Topic: Gunman ambushes Philadelphia cop
no photo
Sat 01/09/16 02:58 AM
Edited by SassyEuro2 on Sat 01/09/16 03:09 AM

Achhh.. Fry the f@cker.
He is a terrorist.

And IF he is a citizen.... laugh
Charge him with treason.
Then fry em'

I can (slimly) understand the idea of charging him as a terrorist, but what grounds do you have for suggesting treason? He is not threatening or causing direct harm to the Country by his acts, thus he is not acting in a treasonous manner

Evidence? Like his OWN words ? And the statements of the police?

Are you a Dem who believes this is (only a) religion, an not a global ideology/agenda & he is being discriminated against & unjustly persecuted & the perp attempted to kill a cop out of random psychosis ? That it has nothing to do with making The United States of America & cops.. live by the Quran & Sharia law.. ?

Even though WE do not have a clear & official definition of 'terrorism' in this country..
* how convenient...*
Many AMERICAN citizens have been referred to as such (even unjustly) & charged as such.. lately.
If anyone of those are (?) ..this guy is more so. Especially with the nationwide & even global 'call out ' to ALL Muslims, from inside & outside the United States; to kill cops.. (not a secret, - Nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan & ISIS etc.
Oh yea... Terrorism... Lone assassin.
IF he is a (real) American then it is also an act of his own admitted ideology.
The New York Times
Treason Against The United States.
Published: January 25, 1861

By Section 110 of Article III. of the Constitution of the United States, it is declared that:
Treason Against the United States. -

A man who confessed to shooting a Philadelphia police officer multiple times "in the name of Islam" used a stolen police gun and pledged allegiance to ISIS, authorities said Friday.

With the San Bernardino shooting.. The alphabet media made a point of repeating the male perp was an American. Okay.. IF... that was true... then he also committed an act of treason.
Topic: San Bernardino California Shooting

Conrad_73's photo
Sat 01/09/16 03:11 AM

Achhh.. Fry the f@cker.
He is a terrorist.

And IF he is a citizen.... laugh
Charge him with treason.
Then fry em'

I can (slimly) understand the idea of charging him as a terrorist, but what grounds do you have for suggesting treason? He is not threatening or causing direct harm to the Country by his acts, thus he is not acting in a treasonous manner

Evidence? Like his OWN words ? And the statements of the police?

Are you a Dem who believes this is (only a) religion, an not a global ideology/agenda & he is being discriminated against & unjustly persecuted & the perp attempted to kill a cop out of random psychosis ? That it has nothing to do with making The United States of America & cops.. live by the Quran & Sharia law.. ?

Even though WE do not have a clear & official definition of 'terrorism' in this country..
* how convenient...*
Many AMERICAN citizens have been referred to as such (even unjustly) & charged as such.. lately.
If anyone of those are (?) ..this guy is more so. Especially with the nationwide & even global 'call out ' to ALL Muslims, from inside & outside the United States; to kill cops.. (not a secret, - Nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan & ISIS etc.
Oh yea... Terrorism... Lone assassin.
IF he is a (real) American then it is also an act of his own admitted ideology.
The New York Times
Treason Against The United States.
Published: January 25, 1861

By Section 110 of Article III. of the Constitution of the United States, it is declared that:
Treason Against the United States. -

A man who confessed to shooting a Philadelphia police officer multiple times "in the name of Islam" used a stolen police gun and pledged allegiance to ISIS, authorities said Friday.

With the San Bernardino shooting.. The alphabet media made a point of repeating the male perp was an American. Okay.. IF... that was true... then he also committed an act of treason.
Topic: San Bernardino California Shooting


Daniel74126's photo
Sat 01/09/16 03:27 AM

In regards to what you said:

I had not seen anything (other than self proven ignorant memebrs of this site) regarding the attacker claiming alliance with Issis, thus I asked on what grounds the poster was saying treason.

As far as to whether I am a Dem, or a Rep or anything else, the answer is no. I am an American citizen,.intelligent enough to know that anyone who claims a specific party as the holy grail of all political parties is a fruitbat and has no business voting or even being involved politically; sadly the constitution disagrees with me, not that they are a fruitbat, but that they still have the right to vote. The biggest problem we have in today's society are people who refuse to look at anyone unless they are a specific party affiliation. That is why we have the worst Congress in History.

