Community > Posts By > KarinMCleaves

KarinMCleaves's photo
Thu 12/17/15 07:42 PM
It's not just New Orleans doing this. Every left wing nut with an ax to grind is trying to get all monuments or anything with the Southern Battle flag removed from anywhere they are placed. The same as every atheist want's Christ taken out of Christmas. These changes started years ago, but they are snowballing now and running over everyone. Leave history alone. If you don't like southern history, move north. Better yet leave the country and leave our history alone.

KarinMCleaves's photo
Thu 12/17/15 07:36 PM
These idiots are rewriting history. How do you call people who were part of a civil war terrorist. The North burned how many southern cities to the ground. Wouldn't that be terroristic in todays thinking. How many women and children were killed in the south but the north. I am so sick of the far left wing nuts are destroying everything and expecting everyone to believe as they believe.

KarinMCleaves's photo
Sun 11/22/15 01:07 PM
Every reply I have gotten has been from people claiming to live in Ohio but away working their own business or claim to be military working a peace keeping mission for NATO in Afghanistan or now Syria. I have had one ask for money and the name of my bank. I have had one claiming to be a General in the Army and needing a good woman to take care of his business when he retires as he is a wealthy man. The spelling is atrocious and the syntax is worse. The write English the way they speak it.

It's men and women doing this. They all use photos of very attractive people or pictures you can't really see. Check out their photos with TinEye or a photo reverse search.