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Topic: Questions To Determine If You Love
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Mon 02/29/16 03:20 PM
I can"t blame you guys if you pass this thread straight.There are soooooo many threads on lovelaugh

But I am doing it on behalf of one fellow mingler.

He wanted to know what questions a person can ask HIMSELF to determine if he loves someone.

He specifically asked about love as opposed to being in love or being infatuated which I thought was really sweet. :smile:

So minglers ... Help a sweet guy out.

What are some of the questions you can ask yourself to determine if you truly love them?

yellowrose10's photo
Mon 02/29/16 03:22 PM
I don't believe there are questions. You either feel it or not

caleblovesbulls's photo
Mon 02/29/16 03:23 PM
Love can't be questioned.

caleblovesbulls's photo
Mon 02/29/16 03:23 PM

I can"t blame you guys if you pass this thread straight.There are soooooo many threads on lovelaugh

But I am doing it on behalf of one fellow mingler.

He wanted to know what questions a person can ask HIMSELF to determine if he loves someone.

He specifically asked about love as opposed to being in love or being infatuated which I thought was really sweet. :smile:

So minglers ... Help a sweet guy out.

What are some of the questions you can ask yourself to determine if you truly love them?

Just my own opinion

soufiehere's photo
Mon 02/29/16 03:32 PM

So minglers ... Help a sweet guy out.

What are some of the questions you can ask yourself to determine if you truly love them?

Would I step in front of an oncoming bus to save them.

no photo
Mon 02/29/16 03:40 PM

I don't believe there are questions. You either feel it or not

Is love just a feeling in your opinion yellowrose?

no photo
Mon 02/29/16 03:48 PM

Love can't be questioned.

I dont think there is a right or wrong answer lol. Just people's thoughts :)

yellowrose10's photo
Mon 02/29/16 03:48 PM

I don't believe there are questions. You either feel it or not

Is love just a feeling in your opinion yellowrose?

Love is a feeling just like any other feeling IMO. There are ways to show love though. But to feel love means feelings

no photo
Mon 02/29/16 03:53 PM

I don't believe there are questions. You either feel it or not

Is love just a feeling in your opinion yellowrose?

Love is a feeling just like any other feeling IMO. There are ways to show love though. But to feel love means feelings

I hear ya :)

My concern about the perception of love mainly as a feeling, is that feelings and emotions are very fickle . I don't like to think of love as shifting and changing as easily as feelings/emotions generally do

no photo
Mon 02/29/16 04:27 PM
what questions a person can ask HIMSELF to determine if he loves someone...What are some of the questions you can ask yourself to determine if you truly love them?

I think you could start with:
"Why do I feel the need to ask this question?"

Other than that, it's just whatever questions you can honestly answer that attest to what's truly motivating you, your feelings, thoughts, and behavior.

A lot of the questions are going to be subjective and dependent upon things like life situation.

Is love just a feeling

Just like age is "just a number."

My concern about the perception of love mainly as a feeling, is that feelings and emotions are very fickle

Feelings and emotions are extremely different things.
Emotions are responses to your constantly changing environment and state, more primal.
Feelings are conscious responses to emotions.
e.g. "I'm hungry, ug, cheet-o's are gross. I feel pain, that makes me sad."

They are not all that "fickle" because they aren't really a reward system as much as they are an information and communication system for your multiple layers and aspects, to help influence your conscious behavior and choices.

Some are far more complex than others.

You can have multiple feelings and emotions at the same time associated with each other.
e.g. the feeling of "home."

Calling them "fickle" does feelings and emotions a huge disservice.
Might as well say the internet doesn't matter and shouldn't be considered relevant since it's only used as porn.

no photo
Mon 02/29/16 04:32 PM
Questions I would ask myself..

1. Do I want to be with this person even when they show me their flaws/the worst part of their personality?

2. How much of my time and energy am I willing sacrifice for this person's happiness or welfare?

3. How much do I think about and act in the person's welfare even when they are not in my presence ?

Goofball73's photo
Mon 02/29/16 06:04 PM
Well, the first thing I would ask her is if she can fulfill my sexual desires....and cook a good lasagna. You's the important things that matter. :wink:

adivorcedone's photo
Mon 02/29/16 06:43 PM
you just gotta have that magical feeling....the feeling that clearly says...this is the one. Chemistry, physical attraction is a must...the rest is the details..all I am saying....

no photo
Mon 02/29/16 06:47 PM
Edited by Unknow on Mon 02/29/16 06:47 PM

Love can't be questioned.

