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Topic: Gunman ambushes Philadelphia cop
IgorFrankensteen's photo
Sat 01/09/16 04:25 PM

s former Special Agent In Charge of the Presidential Detail Dan Bongino stated this officer is one BADA$$! Getting shot thirteen times, mortally wounded and managing to return fire!

Well, I applaud the officer as well, and also hope his attacker is somehow permanently dealt with. But the officer wasn't HIT thirteen times, the attacker fired thirteen shots. Minor detail, I know, but lets stay accurate here.

He was shot at 13 times and hit multiple times, some mortally.

Again, for accuracy, and meaning no disrespect:

current reports are that he was hit three times, NOT "mortally." When someone is hit mortally, it means they died. He's recovering, at last report. he was certainly wounded very badly, and might have died had he not had good and rapid care.

no photo
Sat 01/09/16 05:42 PM

I see that as has become all too common these days, the event itself is being wrapped inside of a plethora of alternate agendas, and thereby the factual truths to be found in it are being obscured.

This invariably leads to even MORE badly written laws being passed, and even MORE real problems going unaddressed.

1. This has nothing to do with Obama. Period.

2. This has nothing to do with any existing or proposed gun control regulations. The gun was stolen. The officer was armed, and fired back. Had no regulations existed, the event could still have occurred, and in fact, similar such events did occur (save that the name in which the vile assaults were committed have changed over time) in the past, many times.

3. The investigation is incomplete, so all we can do is make guesses about it based on other experiences. It does fit into a pattern where a mentally disturbed person finds an insane sort of relief from his mental unrest, by latching on to some external provocation, and then lashed out . In other words, we've seen many occasions where someone who was already "off" was either consciously used by forces of disruption, or by themselves decided to use the self-righteous posturing of others as an excuse to do something which they wanted to do anyway.

4. We have lots of people committing terrorist acts in the name of religion these days. Most of them are currently doing them in the name of Islam, but we have them being committed in the name of Christianity, or of American Freedom as well. The terrorist attack a short while back against a Planned Parenthood facility was one of those. That guy was ALSO already mentally "off," and found a sense of focus and personal purpose in following through with careless political attacks in the media. Identical to this person in every way, save that the American Christian attacker did more damage.

The thing is, when you analyze a problem incorrectly, in order to make yourself feel good about your own angers and prejudices, you will ALWAYS come up with a solution which wont fix anything. In fact, you are likely to CAUSE additional problems instead.
Well there ya go alleoops...the "All Knowing" one has spoken. There never was a need for this thread in the first place.

Hell....all you other forum posters sign out too. Why talk about anything at all...

Good Lord laugh

He's a friggin genius I tell ya. laugh

Lpdon's photo
Sun 01/10/16 08:22 AM

s former Special Agent In Charge of the Presidential Detail Dan Bongino stated this officer is one BADA$$! Getting shot thirteen times, mortally wounded and managing to return fire!

Well, I applaud the officer as well, and also hope his attacker is somehow permanently dealt with. But the officer wasn't HIT thirteen times, the attacker fired thirteen shots. Minor detail, I know, but lets stay accurate here.

He was shot at 13 times and hit multiple times, some mortally.

Again, for accuracy, and meaning no disrespect:

current reports are that he was hit three times, NOT "mortally." When someone is hit mortally, it means they died. He's recovering, at last report. he was certainly wounded very badly, and might have died had he not had good and rapid care.

Actually it doesn't. Mortally means a life threatening hit, it doesn't necessarily mean their dead.

no photo
Sun 01/10/16 01:07 PM
Edited by SassyEuro2 on Sun 01/10/16 01:09 PM

Wow...the Philly shooter is a liberal nightmare. He's Muslim....kills that whole "peaceful religion" crap. He's black. Too bad for the idiots at ‪#‎blacklivesmatter‬. He used an illegally obtained firearm. There goes that whole "we need expanded background checks to stop gun violence" narrative. Good thing he doesn't belong to the Other Crowd as well, or they would probably have to all be put on suicide watch. I'm sure they will still try as hard as they can to blame it on global warming, George Bush, the NRA and republicans though.via FB


Hummmm.... Didn't I mention Farrakhan & ' call out ' to ' stalk & kill cops '?

