Topic: It question time ladies lol
Jackmackie10's photo
Thu 11/26/15 06:33 AM

Is there anything wrong with dating a younger man.... I have been observin' this.. Most of the women in here always put age limit in there profile ans so on or am i the only one who had faces this guys?..

msharmony's photo
Thu 11/26/15 06:41 AM
goes back to personal taste

many love dating younger, or older, many just date whomever and dont care really

for me, my experience is that maturity is generally but not absolutely going to correspond with age

for my taste, I do not wish to start up with anyone who couldnt physically have been my kids father, being that my eldest is 23, that makes my personal cut off in the late thirties,,,

Dodo_David's photo
Thu 11/26/15 09:03 AM

Is there anything wrong with dating a younger man.... I have been observin' this.. Most of the women in here always put age limit in there profile ans so on or am i the only one who had faces this guys?..

Such an age limit isn't a problem for the woman who has one.
A woman has every right to such an age limit if she wants one.
So, what is the problem?

Annierooroo's photo
Thu 11/26/15 10:08 AM
For me I prefer to date men older than me.
That is within 5 years
The guys I have met that are older talk about retirement. Hell I'm to young for that. I want adventure.
I feel dating someone younger than me is like dating my brother or child depending on age.

TMommy's photo
Thu 11/26/15 10:34 AM
seem to get a lot of messages in the mid 50's and up range..

some are semi-retired or no longer working
they are looking for someone with a lot of free time

that is sooooooo NOT me noway noway slaphead

Jackmackie10's photo
Thu 11/26/15 11:48 AM

For me I prefer to date men older than me.
That is within 5 years
The guys I have met that are older talk about retirement. Hell I'm to young for that. I want adventure.
I feel dating someone younger than me is like dating my brother or child depending on age.

Annierooroo You cling to stereotypical ideas of What Young Men Are Like {aimless, non-committal, out just for sex.. Or You donโ€™t think a young man can appreciate you Wrong. Couldnโ€™t be more wrong.. Sure, some are. But these are not age-specific qualities my dear.

Jackmackie10's photo
Thu 11/26/15 11:50 AM

Is there anything wrong with dating a younger man.... I have been observin' this.. Most of the women in here always put age limit in there profile ans so on or am i the only one who had faces this guys?..

Such an age limit isn't a problem for the woman who has one.
A woman has every right to such an age limit if she wants one.
So, what is the problem?

I was thinkin that age don't count... When encountered with the one you like and wanna be with... But now i know what all these online dating is about.... Am new to this. An i was tryin to weight the pros and cons of dating someone older than me this time.. but i hope better luck will come next time lol

msharmony's photo
Thu 11/26/15 11:51 AM
I totally get what you are saying here

and in Real time, rules can be very different, because we dont generally encounter such large numbers of potential partners as we do on an internet site

which calls for more of a need to narrow down the choices in cyber space

as opposed to deciding on a case by case basis in real time

SparklingCrystal ๐Ÿ’–๐Ÿ’Ž's photo
Thu 11/26/15 11:52 AM
I got a lot of free time, but I don't want a bloke mid 50s or up.
That is soooooooo NOT me! I'm still way too young and playful

VioletTigress's photo
Thu 11/26/15 12:19 PM
NO, not all women want to date younger men.

7Kamek's photo
Thu 11/26/15 04:41 PM
Not everyone is going to want to date younger, but there are those who would like to. It's all individual. Everyone is entitled to their own standards, though. :thumbsup:

jarviep's photo
Thu 11/26/15 08:48 PM
msharmony narrowed it down for you pretty well.

When meeting someone in person it is not generally age that will attract, but what is in common to converse about or a certain activity.

Out in cyberland we do not always have this.

I personally have an age restriction on my email because all of the younger men who were contacting me were looking for one night stands and I am not a player. I may miss out on something good because of that but that is a chance I am willing to take.

I do not feel that a younger man may not have the maturity or intelligence. I just feel that the majority want something I do not.