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Topic: Robert E. Lee - terrorist, claims New Orleans city council
mightymoe's photo
Thu 12/17/15 06:35 PM
One hundred and fifty years after the end of the US Civil War, New Orleans City Council voted 6-1 to remove statues of what some people call pro-slavery "traitors" and others call "Confederate heroes."

Council President Jason Williams and council members Jared Brossett, Susan Guidry, James Gray, LaToya Cantrell and Nadine Ramsey voted to take the monuments down. Council member Stacy Head was the only vote against the measure.

Thursday's long council meeting drew protesters from both sides and security had to be increased.

Mayor Mitch Landrieu has been talking about having the symbols removed for about a year, but requested to officially topple the statues a week after the Charleston Church shooting in June.

The massacre caused national uproar over the so-called Confederate symbols across the country.

Landrieu says New Orleans wants to present itself as a city that values culture and diversity, and big places in the city need to be reserved for that. He suggested the statues be moved to a more suitable space like a museum.

Legendary jazz musician Wynton Marsalis said that Virginian Robert E. Lee, commander of the "terrorist" Confederate army, in particular has no historic place in the city.

"This symbolic place in our city should represent a great New Orleanian, or it should be an open space that represents our latest prevail and how people helped us, not a person who had nothing to do with our city and who indeed fought against the United States of America and lost," Marsalis told WDSU.

The New Orleans Police Department had a strong presence in council chambers following last week's discussion which led to at least four people being escorted from the meeting.

As for what happens next, Mayor Mitch Landrieu's administration has said that a private donor has offered to pay for the monuments' removal but has not said when that will occur or where the monuments will be moved to.

i guess it's the "chocolate city", like they wanted.... no need for me to ever go back

Dodo_David's photo
Thu 12/17/15 06:39 PM
i guess it's the "chocolate city", like they wanted.... no need for me to ever go back


mightymoe's photo
Thu 12/17/15 06:49 PM
Edited by mightymoe on Thu 12/17/15 06:49 PM

i guess it's the "chocolate city", like they wanted.... no need for me to ever go back


ray nagin... the mayor during katrina...

no photo
Thu 12/17/15 06:53 PM
Well.. They are trying to erase & change history & will just chase more tax payers away.

I guess then they will beg for a bailout & start an 'initiative' like, New York, Chicago, Philadelphia, Baltimore.. etc. begging people to come back & PAY for them.

Achhh.. NO! noway

Dodo_David's photo
Thu 12/17/15 07:05 PM
You Humans certainly do know how to make mountains out of mole hills.

Why should people who aren't citizens of New Orleans even care about this topic?

no photo
Thu 12/17/15 07:15 PM

You Humans certainly do know how to make mountains out of mole hills.

Why should people who aren't citizens of New Orleans even care about this topic?

Why would a human say they are an alien & ask other humans why they care about preserving history & the culture of their nation. ? :tongue:

Dodo_David's photo
Thu 12/17/15 07:19 PM

You Humans certainly do know how to make mountains out of mole hills.

Why should people who aren't citizens of New Orleans even care about this topic?

Why would a human say they are an alien & ask other humans why they care about preserving history & the culture of their nation. ? :tongue:

Correction: I am an alien pretending to be a human . . .

. . . and the statues in New Orleans that are to be removed may very well end up as museum pieces.

no photo
Thu 12/17/15 07:29 PM
"" New Orleans shootings
come amid fraught year for
crime in city

The night began as it often does in the Big
Easy, with lively parties stretching from block
to block in the city's Upper Ninth Ward. It
ended in a neighborhood park where the
gunshots drowned out the music, sent
17 people, including a 10-year-old, to the
hospital and launched police on a citywide
manhunt for the perpetrators.
Hundreds of people witnessed the shooting
late Sunday in Bunny Friend Park, but Mayor
Mitch Landrieu said he's frustrated that few
have come forward to identify who committed
an act he likened to "domestic terrorism."
"At the end of the day it's really hard to police
against a bunch of guys who decide to pull
out guns and settle disputes with 300 people
between them," Landrieu said Monday.

The shootings have put an exclamation point
on a persistent crime problem that, a decade
after Hurricane Katrina, bedevils the city.""
Those damn statues! *shakes fist*


Dodo_David's photo
Thu 12/17/15 07:32 PM
I agree that the citizens of New Orleans may be making mountains out of mole hills by fussing about some statues, but it is their city to do with it as they wish.