As far as what is "only a religion" and what is "a global ideology/agenda", you need to pull your head out of the sand and learn the difference between a religion and an ideology. You also need to learn about Islam and what it entails and requires,then learn what Issis believes and entails; they are NOT mutually one and the same, just as Christianity and the KKK are not the same. Issis may CLAIM that they are Islamic, but they do NOT follow the Islamic teachings.

No, I do not believe he is being discriminated against. If he claimed that he was acting on Issis orders, then he is guilty, yes. This does NOT mean he is trying to convert the Untied states to Issis or anything else.

give me three names of an American citizen that has been charged unjustly as a terrorist along with proof of the charge.

You can not be more or less of anything. You either are, or you are not, there is no middle ground.

Conrad_73's photo
Sat 01/09/16 06:48 AM
Edited by Conrad_73 on Sat 01/09/16 06:55 AM

In regards to what you said:

I had not seen anything (other than self proven ignorant memebrs of this site) regarding the attacker claiming alliance with Issis, thus I asked on what grounds the poster was saying treason.

As far as to whether I am a Dem, or a Rep or anything else, the answer is no. I am an American citizen,.intelligent enough to know that anyone who claims a specific party as the holy grail of all political parties is a fruitbat and has no business voting or even being involved politically; sadly the constitution disagrees with me, not that they are a fruitbat, but that they still have the right to vote. The biggest problem we have in today's society are people who refuse to look at anyone unless they are a specific party affiliation. That is why we have the worst Congress in History.

As far as what is "only a religion" and what is "a global ideology/agenda", you need to pull your head out of the sand and learn the difference between a religion and an ideology. You also need to learn about Islam and what it entails and requires,then learn what Issis believes and entails; they are NOT mutually one and the same, just as Christianity and the KKK are not the same. Issis may CLAIM that they are Islamic, but they do NOT follow the Islamic teachings.

No, I do not believe he is being discriminated against. If he claimed that he was acting on Issis orders, then he is guilty, yes. This does NOT mean he is trying to convert the Untied states to Issis or anything else.

give me three names of an American citizen that has been charged unjustly as a terrorist along with proof of the charge.

You can not be more or less of anything. You either are, or you are not, there is no middle ground.

noway noway noway
:laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

no photo
Sat 01/09/16 07:12 AM

In regards to what you said:

I had not seen anything (other than self proven ignorant memebrs of this site) regarding the attacker claiming alliance with Issis, thus I asked on what grounds the poster was saying treason.

As far as to whether I am a Dem, or a Rep or anything else, the answer is no. I am an American citizen,.intelligent enough to know that anyone who claims a specific party as the holy grail of all political parties is a fruitbat and has no business voting or even being involved politically; sadly the constitution disagrees with me, not that they are a fruitbat, but that they still have the right to vote. The biggest problem we have in today's society are people who refuse to look at anyone unless they are a specific party affiliation. That is why we have the worst Congress in History.

As far as what is "only a religion" and what is "a global ideology/agenda", you need to pull your head out of the sand and learn the difference between a religion and an ideology. You also need to learn about Islam and what it entails and requires,then learn what Issis believes and entails; they are NOT mutually one and the same, just as Christianity and the KKK are not the same. Issis may CLAIM that they are Islamic, but they do NOT follow the Islamic teachings.

No, I do not believe he is being discriminated against. If he claimed that he was acting on Issis orders, then he is guilty, yes. This does NOT mean he is trying to convert the Untied states to Issis or anything else.

give me three names of an American citizen that has been charged unjustly as a terrorist along with proof of the charge.

You can not be more or less of anything. You either are, or you are not, there is no middle ground.

