Topic: what do i do?
surrounded_but_alone's photo
Sun 10/21/07 05:50 PM
alright there is this girl i met the other night. i didn't really get to talk to her cause she was talking to someone else and then left. i think she looks very pretty( yea i sound like a sap but who cares) and would be a good person to try and get to know. the problem is i am not sure when i might see her again because she is a friend of my cousins friend, and my i hardly ever see my cousins friend. what should i do? should i sleep on it, or try to dig deeper to see if i could find anything out of it?

feralcatlady's photo
Sun 10/21/07 05:51 PM
I say go for long as she is single.....go for it.

surrounded_but_alone's photo
Sun 10/21/07 05:52 PM
well yea i know that i would never try to break up a relationship just to try and get someone.(i don't think that i would)

1956CLEO's photo
Sun 10/21/07 05:52 PM
I say you should go for it!

Puffins1958's photo
Sun 10/21/07 05:52 PM
I would definately find out if she is interested, you never know. She just might be....


wouldee's photo
Sun 10/21/07 05:53 PM
go for what you know, young buck! There's no other way!!!glasses :smile:

no photo
Sun 10/21/07 05:53 PM
get her contact info and go for it! good luck!

surrounded_but_alone's photo
Sun 10/21/07 05:56 PM
alright, as long as i can hold everyone that told me to go for it accountable if it doesn't work( ha ha i'm just messin around). although i am kinda shy what if that makes uninterested.

DaveyB's photo
Sun 10/21/07 05:58 PM
Do what my grandfather always told me. Just think what's the worst thing that could happen if you tried to contact her? And then is that "no" worse than not meeting the one that is really right for you?

surrounded_but_alone's photo
Sun 10/21/07 05:59 PM
i suppose you guy and gals are right. thanks for the help.

no photo
Sun 10/21/07 06:00 PM
You have nothing to lose. Get her number and give her a call.

no photo
Sun 10/21/07 06:01 PM
Yeah, see what you can find out. Information is better than no information.

wouldee's photo
Sun 10/21/07 06:04 PM
tell your cousin you are interested in this lady....Wildfires blow in the windbigsmile

Raineegirl's photo
Sun 10/21/07 06:06 PM
Let your cousin know you might be interested in this girl if she is unattached .... then wait and see if anything happens. Good luck.

surrounded_but_alone's photo
Sun 10/21/07 06:12 PM
yea i think that i will talk to my cousin about it. even though she would might not like it. i will still try to find out what i can. thanks people.

Drew07_2's photo
Sun 10/21/07 07:13 PM
Good luck. You never know what might happen and the worst that can happen is that you don't make a connection. And if that does happen, you've got a ton of company. Then again, it could be a great deal and work out well for you.

In either case, you won't know until you try. If you like her, you should give see what's there.

Again, good luck!