..Please hold.

While I initiate TRACKING of Nation of Islam aka:
* cough * Revered whoa Louis Farrakhan devil

18 hours ago

Revisiting Louis Farrakhan's Call for Followers to 'Stalk and Kill' Cops


Although the mayor of Philadelphia is loath to admit it, Islam did have something to do with Edward Archer's attempt on a Philadelphia officer's life Thursday. After his arrest for ambushing and shooting Philadelphia Police Officer Jesse Hartnett while he sat in his police cruiser, Archer told police that he was acting in the name of Islam.

The suspect, 30-year-old Edward Archer, also pledged allegiance to the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria when he was questioned after his arrest in the shooting late Thursday, police said.
According to a CBS News police source, 30-year-old Edward Archer is a U.S. citizen and has spent time in prison, which is where he may have converted to Islam.  In recent years, prisons have become veritable recruitment and training centers for jihadists. The Nation of Islam, known for their hatred of law enforcement officers, has a massive presence in America's prisons.

According to a police source, Archer traveled to Cairo, Egypt, and Saudi Arabia in 2011 and 2012.

His arrest record includes a 2013 arrest in Pennsylvania for illegal gun possession, for which he served little time.

Archer was tracked down by police in 2013 and faced bevy of charges that included aggravated assault, conspiracy, terroristic threats, simple assault and others that involved firearms. He pleaded guilty last year to carrying a gun without a license, a third-degree felony, and simple assault, a second-degree misdemeanor. The more severe charges were dropped in the plea deal.
According to court documents, Archer was sentenced to nine to 13 months in prison, was allowed to count time served and was immediately paroled. Records show he was originally arrested April 14, 2013 and was released April 30, 2013 after posting partial bail.

Police Commissioner Richard Ross characterized the attack on Officer Hartnett as "an attempted assassination."

"He just came out of nowhere and started firing on him," Ross said. "He just started firing with one aim and one aim only, to kill him."Who recently called on his followers to "stalk and kill" their enemies (meaning cops)?
“The Koran teaches persecution is worse than slaughter," Nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan preached on July 30 at Mt. Zion Baptist Church in Miami. "Then it says, retaliation is prescribed in matters of the slain. Retaliation is a prescription from God to calm the breaths of those whose children have been slain.”

In case it wasn't clear, he added, “We must rise up and kill those who kill us. Stalk them and kill them and let them feel the pain of death that we are feeling.”

I wondered at the time how it was possible that this influential black Muslim leader could get away with such inflammatory, hateful speech. In the United Kingdom, even pro-Sharia preacher Anjem Choudary occasionally faces jail time for his poisonous hate-mongering.

Yet here in America, Farrakhan is allowed to encourage the murder of white people without any repercussions, and his allies in the New Black Panther Party are allowed to flagrantly violate existing gun laws while Obama's Justice Department looks the other way.

In addition, last June, former New Black Panther Party chairman Malik Zulu Shabazz, a friend of Farrakhan,  told a group of about 200 African American Charlestonians that they needed to “finish the mission” of killing “slave masters” and their families.

Conrad_73's photo
Sun 01/10/16 01:52 PM

no photo
Sun 01/10/16 02:20 PM
Edited by SassyEuro2 on Sun 01/10/16 02:23 PM

Well him & his group are listed as a Hate Group for alot of reasons. devil

Anti American
Anti Israel
Anti Semitic
Anti Christian
Anti Cop
Anti Establishment
Anti Republic/ Anti Democracy

Gee did I forget any..?

Conrad_73's photo
Sun 01/10/16 02:29 PM

Well him & his group are listed as a Hate Group for alot of reasons. devil

Anti American
Anti Israel
Anti Semitic
Anti Christian
Anti Cop
Anti Establishment
Anti Republic/ Anti Democracy

Gee did I forget any..?

his Chicken will come home to roost very soon!

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