All must be questioned so that it may prove their worth, because love without question most often ends in divorce.

jacktrades's photo
Mon 02/29/16 06:47 PM
Can you stop thinking of her? Do you miss her as soon as she leaves? Do you place her happiness above your own?Do you want to show her who you truly are as a man faults and all? Are you prepared to open your heart and soul and let her in and in the process give her the ability to really hurt you deep and risk that she won't? Can you tell her anything and not worry about being judged?

no photo
Tue 03/01/16 01:27 AM

Can you stop thinking of her? Do you miss her as soon as she leaves? Do you place her happiness above your own?Do you want to show her who you truly are as a man faults and all? Are you prepared to open your heart and soul and let her in and in the process give her the ability to really hurt you deep and risk that she won't? Can you tell her anything and not worry about being judged?


no photo
Tue 03/01/16 02:27 AM

I don't believe there are questions. You either feel it or not

Is love just a feeling in your opinion yellowrose?

Love is a feeling just like any other feeling IMO. There are ways to show love though. But to feel love means feelings

I hear ya :)

My concern about the perception of love mainly as a feeling, is that feelings and emotions are very fickle . I don't like to think of love as shifting and changing as easily as feelings/emotions generally do
science would claim love is just a chemical reaction under the Influence of hormonal control ... you believe this or not .. Love is not static ... It is dynamic ... individualistic ... capable of evolving .. Changing .. Even dying . It can be voluntary but also involuntarily .. Which suggests that it is more than a feeling .. More than an emotion . So what drives love . Atleast science has a plausible explanation :-) Love is conceptual and contextual .. It can unite or divide. Conquer or defeat .. A feeling devoid of cognitive thought without an internalised desire for attachment would not have such power . Emotion is a function primarily initiated through the brain ..involving both sensory stimulation of the central nervous system and the ability to interpret.. rationalise and give meaning to what we feel or experience . ..In some ways love is learnt ... Does a newborn baby understand love or is it attachment .. Fuelled by a vulnerability to be . Warm .. Safe .. Fed and cared for . Does the concept of love develop as the baby's brain and thought processes develop . How do they come to understand and make sense of love .

I do respect all the theories concerning love both scientific and otherwise, , but my main focus where love is concerned is how I am consistently treated in a relationship, regardless of what people claim to or not claim to feel.

Almost everyone whose relationship ended badly , started off with a loving tender feeling, but clearly that feeling does not last forever or at least not in the same way most of the time.

I speak for myself when I say that in my 10 year relationship, I didn't always have tender feelings. There were a few days a year where I didn't even want him around and although he never said it, I am sure he felt the same about me lol, but I still loved him. I still was committed to making things work. I have also spoken to people who have been together and who appear to love and claim to love their mate, (although we can't know for sure since we dont live with them), and they reported that their experiences were similar to mine.

They fell out of love at certain times, wanted to give up many times and even felt disconnected for months and years at a time. I ve heard Bette Middler who has been married possibly close to two decades say that she and her husband were headed towards divorce but they decided to stay and fight for their relationship and she said that today they look back at that dark time in their relationship and the their plan to give up back then versus the joy they feel with each other today and they ask themselves : "What were they thinking???" laugh That was a few years ago . I am not sure if they are stil married today laugh

I totally respect that love doesnt always survive and neither do relationships but I do wonder sometimes how hard people fight for their love. Becuase people call love a feeling so often, I often hear that love is over because the feeling is gone.

But I suspect most people that are in long-term relationships experienced numbness with their partner at some point. And I question if a loss of FEELING is synonymous with the death of love. I respect people's right to do what feels comfortable for them and only they will know how much they fought for their love, but it is just a curiousity I will always have about relationships and love. I am still figuring it out myself so I guess its a journey that most of us are taking.

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Tue 03/01/16 08:11 AM
Edited by dolphin0925 on Tue 03/01/16 08:18 AM
Love is a strong and deep affection for someone. Only you alone can determine that feeling if it is really love or not, everything lies within your heart. Love is when you entrust your heart to someone, expose your vulnerability/weaknesses and give him the freedom and power to hurt you in anyway, but hoping he would value and respect you and won't hurt you intentionally. Love is when someone's constantly on your mind missing him and longing to be with him, to hear his voice or to see him. He makes your day complete, he becomes the source of your happiness and just the thought of him makes you smile even when you're alone and no one is around. He becomes your world , you give yourself, your time and you wish to be a part of his daily existence. There is an undeniable connection that binds you to him, you are too sensitive of his feelings and you long to take care of him, to comfort him and show him love in every possible way. It's love when you see or plan a future with him, pictures of the things you want to do together plays on and on in your mind........You tend to day dream:smile: love is a magical thing, a mixed emotions that fills your heart and overflows abundantly and an overwhelming feeling which scares you with the thought of losing him and getting hurt in the end, yet you still have the courage to take the risk of loving him.

Now, you can ask yourself if you feel these things based on the above mentioned thoughts about love......if you do, then it must be love:smile: :wink: happy

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Wed 03/02/16 09:25 PM
We can only know about love if We are determined to pursue it. you have to work at it and appreciate the results.

Love like any other thing has got a root source and laws governing it.

I recommend LAWS OF LOVE AND MARRIAGE by Dr Myles Monroe

Just watch on youtube

sparkyae5's photo
Fri 03/04/16 10:27 AM

I don't believe there are questions. You either feel it or not

is that blind love ?

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