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Topic: i cant beliave this
cowboy112259's photo
Fri 11/03/06 09:53 PM
I posted a topic 5 hours ago and got 38 hits on it and no one had a
comment.Do all the people on this site not have a anything to say about
illegals coming over here.Ang i guess you dont mind that you have to
press 1 for english.Well i feel that if you are going to live here you
should be able speak our language and if you cant go back to where ever
you came from.This just kind of pisses me off that out of 38 people not
a one of you care that our kids have to learn a new language to live in
the good old USA.It is mandatory for our kids to take spanish in
school,and why,because in 20 years we wont be speaking english we will
be speaking spanish and apparintly most of you just dont
lets see how many people give feed back to this.

TheShadow's photo
Fri 11/03/06 09:55 PM
That's because you going to start something that might not be the right
thing for a topic.

beautyinthechaos's photo
Fri 11/03/06 09:57 PM

no photo
Fri 11/03/06 10:02 PM
yeah lets here some commets and get some points of view

cowboy112259's photo
Fri 11/03/06 10:03 PM
so you think it is going to piss off some illegal mexican..well i dont
give a shit if it does..and they dont know what i type anyway,they cant
read english.

no photo
Fri 11/03/06 10:05 PM
i would have posted but i've been through that one on here and most
people that were here before already know my opinion on that.

cowboy112259's photo
Fri 11/03/06 10:06 PM
well Taino what do you think about all of this

no photo
Fri 11/03/06 10:06 PM
Nope cowboy. I dont think its going to piss off some illegal mexican
because I cant think of an illegal mexican worried about what some
cowboy thinks they should learn or not learn. See they have things like
straving families across the border for which they have to work for 2
bucks an hour and live 12 to a one bedroom apmt so they can send as much
money home to help their family. You and what you think is probably the
last thing they are worried about.

michael1313's photo
Fri 11/03/06 10:07 PM
my blood is red,but language comes in many colors...M.

cowboy112259's photo
Fri 11/03/06 10:09 PM
so you think it ok that we should have to learn there language and not
the other way around.

Ontario's photo
Fri 11/03/06 10:12 PM
Cowboy...I don,t understand...if your boring topic already bombed...why
beat us over the head with it...?

cowboy112259's photo
Fri 11/03/06 10:20 PM
hey Onterio...if i want to hear from a ass hole ill fart

no photo
Fri 11/03/06 10:22 PM
look at the bitch licken her lips lololol

i'm just messin with you cowboy. someone will discuss it i'm sure. most
of the people have been around and around with that one...i agree though
that more has to be done about immigration

Ontario's photo
Fri 11/03/06 10:24 PM don,t want to go there with me...!

no photo
Fri 11/03/06 10:27 PM
Nah Ontario
Its all good. Its not boring. Only if you go into a topic with a closed
view does it get boring. Everyone is entitled to their opnion and this
issue is certainly a big issue for the US.
Cowboy let me see if I can give you MY POINT OF VIEW.
Certainly cant type fast enough to get it all in but ill touch on my
main topics ok.
I served in the Marines and worked for the Post Office. Just about my
entire working career has been with the Federal government and because I
know spanish I have been sent to places to serve as translator and also
volunteed to help the spanish community. I say this so that you know
that what I am about to say actually comes from something I have dealt
with and not just off the top of my head.
1979-1980 I am sent to Key west Fl to act as translator for the cuban
boat lift where Castro sent over 100K people mostly from his prisons
into the US courtesy of Jimmy Carters Courtesy.
That I did not agree with. Except for the good families that came over.
Ver few of them
I dont agree with alot of policies and this thing about having to learn
a second language is a touchy one. I consider myself lucky that I do
know one but woudnt force it on any one else. However do you ever wonder
why anytime something happens around the world almost all nations know a
second language especially english? Its a big worl out there and to
think everyone should learn english but us not learn another one is kind
of difficult to accept.
Next, I see you are an electrician by trade, these guys pick our produce
for pennies an hour. Do you realize that if american unions and workers
did that a normal tomatoe would cost about 6 bucks. I dont know about
you but I neither want to be on my hands and knees all day or get paid
pennies to do a very difficult job.
next, I dont aagree with borders being open. just as soon see another
great wall of china than let people cross at will. why? because some
states make it illegal for hospitals to even ask for insurance cards
when its an illegal but if I go you better believe they ask me. Not faif
is it?
We need to weigh I guess the good with the bad and try to take a middle
road because if they kicked out the 20 million or so illegals right now
this nation would come to a hault with some of these industries just
like thruckers going on strike. I will tell you cowboy that for everyone
you think is mexican only half would actually be. the other half is
south american decent. some of these countries pay their people to try
and come over wether its for drugs or just to distrub the peace so the
US has to put a stop to it and for me the biggest reason isnt to keep
them out, its to keep the drugs out.

Ontario's photo
Fri 11/03/06 10:30 PM
Okay..Taino...your propective is not boring, nor I guess is cowboys...?

no photo
Fri 11/03/06 10:31 PM
By the way cowboy,

I believe they should learn the language and most do if they want to
earn more. Just remember it took us from the time we were born to the
time we actually learned to read and write, several years. so I am sure
if they get several years they will learn it as well even even as we
all know, its alot more difficult to learn a language as an adult than
it is as a kid.

Morena350's photo
Fri 11/03/06 10:32 PM
very well said, you got a point there.

michael1313's photo
Fri 11/03/06 10:32 PM
no COWBOY,,,sir that is not what I meant,,,
I meant that we could all learn as much as we can,,,
but it is still up to you to run your life as you see fit,
knowledge is the key,to open the UNIVERSE,whitch be'gets more
knowledge,so to speak.....M.

no photo
Fri 11/03/06 10:36 PM
my only issue with illegal immigration is the overload of government
programs. i know alot of people disagree but i like the idea of making
them citizens and start taking taxes out of their checks.

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