Conrad_73's photo
Sat 01/09/16 10:16 AM
Edited by Conrad_73 on Sat 01/09/16 10:44 AM


Conrad_73's photo
Sat 01/09/16 10:17 AM
Wow...the Philly shooter is a liberal nightmare. He's Muslim....kills that whole "peaceful religion" crap. He's black. Too bad for the idiots at ‪#‎blacklivesmatter‬. He used an illegally obtained firearm. There goes that whole "we need expanded background checks to stop gun violence" narrative. Good thing he doesn't belong to the Other Crowd as well, or they would probably have to all be put on suicide watch. I'm sure they will still try as hard as they can to blame it on global warming, George Bush, the NRA and republicans though.via FB


no photo
Sat 01/09/16 10:41 AM
Edited by RebelArcher on Sat 01/09/16 11:10 AM
I had not seen anything (other than self proven
ignorant memebrs of this site)



Hmm...there's a lil saying about a pot and a kettle...

no photo
Sat 01/09/16 10:49 AM
Edited by SassyEuro2 on Sat 01/09/16 10:50 AM

Wow...the Philly shooter is a liberal nightmare. He's Muslim....kills that whole "peaceful religion" crap. He's black. Too bad for the idiots at ‪#‎blacklivesmatter‬. He used an illegally obtained firearm. There goes that whole "we need expanded background checks to stop gun violence" narrative. Good thing he doesn't belong to the Other Crowd as well, or they would probably have to all be put on suicide watch. I'm sure they will still try as hard as they can to blame it on global warming, George Bush, the NRA and republicans though.via FB


Hummmm.... Didn't I mention Farrakhan & ' call out ' to ' stalk & kill cops '?

..Please hold.

While I initiate TRACKING of Nation of Islam aka:
* cough * Revered whoa Louis Farrakhan devil

IgorFrankensteen's photo
Sat 01/09/16 11:16 AM
I see that as has become all too common these days, the event itself is being wrapped inside of a plethora of alternate agendas, and thereby the factual truths to be found in it are being obscured.

This invariably leads to even MORE badly written laws being passed, and even MORE real problems going unaddressed.

1. This has nothing to do with Obama. Period.

2. This has nothing to do with any existing or proposed gun control regulations. The gun was stolen. The officer was armed, and fired back. Had no regulations existed, the event could still have occurred, and in fact, similar such events did occur (save that the name in which the vile assaults were committed have changed over time) in the past, many times.

3. The investigation is incomplete, so all we can do is make guesses about it based on other experiences. It does fit into a pattern where a mentally disturbed person finds an insane sort of relief from his mental unrest, by latching on to some external provocation, and then lashed out . In other words, we've seen many occasions where someone who was already "off" was either consciously used by forces of disruption, or by themselves decided to use the self-righteous posturing of others as an excuse to do something which they wanted to do anyway.

4. We have lots of people committing terrorist acts in the name of religion these days. Most of them are currently doing them in the name of Islam, but we have them being committed in the name of Christianity, or of American Freedom as well. The terrorist attack a short while back against a Planned Parenthood facility was one of those. That guy was ALSO already mentally "off," and found a sense of focus and personal purpose in following through with careless political attacks in the media. Identical to this person in every way, save that the American Christian attacker did more damage.

The thing is, when you analyze a problem incorrectly, in order to make yourself feel good about your own angers and prejudices, you will ALWAYS come up with a solution which wont fix anything. In fact, you are likely to CAUSE additional problems instead.

no photo
Sat 01/09/16 11:35 AM

I see that as has become all too common these days, the event itself is being wrapped inside of a plethora of alternate agendas, and thereby the factual truths to be found in it are being obscured.

This invariably leads to even MORE badly written laws being passed, and even MORE real problems going unaddressed.

1. This has nothing to do with Obama. Period.

2. This has nothing to do with any existing or proposed gun control regulations. The gun was stolen. The officer was armed, and fired back. Had no regulations existed, the event could still have occurred, and in fact, similar such events did occur (save that the name in which the vile assaults were committed have changed over time) in the past, many times.

3. The investigation is incomplete, so all we can do is make guesses about it based on other experiences. It does fit into a pattern where a mentally disturbed person finds an insane sort of relief from his mental unrest, by latching on to some external provocation, and then lashed out . In other words, we've seen many occasions where someone who was already "off" was either consciously used by forces of disruption, or by themselves decided to use the self-righteous posturing of others as an excuse to do something which they wanted to do anyway.

