Topic: Soldier chat | |
i think we might have....but then again it is like 7:30 here so i think some people either went to bed or work
you do have a point....i beat it would....we should look into that
ok time to bug out
don...dont go changin cm..for fu**sake keep your head down and be safe hope to chat another day oi u |
peace and safe keeping
later |
CM, OIU, chat later. its time for me to get some clothes on and get busy around here. i brought a **** load of work home and today it has to get done. i'll be back later.
ok don
later i'll be here when you get back... just send me a message or post here |
What is your problem, bl8ant? Didn't you see soldier's request not to come into this thread and start beating them down??! Our soldiers are the bravest men on the planet and you should be grateful to them because you owe your freedom to them.
sweetie i wouldnt even waste my time on here....we have all tried and she wont listen...she really pissed me off earlier and i just started to ignore anything she said
Yeah..I guess she's not worth it, but it still pi**es me off.
no need to sweat it. i'm not sure what the deal is there.
yes i'm back. did a few things and needed a break. keep looking at that paperwork i brought home and don't want to jack iwth it yet. |
trust me this is nothing compared to wat she was saying in another thread
Medic..egarding basic training (if it's the same as bootcamp), my sweetie said that when they first got there, everyone was like OMG what the h*ll did I just get myself into?? I guess their pretty hard on you and they really yell at you a lot and try to tear you down so they can build you back up. But he made it through and felt so good about it, so hang in there. I know you are strong and can do it.
well at least here she can say it. i've been places that she wouldn't be.
ONE, wheres libertyville? i grew up in south bend, indiana and have friend here in louisiana from peoria. |
well im used to someone in my face yelling at me all the dad was a drill sgt. the guard for 18 yrs.
Freedom of speech is one thing about this country that is really great, but there is something to be said about respecting someone's very nice and polite request to keep negativity out of a particular thread...something she very obviously has chosen to totally disregard and that is completely rude. If it weren't for you soldiers, there would be no way of ensuring the freedoms she takes for granted every day. It is because of you guys and girls that we live in such a great, free, privileged country.
Libertyville is a northwest suburb.
ok, oppsoite side of own from my relaives, the Poles.
| is it that you have no family? You are so young. Not even aunts and uncles or grandparents?
well i have family but they all hate me and wont speak to me