALOT more discerning about who we let take a shot inside us..... and hold out till you guys grow up. this is a man's world ladies....and until we balance the table....the children they sire will be as damaged as the environment they grow up in.... patriarchy has been designed to disempower the hold a male god responsible for our being....and we are second, and to be subdued, the weaker sex....etc etc.....and all manner of repression has been laid on us...for 4000 years no wonder humanity looks so chitty these days.... we need to wake up seriously and re examine what we are doing here. and leave god out of it if we want to see any real evolution...mothers will have to raise their sons to respect life and Nature ...rather than some invented male supremacy ![]() |
No matter what we think, thats her life...the best I could do for her is to wish her luck cos she needs it either way.
sin 39 well put, and the rest, phifffiittttt!
just let them know that the decision has got to be up to her and she can only do what she feels ok with if she can't deal with this type of situation then she will have to decide on another option
but the descion has to be hers good luck just be there for support they will need it no matter what they decide |
From experience. Abortion is not an option. There are orginizations that are set up to help. They will even take the finacle burden. You can do searches on private adoption on the web. If my wife and I had had the chance to adopt it would have saved our marriage.
Personal history. My wife could not become pregnant and wanted to be a mother so bad. My niece(unmarried) became pregnant with her 4th child. She was trying to decide between abortion or giving it up for adoption my wife and I decided to adopt it. The child a boy was born on my birthday we had him for 28 days (from 4 hrs old) then the mother changed her mind at the last moment and we had to give him up. It was the start of my marriage falling apart. Would I change things NO because even though my wife meant and still means everything to me, we have been seperated for over a year now. I was just a constant reminder of what she had lost. We tried IVF for 3 cycles after the adoption fell through. |
never worth taking a life, there are plenty of couples out there who can't have babies who would love to take theirs!!!... I am one of those babies, 2 days too late to abort me