4. We have lots of people committing terrorist acts in the name of religion these days. Most of them are currently doing them in the name of Islam, but we have them being committed in the name of Christianity, or of American Freedom as well. The terrorist attack a short while back against a Planned Parenthood facility was one of those. That guy was ALSO already mentally "off," and found a sense of focus and personal purpose in following through with careless political attacks in the media. Identical to this person in every way, save that the American Christian attacker did more damage.

The thing is, when you analyze a problem incorrectly, in order to make yourself feel good about your own angers and prejudices, you will ALWAYS come up with a solution which wont fix anything. In fact, you are likely to CAUSE additional problems instead.
Well there ya go alleoops...the "All Knowing" one has spoken. There never was a need for this thread in the first place.

Hell....all you other forum posters sign out too. Why talk about anything at all...

Good Lord laugh

Conrad_73's photo
Sat 01/09/16 11:42 AM

I see that as has become all too common these days, the event itself is being wrapped inside of a plethora of alternate agendas, and thereby the factual truths to be found in it are being obscured.

This invariably leads to even MORE badly written laws being passed, and even MORE real problems going unaddressed.

1. This has nothing to do with Obama. Period.

2. This has nothing to do with any existing or proposed gun control regulations. The gun was stolen. The officer was armed, and fired back. Had no regulations existed, the event could still have occurred, and in fact, similar such events did occur (save that the name in which the vile assaults were committed have changed over time) in the past, many times.

3. The investigation is incomplete, so all we can do is make guesses about it based on other experiences. It does fit into a pattern where a mentally disturbed person finds an insane sort of relief from his mental unrest, by latching on to some external provocation, and then lashed out . In other words, we've seen many occasions where someone who was already "off" was either consciously used by forces of disruption, or by themselves decided to use the self-righteous posturing of others as an excuse to do something which they wanted to do anyway.

4. We have lots of people committing terrorist acts in the name of religion these days. Most of them are currently doing them in the name of Islam, but we have them being committed in the name of Christianity, or of American Freedom as well. The terrorist attack a short while back against a Planned Parenthood facility was one of those. That guy was ALSO already mentally "off," and found a sense of focus and personal purpose in following through with careless political attacks in the media. Identical to this person in every way, save that the American Christian attacker did more damage.

The thing is, when you analyze a problem incorrectly, in order to make yourself feel good about your own angers and prejudices, you will ALWAYS come up with a solution which wont fix anything. In fact, you are likely to CAUSE additional problems instead.
Gott im Himmel,was ist das?laugh

Lpdon's photo
Sat 01/09/16 12:03 PM

Gunman ambushes Philadelphia cop in cruiser; officer stable

PHILADELPHIA (AP) - A gunman ambushed a police officer as he sat in his marked cruiser at an intersection, striking him three times in the arm during a barrage of bullets and fleeing before being apprehended, officials said Friday.

Police Commissioner Richard Ross said the suspect fired at least 13 shots late Thursday as he walked toward Officer Jessie Hartnett and eventually got up next to the car and reached through the driver's-side window.

The officer returned fire, hitting his attacker at least three times. Hartnett was in stable condition.

"I don't know how this officer survived," Ross said.

"This is absolutely one of the scariest things I've ever seen," the commissioner said. "This guy tried to execute the police officer. The police officer had no idea he was coming."

The officer's father, Robert Hartnett, said his son was in good spirits.

"He's a tough guy," he said.

Hartnett, 33, had served eight years in the Coast Guard and joined the police five years ago. He always wanted to be a police officer, his father said.

"I'm bleeding heavily!" Hartnett shouted into his police radio when he called in to report shots fired.

The suspect ran away but was quickly apprehended by other officers, authorities said.

Ross, who was sworn in as commissioner Tuesday, said there was no apparent motive for the attack.

"Why someone would do something so absolutely evil is just beyond us," Ross said.

There was no immediate word on the suspect's condition. Officer Christine O'Brien said the man was stuck at least once in the buttock.

Jim Kenney, in his first week as mayor of the nation's fifth-largest city, said, "There are just too many guns on the streets, and I think our national government needs to do something about that."

His statement comes on the heels of President Barack Obama's announcement Tuesday of his plan to tighten gun control laws.

s former Special Agent In Charge of the Presidential Detail Dan Bongino stated this officer is one BADA$$! Getting shot thirteen times, mortally wounded and managing to return fire!

