Topic: i cant beliave this
cowboy112259's photo
Fri 11/03/06 10:36 PM
Thank you have some good points there..and thats all i ask is
for some type comment.

Marie55's photo
Fri 11/03/06 10:38 PM
My 2 cents -
My daughter is married to an illegal Mexican- my grandkids are half
Mexican (obviously) and I love them to pieces.

Him, I can live without- not because he is Mexican or illegal, but
because he is an alcoholic and doesn't treat them right. The part about
them being poor is true, they do send money to his parents (who are in
their 80s) and his other relatives when they can. He works a minimum
wage job here - after three years still only making just over $7 an
hour, just barely minimum wage, because the boss (who is also Mexican)
knows he can get away with it - who is he going to complain to? The
funny part is, some of the people who treat the illegals the worst are
their own, Mexicans who have their papers, own businesses and hire
illegals and then pay them like dirt but work them very hard. Knew a
restaurant in Spokane, worked them 80 hours a week and more, paid them
for 40, (couldn't afford to pay them overtime) but the place was huge
and swamped, manager and owner always had new vehicles, lots of money,
etc., they basically were using their own countrymen, the illegals, as
slave labor.

Anyway, part 2- he finally got busted for DUI and no license and is
being deported -the 2nd time. Do I care, no, am glad, does my daughter
care, yes. She is fighting to keep him here, even after the abuse and
drunkeness, he drives drunk every day, you see his boss lets them drink
at work, all day long.

Do I like them coming across the border taking away jobs from the
Americans, no - but a lot of the jobs they work are jobs that the whites
wouldn't do anyway, not for such low pay, like picking fruit in the
fields, and other such labor jobs. They do help their families in
Mexico, which I do agree with.

So, I guess my answer is about as noncommittal as you can get. As I
said, just my 2 cents, just sharing my story.

cowboy112259's photo
Fri 11/03/06 10:39 PM
thats what im talking about Kng

juju2680's photo
Fri 11/03/06 10:40 PM
I think if no one is causing any harm or getting in trouble with the law
and actually helping our ecomony.....they should be here. Just take a
sec and reverse want to go to a different country to better
yourself as well as your family, and work your ass off, and all the dumb
shits keep talkin about is how you speak and CHANGE their your eyes and heart maybe. People are people, of any
race....Help one another make it in this f***ed up world with some
f***ed up people in it that cant find anything else better to B**ch
about. And make sure its worth your time as well as others. Thanks!
i feel much better now.

no photo
Fri 11/03/06 10:41 PM
Welcome Cowboy,
Hey KB,
you know what the bad part is for some dirt bags actually taking
advantage of the some of the hard working imigrants,

I translated for them at court hearings and alot of people in the
grwoing industries actually take out taxes on these guys but never
submit it to the government. I cant tell you how many times I went to
court for that. They would get hurt and go for dissability to find out
their bosses werent contributing to it but were deducting it. I assure
you I know of all the dirtbags that are illegals and puching drugs also.
But I agree with you. If they are here using government services they
need to pay just like we do.

no photo
Fri 11/03/06 10:45 PM
that needs to be addressed as well and i think if they were citizens it
would be harder for people to take advantage of them. i know what you
mean though, it ain't right. if they made them citizens they should have
some way to prepare them to how our system works.

flavor25's photo
Fri 11/03/06 10:47 PM
hey, cowboy

When your great, great, great, great , great grandfather
came to this coutry he was an imigrant also,
I guess we all are, read your american history from
the beginging.
Your right they should do something about the illegals,
but are you going to do the job they do? I don't think so
so face it we need them as much as they need us.
Why not learn another language?
we have a choice, of spanish, french, italian,chinesse
japan,and others. Do you have a problem with those also?

just my opinion, and Im out, good night.

no photo
Fri 11/03/06 10:51 PM
Oh boy flavor,
Lets not get into the early immigrants and the native american issue.