KarinMCleaves's photo
Thu 12/17/15 07:36 PM
These idiots are rewriting history. How do you call people who were part of a civil war terrorist. The North burned how many southern cities to the ground. Wouldn't that be terroristic in todays thinking. How many women and children were killed in the south but the north. I am so sick of the far left wing nuts are destroying everything and expecting everyone to believe as they believe.

no photo
Thu 12/17/15 07:40 PM

I agree that the citizens of New Orleans may be making mountains out of mole hills by fussing about some statues, but it is fair that their white mayor does what's needed to keep getting elected by the black majority
Fixed it for ya...

KarinMCleaves's photo
Thu 12/17/15 07:42 PM
It's not just New Orleans doing this. Every left wing nut with an ax to grind is trying to get all monuments or anything with the Southern Battle flag removed from anywhere they are placed. The same as every atheist want's Christ taken out of Christmas. These changes started years ago, but they are snowballing now and running over everyone. Leave history alone. If you don't like southern history, move north. Better yet leave the country and leave our history alone.

Dodo_David's photo
Thu 12/17/15 07:48 PM
These idiots are rewriting history.

Yeah, they should rewrite history by pretending that the Confederates fought for a noble cause.

Fighting to preserve the enslavement of black Americans is nothing to be honored.

Anyway, what is happening in New Orleans may be unnecessary, but it is still harmless, since the people depicted by the statues will remain in the history books, and their images will remain in museums.

no photo
Thu 12/17/15 07:49 PM

It's not just New Orleans doing this. Every left wing nut with an ax to grind is trying to get all monuments or anything with the Southern Battle flag removed from anywhere they are placed. The same as every atheist want's Christ taken out of Christmas. These changes started years ago, but they are snowballing now and running over everyone. Leave history alone. If you don't like southern history, move north. Better yet leave the country and leave our history alone.

Mingle2 family,

I would like to introduce you to my long lost sister :thumbsup:


mightymoe's photo
Thu 12/17/15 07:49 PM

These idiots are rewriting history. How do you call people who were part of a civil war terrorist. The North burned how many southern cities to the ground. Wouldn't that be terroristic in todays thinking. How many women and children were killed in the south but the north. I am so sick of the far left wing nuts are destroying everything and expecting everyone to believe as they believe.

:thumbsup: drinker :thumbsup: drinker a lot of us are..

Dodo_David's photo
Thu 12/17/15 07:57 PM
Edited by Dodo_David on Thu 12/17/15 07:57 PM
It amazes me how some Humans fuss whenever anyone tries to relocate inanimate objects pertaining to people who tried to keep black Americans enslaved.

mightymoe's photo
Thu 12/17/15 08:01 PM

It amazes me how some Humans fuss whenever anyone tries to relocate inanimate objects pertaining to people who tried to keep black Americans enslaved.

that was a "side issue" for the civil war, it was not fought over slavery...

and either way, it's history... these people are the same as ISIS, destroying history and rewriting it to suit there needs...

Edmond Burke: “Those who don't know history are doomed to repeat it.”

no photo
Thu 12/17/15 08:01 PM
Fighting to preserve the enslavement of black Americans is nothing to be honored.

The South didn't fight to preserve slavery & let's be honest..the North didn't fight to free them.

Lincoln repeatedly provoked the South because they wanted to SECEDE from the Union, which was their right to do.

Freeing the slaves was a condition of surrender only so Lincoln would have financial support from Mary Todd Lincoln's rich friends.

Read his quotes on slavery. He NEVER had any intention of freeing anyone. He was a homosexual tyrant.

no photo
Thu 12/17/15 08:04 PM
It's sad to see the demise of America!
Between your Marxist government, the libtards and the politically correct crowd, America is being destroyed.
Time for another revolution?

IgorFrankensteen's photo
Thu 12/17/15 08:10 PM
Lee didn't lead a "terrorist army." How silly.

Then again, Lee was a proud Virginian, fighting for Virginia. His statue doesn't really belong on Louisiana STATE property.

This is an extension of the arguments about flying old flags of the Rebellion over State office buildings. It needs to be considered, I suppose.

Seems like a lot of work to go to though. And a lot of expense to take them down. Flags are one thing, historic statues are another.

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