Lpdon's photo
Sat 01/09/16 12:08 PM

Maybe if this gun had been better secured or micro chipped they could have recovered it before it was used for such a tragedy.

I am sure the officer that it was stolen from is beside himself for his brother officer.

I hate to think we have to put our officers behind bullet proof glass in their cruisers but if it takes that to keep them safe I would pay that tax willingly.

And I think if it takes making police officers sworn federal officers also, so if you kill a police officer, you get the death penalty I would vote for that. I am sick and tired of it being open season on the lives of our police officers.

I am probably the biggest supporter of law enforcement on here but your stepping on dangerous ground if you Federalize all law enforcement officers.

It would be easier for congress to pass a law making it a federal capital offense to kill a Law Enforcement Officer or First Responder.

Lpdon's photo
Sat 01/09/16 12:11 PM

Maybe if this gun had been better secured or micro chipped they could have recovered it before it was used for such a tragedy.

I am sure the officer that it was stolen from is beside himself for his brother officer.

I hate to think we have to put our officers behind bullet proof glass in their cruisers but if it takes that to keep them safe I would pay that tax willingly.

And I think if it takes making police officers sworn federal officers also, so if you kill a police officer, you get the death penalty I would vote for that. I am sick and tired of it being open season on the lives of our police officers.

I don;t know anything regarding how secured the gun was int he officers home, just that it had been stolen from there; so I can not comment on if it had been better secured. However I have to agree with the fact that if it had been microchipped, or had a trigger that was only an eighth of an inch wider so it could read his finger print in order to be operated things may have been different.

As far as harsher sentences for who you murder, I have never agreed with that. Murder is murder, pure and simple. it is no more evil to take a police officers life than it is to take somebody's grandmother who is having her hair permed at the beauty parlor. The officer wasn't better than the grandmother, and I am sure the grandmother was not better than the officer, lol.

Yes, we are effected more if it was a little old lady or a child that gets killed versus a punk on the street that tried to steal a purse, but in the end it is still just murder and the sentence should be the same across the board (based on the individual case and not the victim). This is why people who have been busted for having an ounce of pot on them three times are now looking at life in prison with no parole and murders and rapists are looking at only 5 - 10 with time off for good behavior.

Your wrong on that, it is a lot different if they kill a police officer. If someone is crazy enough to kill a law enforcement office then no one is off limits.

Lpdon's photo
Sat 01/09/16 12:18 PM
Edited by Lpdon on Sat 01/09/16 12:18 PM

Achhh.. Fry the f@cker.
He is a terrorist.

And IF he is a citizen.... laugh
Charge him with treason.
Then fry em'

I can (slimly) understand the idea of charging him as a terrorist, but what grounds do you have for suggesting treason? He is not threatening or causing direct harm to the Country by his acts, thus he is not acting in a treasonous manner

If he's a citizen of this country and providing aid, support or comfort to our enemies well that's treason and this action clearly fits that definition.

Screw frying him. Lock the cop he tried to kill in a cell for 15 minutes with this piece of scum that way it would be a LONG and painful death. Actually that's not true, from what I have read this Officer is a man of integrity and wouldn't do such a thing.

However the Correctional Officers love cop killers, I have a hunch his jail cell will be left unlocked quite a few nights and guards will be looking the other way. laugh

IgorFrankensteen's photo
Sat 01/09/16 12:48 PM

s former Special Agent In Charge of the Presidential Detail Dan Bongino stated this officer is one BADA$$! Getting shot thirteen times, mortally wounded and managing to return fire!

Well, I applaud the officer as well, and also hope his attacker is somehow permanently dealt with. But the officer wasn't HIT thirteen times, the attacker fired thirteen shots. Minor detail, I know, but lets stay accurate here.

no photo
Sat 01/09/16 02:37 PM
Alleged Pa. cop shooter arraigned, denied bail
Published January 09, 2016

NOW PLAYING * short video*

PD: Attack was ISIS-inspired
The man police say fired 13 shots at a Philadelphia police officer and claimed he did it “in the name of Islam” was charged Saturday with attempted murder and other related crimes.

Edward Archer, 30, was denied bail pending a Jan. 25 preliminary hearing. His attorney with the Defender Association of Philadelphia could not be reached for comment, the Associated Press reported.

