Topic: Do you belive in God? Yes or No, why?
ladynluv2be's photo
Mon 10/22/07 01:55 PM
I believe in God and Know he exists. I died and talked to my son who had passed. but he told me I had to go back. I did not want to but I felt hands pushing me back down to earth. I do not go to church but I do have a relationship with God.

no photo
Mon 10/22/07 05:52 PM
Well Sincereman51. I will answer sincerely, as I find you are a very kind and easy person to like.

Everyone wants to think outside of earth, yet no one wants to use all that the earth has to offer. Picture this. One who chooses not to believe in God, would question who made God, without even getting to know about God.

People use a microwave, they do know how to use it, but do not know how it works. So you look online for how it works, are you even getting the correct answer? Or are you settling for the answer that you choose to believe? I didn't choose to believe in God. God chose me to know Him. I say this because I used to be anti-christ. Even in that sense, there was very little to no belief in this "God". Over time the events that took place in my life had no real meaning until I searched harder and discovered God. Come to find out, He has been there all along.

Now, I ask this. If you chose to believe everything in the Bible, could it make sense? Without trying to use influences from others and accepting that there are endless possibilities to this earth, could you believe the events that took place in the Bible were real?

If I tried to explain to you what a computer was 6,000 years ago, would you ever think one would exist? Does it mean that they do not exist? Yet the potential for one to exist has always been there, it was just a matter of time upon discovering how to create one and how it operates, correct?

Perhaps that was too far. My whole thing is, people want to learn about other planets, they want to see outside their own country, they want to travel to the moon and see the stars, yet they don't even know what lies within their own backyard. Who can explain why people are so different? Why do we not follow the same routines as animals? Why do we feel the need for purpose? Why do we even have dreams and often lead to a new discover? Why do we have feelings? If we are smart, why do we attempt the impossible? Why even work to buy things if we are going to die? What are we looking for?

If good and evil are seen by just morals influenced by a population that separates the two, why does murder or death always affect us the same if we are so different?

These questions are part of the reason why I believe. Because I found an answer that is acceptable to me. is a good site for some questions one might have. And if I get banned for mentioning this site, well...... I dunno.. Blow me or something. LOL

bright_eyes77's photo
Mon 10/22/07 05:56 PM
ummm I am not to sure I think if we do not pass this test here on earth we get reincarnated to come back and try again, meaning if you dont ful fill your life (suicide, killing someone else, dying young ect.) when you finally fulfil what was ment for you maybe you go to heaven and see god, but I also believe thats why we have (dae sha vu)<--however its spelled because it probally did happen before...thats my opinion

no photo
Mon 10/22/07 06:00 PM
Geeze louise! Nice BOOK!:tongue:

Anyway, I agree with you on the points about we look beyond what we have even though we haven't yet searched our own surroundings. BUT, I just wanted to know if you think there is life on other planets lol. People who believe in god always seem to say that EARTH is the only planet with life because god made it that way and well, that is a pile of crap(in my uh, humble opinion). I feel that it's quite small minded to think that we are the only life forms in this whole universe.

Note: I have no idea how this conversation went star trek so I'm sorry for that. Umm, live long and prosper and other fun things like that.drinker

no photo
Mon 10/22/07 06:58 PM
LOL I think you are a funny and cool guy. Don't ever take anything I say to you personally, because I know if we met up, we would probably be drinking buddies. (That is if I said anything that might sound offending from the topic before).

I guess I did misunderstand the question and did not answer directly. Here is an answer regarding my "book". Earth is the only place for life, from what we know. Why must we concern ourselves with other things that do not involve earth? See, from a Christian point of view, God does involve earth. Could there be life out there? Well anything is possible. Hell could be real and Heaven could be real. Me personally, cannot image what those places would be like. Although I am not going to say it isn't possible.

I have experienced some strange things, although they are not linked to life outside of earth regarding aliens. More or less of spirits. Until I see or experience this kind of thing, I will say there is no life outside of earth. Especially not some dang aliens with super high technology. Shoot, we got the PS3! We have the high technology!

no photo
Mon 10/22/07 07:08 PM
Ok, well I personally like to think about all sorts of things like that and I like to open my mind to things beyond our comfort zone. To me, religion is a way to keep a cage around people by using fear and punishment.
The bible is a book, a history book of sorts. Many things can be verified but many things also can't. So basically religion is just like ghosts and ufo's, everybody swears by it yet there is no proof that it exists. Nobody here on this site can prove it and that is a fact. They can just say that they believe and that they can feel something.