I have big issues with that. Why would we come over and try to teach the
natives a "better way"
Lets see, the woman did all the work aorund the tribes. I mean all
except hunt and fight. So now the pilgram comes along and tells them the
man is suppossed to tend the fields and live stock and the woman just
stays home. If I had a time machine I would certainly go back and
correct that little blurp. Lolol

cowboy112259's photo
Fri 11/03/06 10:53 PM
i understand that our great great great great grandfathers came here for
some other country,but they had to learn english

michael1313's photo
Fri 11/03/06 10:54 PM
if you want you and or your family to live here in the USA,,,needs to be
an american,and pay same taxes,live
in same school districts,ect.and not abuse the system,
that we have,but try to improve it,as we go,this is not truely a free
country,for everything costs money,even love.
the love itself,is given freely,but, you ever get to that point,without
spending some money?

Nubianbbw's photo
Fri 11/03/06 10:59 PM
Bravo Taino!!

Spoken from the Heart with

first hand insight...knowledge & compassion..

Ty for enlightening us all...


flavor25's photo
Fri 11/03/06 11:02 PM
Michael, I see you are a smart man.

Taino, I admire you'r point of view, like you'r style
but I speak my mind, Im an american, but because Im from
a latino background, I feel for this people.
is true they need to learn the language,
but they are to bussy doing the work that we don't want to do
now, I hope they can do something about it.
and come to an agreement between goverments
because is a goverment issue.

Marie55's photo
Fri 11/03/06 11:07 PM
Taino - I like your style - but I would have to take apart that time
machine before you got to it to go back in time and set the pilgrims
straight. I have no problems with the men tending the fields and
livestock, but I always seem to be at work, never did get to stay home
much. Take care, have a good night.

no photo
Fri 11/03/06 11:15 PM
Welcome Nubian,

I am all for it man. I agree with both sides man. I saw the ones that
only want to drink and drive and saw the ones who want to push drugs but
by far they are some of the hardest working people I have met. I lived
in Japan for 15 months and managed a store there and the Japanese are
the closest thing to matching how hard the mexicans work. Thats why I
helped them in court and as mention earlier by another person, alot of
times its their own people taking advantage of them and when you work 7
days a week and dont have any one to go to what do you do?
The police department in Boone NC called me one day to help out with the
language. When I got there I met a man in his 40's that was all but
beaten down and weathered. He had broken his leg carrying x-mas trees
and was told if he went to the doctor he would get fired. Went to the
hospital anyway because he had to for a cast. When he got back his BOSS
told him he had a week left and thats it. Was fired. In that week he was
told if he wanted a water break to drink from the same place the live
stock drank. This was verified by the rest of the crew in court later.
Well the boss had him down at work time card wise because he didnt want
to pay dissability. Turns out you cant be at the emergency room and
carrying x-mas trees at the same time. Well he was found guilty of all
kinds of falsification of papers and not paying taxes when he was also
witholding them. Didnt help his case the judge happen to be a person who
had taken several mexican students under his wing and out them thru
college without even adopting them. Just helping them. Needless to say
the boss got slammed. Now thats small town population 10K or so. Imagine
country wide what some of these people go thru just to make a better
living. We dont like our job we apply for another one and move states
and do whatever we need to to better ourselves. I dont believe I would
cross a river several times and risk getting shot to earn 2-3 bucks an

no photo
Fri 11/03/06 11:17 PM
To funny. Cant blame a guy for trying. Lololol

Morena350's photo
Fri 11/03/06 11:18 PM
yes please Marie
don't let him go back we are doing fine

Marie55's photo
Fri 11/03/06 11:23 PM
Heck, mess with the pilgrims, then we wouldn't have women's lib, and no
bra burning, and we would lose our right to vote. That wouldn't be fun.
Don't know what I would do if I lost the right to burn my bra. Have a
good night - take care.

Morena350's photo
Fri 11/03/06 11:24 PM
good night,

no photo
Fri 11/03/06 11:26 PM
chulita, read your mail

PublicAnimalNo9's photo
Fri 11/03/06 11:27 PM
ummm I was an illegal immigrant for a while back in 2004-5. I'm not
mexican and english is my first language. What are your thoughts about
Canadians working there illegally cowboy?(Altho most that currently are
do plan on becoming legal, it's just that you have to live there 5 years
before you can legally work if you don't qualify for a work visa unless
you have an employer sponsor you.)