Archer was also arraigned on charges of aggravated assault, assault of a law enforcement officer, recklessly endangering another person, possession of an instrument of crime with intent and weapons possession, Fox 29 reported.

The FBI is investigating two trips Archer made to the Middle East, a spokesman told Fox News late Friday.

Special Agent Eric Rouna said federal authorities are investigating a trip Archer made to Saudi Arabia in 2011 where the suspect spent “a couple” of weeks. Authorities are also seeking more information about the several months Archer spent in Egypt

This updated photo provided by the Philadelphia Police Department shows Edward Archer, who police say ambushed a Philadelphia police officer at point-blank range with a stolen gun (Philadelphia Police Department)
Rouna said law enforcement officials have plenty of time to investigate because the suspect is in custody and isn’t going anywhere.

Archer was caught in surveillance video ambushing Officer Jesse Hartnett in his squad car, shooting him multiple times, and claimed he acted “in the name of Islam,” police said at a news conference Friday.

Police Commissioner Richard Ross said the suspect’s gun, a 9mm Glock 17, had been stolen from police in 2013.

Captain James Clark revealed at the news conference that Archer told homicide investigators he “pledges his allegiance to Islamic State, he follows Allah, and that is the reason he was called upon to do this.” A law enforcement official told Fox News Archer was wearing “Muslim garb,” but the source didn’t elaborate.

Archer was in critical but stable condition at a hospital police said. Three bullets struck the officer in his left arm.

Valerie Holliday, Archer’s mother, insisted that her son would never do anything like this, according to the Philadelphia Inquirer. Holliday said Archer had been “hearing voices his head” and said that his family had sought psychiatric help for him.

Holliday told the Inquirer Archer is the oldest of seven children and a longtime devout Muslim.

“He turns to his God a lot,” she told the paper.

Holliday didn’t exactly connect Archer’s religious beliefs to his suspected shooting of Hartnett. She claims that Archer had suffered several head injuries while playing high school football and was in a moped accident years ago.

“He’s been getting worse,” she added. “He’s been talking to himself…laughing and mumbling.”

FBI and other law enforcement investigators searched his homes Friday, according to police. They say the suspect has addresses in Philadelphia and the suburb of Yeadon. He did not reveal whether he was engaged in a larger "conspiracy," Ross told reporters.

Police officials say the gun was reported stolen from an officer's home in October 2013 but they don't know how many people handled the weapon before Thursday's shooting.

Hartnett returned fire, Ross added. Doctors treated Archer for a gunshot wound.

"We are working side-by-side with the Philadelphia Police Department. They remain the lead agency as we work together to gather information about the attack on their officer," the FBI announced.

Hartnett is a four-year veteran of the Philadelphia Police Department.

"This is absolutely one of the scariest things I've ever seen," Ross said at a news conference a few hours later. "This guy tried to execute the police officer. The police officer had no idea he was coming."

The suspect ran away, but was quickly apprehended by other officers roughly a block away.

In a statement, Governor Tom Wolf said, "This alleged intentional act of violence against an officer seeking to help a fellow citizen is horrifying and has no place in Pennsylvania."

Jim Kenney, who is in his first week as mayor of the nation's fifth largest city, said, "There are just too many guns on the streets and I think our national government needs to do something about that."

His statement comes on the heels of President Barack Obama announcement on Tuesday of his plan to tighten control and enforcement of firearms in the United States.

no photo
Sat 01/09/16 02:39 PM
Edited by SassyEuro2 on Sat 01/09/16 02:40 PM
“He’s been getting worse,” she added. “He’s been talking to himself…laughing and mumbling.”

No he isn't.. He is asking his God if he is proud of him & how young are his 72 virgins.

Lpdon's photo
Sat 01/09/16 04:20 PM

s former Special Agent In Charge of the Presidential Detail Dan Bongino stated this officer is one BADA$$! Getting shot thirteen times, mortally wounded and managing to return fire!

Well, I applaud the officer as well, and also hope his attacker is somehow permanently dealt with. But the officer wasn't HIT thirteen times, the attacker fired thirteen shots. Minor detail, I know, but lets stay accurate here.

He was shot at 13 times and hit multiple times, some mortally.