Hmm, now look, I went off the topic a little sheesh. Oh well, to each his own.drinker

seahawks's photo
Mon 10/22/07 07:12 PM
sometimes i wonder, if there is some sorta god we believe in why does he take the good ones, or let them suffer from some sort of deseases, and yet the evil people that do wrong live normal lives or get away with murder.!!!!

SadieJ's photo
Mon 10/22/07 07:13 PM
He made you Seahawks..flowerforyou

seahawks's photo
Mon 10/22/07 07:14 PM
brat.!!!! lol

SadieJ's photo
Mon 10/22/07 07:15 PM

no photo
Mon 10/22/07 07:16 PM
exactly! and what do the religious people say? They say that god has a plan for those people and THAT is a pile of crap.
People believe in god because thinking about death as being the complete end of their being in existance is scary. Such a totally final event (death) scares us all so to make it easier, we have devised god to send us to a wonderful and happy place. That of course is only one reason religion is so popular. The other reason has to do with money but I will not even begin on that because I just don't feel like debating this subject all night lol.

seahawks's photo
Mon 10/22/07 07:18 PM
cheers sincere man i hear ya.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

SadieJ's photo
Mon 10/22/07 07:19 PM
Well I've had the honor in the past 2 years to be at the side of 3 friends that have passed. The things they see and the people they talk to while they're on their way out is simply amazing!!! If death is the absolute end then how is it that all three talked to other people that had already gone?

Abracadabra's photo
Mon 10/22/07 07:24 PM
Yes, very much so.

But then, 'god' is a word and the word has many meanings. :wink:

If you ask me if i believe in religion, the answer is no.

no photo
Mon 10/22/07 07:25 PM
Do you mean they told you they saw things as they were dying? Well, if that is the case, it is because their brains were shutting down and that makes you see strange things. Obviously I am not a doctor but it is a proven fact that the brain has that effect.

seahawks's photo
Mon 10/22/07 07:25 PM

seahawks's photo
Mon 10/22/07 07:26 PM
no the religion thingy.

Fade2Black's photo
Mon 10/22/07 07:28 PM
Absolutely. Why? Because He changed my life from the inside out. No explanation other than His life changing mine. flowerforyou

no photo
Mon 10/22/07 07:30 PM
Not to be rude, but as I said before, I do not want to get caught up in this all night so I will just say that I am not falling for the GOD thing lol.

If believing in god gets you through your day, then more power to you! If it keeps you feeling loved and makes the world seem like a more happy place, again, more power to you.

I am not willing to believe in a fairy tale that nobody (and I mean NOBODY) can prove exists. As I said above, not one single person can prove it therefore, it does not exist. having faith and saying that you "just have to believe" is a 100% cop out.

If you want people to believe in god, my only request to you is PROVE IT!drinker

no photo
Mon 10/22/07 07:47 PM
Yes, I believe in God.

My best advice to everyone questioning Him, is from the words of the Pastor at the church I am attending out here, and my former pastor at my church back in SC. Read the BIBLE and read the word of GOD.

As for sinning. We were all born sinners. Jesus died for our sins. He forgives us of our sins. Nobody is perfect. We are all children of God. We are all brothers and sisters in Christ.

I am ashamed to admit this, but I have a nephew that is an Athiest. He attended church when he was young until his Mom and Dad got a divorce and he had a rough life when he was young also. I am really hoping that one day he will finally see the light and come to his senses. I have no idea where his head is. For those of you who believe, please pray for him. His name is Michael. Thanks friend. Another way to know that God is real. Look around you. What would be here if there were no GOD? I am amazed everyday when I see the beautiful trees, grass, flowers or any living thing, I know HE created it.
I know when you lose somebody dear to you, you may wonder why did GOD do this, or why this person. Well, he knows why, we aren't supposed to know. Just look at my niece. She had a stillborn baby in December 2005, a month before the baby was due. She never questioned GOD. But, through that little Angel, she has been blessed in other ways. She now has this other precious Angel who is 4 months old. Every baby is a miracle. Listen to the song by Brooks and Dunn "Believe". Really listen to it.

Another thing. There is Spiritual, Religious and there is just having God in your heart where all is well with you soul and mind. Everyone has there own thoughts. I pray you can find yours.